Importance of Antiseptic and Disinfectants to Human Being

Antiseptics reduce the possibility of infection, or putrefaction by germs.

Some common antiseptics are:

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i. Methylated Spirit or Alcohol:

Used to disinfect the skin before injections are given.

ii. Boric Acid:


Used to treat yeast infections, and also used in creams for burns.

iii. Hydrogen Peroxide:

Used as very dilute solution to clean wounds and ulcers.

iv. Iodine:

Used as a pre- and post-operative antiseptic.

v. Phenol Compounds:

Used as a scrub’ for pre­operative hand cleansing. Used in the form of a powder as an antiseptic baby powder. Also used in mouthwashes.

vi. Sodium Chloride:


Used as a general cleanser. Sodium hypochlorite, Lyzol, Benzoic acid, mercurochrome in dilute solution are also used as antiseptic.


Disinfectants are frequently used in hospitals, dental surgeries, kitchens and bathrooms to kill infectious organisms. The choice of the disinfectant to be used depends on the particular situation. Some disinfectants have a wide spectrum (kill nearly all microorganisms). Some common disinfectants are:

i. Chlorine:

Used in drinking water.

ii. Chlorine Dioxide:

Used as an advanced disinfectant in drinking water.

iii. Alcohol usually Ethanol or Isopropanol:


Used over bruises on the skin and allowed to evaporate for quick disinfection.

iv. Hydrogen Peroxide:

Used in hospitals to disinfect surfaces.

v. Ozone:

A gas added to water for sanitation.

vi. Phenol:

The active ingredient in most bottles of ‘household disinfectant’. Phenol is probably the oldest disinfectant and was called carbolic acid in the early days of antiseptics.

vii. Potassium permanganate:

Used to disinfect utensils and glassware’s in laboratories.

viii. Sodium Hypochlorite:

Used in the home to disinfect drains and toilets.


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