What are the Amendments made in the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955?
History of the Amendment: Under the original Bill (Marriage Laws Amendment Bill), 1974 it was proposed to omit the words “on a petition presented by either party thereto”. The object of the proposal was to enable third parties (i.e. strangers to the marriage) to seek relief under s. 11. For instance, when A first marries Ă‚ and then marries Ă‘, Ă‚ is a stranger to the second marriage. Image Source: images.speakingtree.iimg.inIt was held in Kedar Nath v. Smt. Suparva, AIR 1963 Pat. 311, that the first wife Ă‚ cannot present a petition under s. 11 for a declaration of nullity of A’s marriage with C. The proposal was intended to supersede the decision. It was opposed by the Law Commission and has been dropped. So under the Amended section also…