Essay for Students on Alexander the Great

Complete essay on the biography of Alexander the Great. Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) was the king of Macedonia, conqueror of the Persian Empire, and one of the greatest military geniuses of all times.Alexander, born in Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia, was the son of Philip II, king of Macedonia, and of Olympias, a princess of Epirus. Aristotle was Alexander’s tutor; he gave Alexander a thorough training in rhetoric and literature and stimulated his interest in science, medicine, and philosophy.In the summer of 336 BC, Philip was assassinated, and Alexander ascended to the Macedonian throne. He found himself surrounded by enemies at home and threatened by rebellion abroad. Alexander disposed quickly of all conspirators and domestic enemies by ordering their execution. Then, he descended on Thessaly, where partisans of…
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Essay on the dropping of Atomic bomb on Japan

United States
Essay on the dropping of Atomic bomb on Japan. On August 6, 1945, a B-29 bomber named Enola Gay dropped an atomic bomb, on Hiroshima, Japan. Hiroshima had been almost eradicated with an estimated 70 – 80 thousand people killed.Three days later, a second, more powerful bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Nagasaki, killing over 100,000 people. Since Japan was economically and militarily devastated by the late summer of 1945, the use of the atomic bombs on Japan was unnecessary and unwarranted in bringing about a conclusion to the war in the Pacific. By the end of the war, the U.S. forces had pushed the Japanese far back into their country, leaving them no access to any resources. Japanese cities and factories were being endlessly bombarded by American…
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303 words essay on A Visit to a Religious Place

303 words essay on A Visit to a Religious Place. India has been a centre of religions from ages. People of different faiths and religions live here. They have their different religious places. They are scattered from north to south and east to west. They have their own importance.During the winter break I got an opportunity to visit Allahabad. Allahabad is an important place of worship for the Hindus. It is in the Allahabad the two sacred rivers—Ganga and Yamuna—meet each other. It is believed another holy river Saraswati flowing as underground current meets with the Ganga and the Yamuna, forming Triveni. The Hindus believe that a bath at Triveni Sangam makes a Hindu free from sin.I visited Allahabad during the Kumbh Mela. Kumbh Mela is held at four places…
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530 Words Essay on Self-Confidence

530 Words Essay on Self-Confidence.Self-confidence denotes the lofty heights of courage, self- confidence measures a person’s confidence that his stand is infallible; self-confidence underlines a person’s magnetism, his aura of personality, which are quite essential to his victory. ADVERTISEMENTS: It may be argued that even a person given to sinful ways has self-confidence. Sometimes a liar escapes detection, for, he has the supreme self-confidence to assert himself and fool others. Even a famous politician, who is in the highest state of social life, hoodwinks people by misusing his influence and power. He has extreme self-confidence and he is able to beguile others. Truthfulness, honesty, patience, compassion, love etc. are positive qualities while anger, deception, dishonesty, untruthfulness ex. are negative qualities. We should avoid negative qualities and develop positive qualities. Self-confidence…
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513 words short essay on The Value of Discipline

Free sample essay on The Value of Discipline. Discipline is the first law of nature. The sun rises and brings the day. It sets and there is night and the moon and the stars are visible. Thus the day and the night alternate to each other. The months and seasons come by rotation. There is no scramble for out maneuvering one another. The elements and compounds all follow their natural prop­erties. The earth revolves round the sun unfailingly and the Law of Gravitation and other such natural laws hold their ground eternally.Man is a part and parcel of nature. He is also a unit, a unity in the social fabric. Just as if there were no strict adherence to laws by objects of nature, there would be complete chaos, if…
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Essay for students on My Favorite Leader (Free to read)

Essay for students on My Favorite Leader (Free to read). All of us have the human tendency to be enamored of a particular leader, mostly a political leader. Sometimes, that particular leader may also be a favorite figure in history.In all cases, that particular leader must be having some qualities which appeal to us overwhelmingly. I like many leaders who have done much for mankind or for our country. But my favorite leader is Pundit Jawaharlal Lai Nehru.Jawaharlal Lai Nehru was born at Allahabad on 14th November, 1989. The name of his father was Sheri Motif Lai Nehru who was a famous lawyer of his time. Pundit Nehru had his early education at home. Then he was sent to a public school at Harrow in England. He was a brilliant…
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432 Words Essay on Fortune favours the Brave

The lesson of this proverb is repeated in different ways in other similar popular sayings, such as, “Faint heart never won fair lady”, Nothing venture, nothing have”, “He that watches the clouds will not sow”. They all teach that courage is necessary to success, and that timidity and over-diffidence spell failure.And there is no doubt that, although many examples could be given of brave men whose courage has not brought them success (for example, those of Franklin and others who set out to reach the North Pole and perished in the attempt), there is a great deal of truth in these proverbs, as a few examples will show. ADVERTISEMENTS: Take the case of Christopher Columbus, who ventured out on an unknown ocean in a little ship to prove his theory…
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Essay on Political Customs and Usages of Constitutions

United States
What habit is to the individual, usage is to the State; nations, like men, get into the habit of doing things in a given way. Habit then hardens into usage, which becomes difficult to change.The political customs and usages, which have their basis neither in laws nor in judicial decisions, are essential parts of the basic framework of the fundamental rules of the government in every country. They modernise, amend and democratise the otherwise rigid constitutions. ADVERTISEMENTS: But there are two considerations in this respect. The first is that customs play an important part in the case of old rather than of new constitutions. Secondly, customs develop and thrive in countries where the inhabitants cherish respect for the past and a higher regard for precedents. In India, there is no…
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662 Words Short Essay on Loyalty

Loyalty is one of those terms which have departed most widely from their original meaning. By derivation loyalty means fidelity to law; but it has come to be used to express devoted fidelity not to the law, but to a king or other master. It is not difficult to see how this change of meaning was brought about.In old times, before the growth of republican ideas had begun to oppose the doctrine of divine right, the sovereign was regarded as the embodiment of law, and devotion to him was therefore called loyalty.But as time went on and new political opinions spread among the nations of the earth, it became apparent that there might be a conflict between devotion to the king and de­votion to the laws. ADVERTISEMENTS: This was conspicuously…
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Essay on the Theory of Constituent Assembly

United States
The theory of a special representative assembly to frame the constitution is the product of democratic revolutions of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.It originated during the English Revolution of the seventeenth century, when the Levelers placed before the Army Council, in 1648 and 1649, two Agreements embodying the proposals for a representative assembly which “should draw up foundations of just government.”While Britain set the precedent for modem, written and rigid constitutions, she had herself recovered her normal temper, and not adhered to the Revolutionary method. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: The practical application of the doctrine of a representative assembly to frame the constitution found its first expression in the Philadelphia Convention, when the delegates of the original Thirteen States met to frame a constitution for the United States of America.The…
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