Essay on Relationship Between Sociology and Philosophy

Essay on Relationship Between Sociology and Philosophy– Historically, sociology has its closest relationship with philosophy.Sociology was once called one of the branches of philosophy, i.e., at a time when philosophy was regarded as the mother of all the sciences. In the 19th century, psychology, or the science of human behaviour; and sociology, or the science of human society, emerged out of philosophy as independent sciences.What had once been called the mental philosophy, or the philosophy of mind, became the science of sociology, and what had once been social philosophy, or the philosophy of history, became the science of sociology. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: The word ‘philosophy’ is derived from Greek language and it literally means ‘love of wisdom’. Philosophy is concerned with the task of acquiring knowledge regarding the causes…
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Short Article on “A Stitch in the time Saves Nine”

The proverb, ‘A stitch in time saves nine‘ is applicable to a host of situations.This proverb literally means that if one does not immediately sew a small hole in a garment eventually the small hole will take on the proportions of a big tear and the garment might end beyond the state of repair. ADVERTISEMENTS: So it goes to say that it is better to deal with trouble when it first appears rather than put it off for later when it will be more difficult to deal with.Most times, we tend to neglect small things pushing them to the back of our minds, this neglect later result in bigger losses. If there is a crack in the ceiling it is prudent to have it repaired immediately before it turns into…
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3 Important Characteristics of “Political Development”

Lucian Pye isolates the following characteristics of political development, which seem to be most widely held features of political development- the Development Syndrome. (1) Equality: Various approaches accept that spirit or attitude of equality is an aspect of political development. Equal and popular participation in politics, active citizenship and popular rule constitute the variables of political development. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: It also involves the concept of equal and objective application of laws to all citizens i.e. rule of law involving application of all laws to all the citizens rich and poor, and strong and weak. It also includes the concept of political recruitment based on merit and performance, and not on ascriptive consideration. (2) Capacity: Capacity of a political system is again a theme held by most of the…
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3 Important Ideological Theories of Marxist Approach to Study Political Science

Marxian Approach is based on several ideological theories which were formulated by Karl Marx and Engels. 1. Dialectical Materialism: Dialectical Materialism is Marxist philosophy. It constitutes the philosophical foundations of the Marxian Approach. According to Marx what is real is matter and ideas are manifestations of matter i.e. material conditions of society. ADVERTISEMENTS: Marx adopted the laws of dialectical evolution, as developed by Hegel, and applied them to the field of matter. According to Karl Marx, matter, in the form of material forces evolves according to the three laws of dialectics:(i) The Law of Transformation, (ii) The Law of Unity of Opposites, and (iii) The Law of Negation of Negation. Image Source: The Law of Transformation: The first law, when applied to the field of social evolution, specifies that…
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4 Important Stages Involved in the “Evolution of Political Sociology”

Important Stages Involved in the Evolution of Political Sociology are given below: (i) Classical Period: Even in times very ancient, during the Greek and Roman times, man was considered to be a social and political animal by several eminent political philosophers like Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, St. Augustine and Aquinas. In his work ‘the Republic’, Plato clearly wrote that state performs the function of maintaining law, order and justice in society.Likewise, the father of Political Science, Aristotle wrote in his work Politics that family was the root from which the state had its origin. He defined state as a community of families and villages having for its end a happy, prosperous and self-sufficient life. ADVERTISEMENTS: In the medieval period, St. Augustine also argued that society was guided by the divine principles.…
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What is the Role of a Hospital Consultant when Planning a New Hospital?

Of utmost importance in planning a new hospital or addition of new facilities in an existing hospital, is the utilisation of a competent hospital administrator-consultant. image source: wwwdotcokergroupreportdotcom.files.wordpress.comIn Europe and USA, a class of professionals called the “hospital consultant” has emerged separate from the professional hospital adminis­trator. ADVERTISEMENTS: It is a matter of debate whether such strict comport- metallization is useful, or even necessary.A professional trained as a hospital administrator with adequate experience can profitably combine the job of hospital consultant and administrator. Such a professional is referred to here as a “hospital consultant”.An experienced hospital consultant would have had opportunities to study the operation of many hospitals and similar institutions, to work in different kinds of situations and to compare ideas and developments with others in the medical care…
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Essay on Opposing Views Concerning the Nature of the Community

Essay on Opposing Views Concerning the Nature of the Community !The nature of the biotic community has been the subject of study and dispute for years. There are following two opposing views concerning the nature of the community: the organismic school and the individualistic school. image source: 1. The Organismic School: This approach is developed by Clements (I916) and supported by ecologists such as Daubenmire (1966, 1968) and Langford and Buell (1969). The organism viewpoint regards the community as a sort of superior organism, the highest stage in the organiza­tion of the living world—rising from cell to tissue, organs, organ systems, organisms, population, and community. ADVERTISEMENTS: The whole is more than the sum of its parts. Just as tissues have certain characteristics and function above and beyond those of…
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Essay on Overlapping Niches and Niche Separation (468 Words)

Essay on Overlapping Niches and Niche Separation !Though two popula­tions cannot coexist in a given habitat with precisely the same niche, it is highly probable that the niches of different populations will show varying degrees of overlap. image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: This occurs when two organi­sms use the same resource, such as food. Thus the concept of the niche is clo­sely associated with the concept of competitive exclusion and competitive relationships among spices (see chapter 16).Basically, Gause Principle or competitive exclusion theory states that no two species persist in the same niche. Either one becomes extinct, through natural selection; diverge into different niches. The latter phenomenon is called niche separation. Consider, for example, two species of plants that are able to grow in saline water, as in salt marsh.Species A…
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14 Most Important Fundamental Principles of Juvenile Justice and Protection of Children

Rule 3 of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Rules, 2007 provides the following principles of Juvenile Justice and Protection of Children:(I) Principle of presumption of innocence:(a) A juvenile or child or juvenile in conflict with law is presumed to be innocent of any mala fide or criminal intent up to the age of eighteen years. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: (b) The juvenile’s or juveniles in conflict with law or child’s right to presumption of innocence shall be respected throughout the process of justice and protection from the initial contact to alternative care, including aftercare.(c) Any unlawful conduct of a juvenile or a child or a juvenile in conflict with law which is done for survival, or is due to environmental or situational factors or is done under…
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Short Essay on the Relationship between Power and Authority in House's Path-Goal Model

Relationship between Power and Authority in House’s Path-goal Model are given below:Though there is quite a difference between the two terms ‘power and authority’, but they are used synonymously. It is mainly because of their common objective of influencing the behaviour of others. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Power is the ability (potential- or actual) to impose ones will on others outside the formal organisation relationships, i.e., it is the ability ,of one person to affect the behaviour of someone else through the use of some means other than the use of some means other than the use of authority.Therefore, power, unlike authority, is influence that is based on organizational position, consequently, it should be noted that power applies to any inter-personal influence that exists outside the bounds of formal organizational…
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