Letter Addressed to the Electricity Department for Surrendering the Meter

From DateTo The Manager, Consumer Grievance cell. (Address) (Company Name)Re: Surrendering of meter No. ____________ Consumer No.____________ Meter type and ____________Reference installed at the premises No. ____________. ADVERTISEMENTS: Dear Sir,Kindly be informed that I have decided to wind up establishment housed at the premises ____________No. ____________on and accordingly I will not be needing supply of electricity from the meter in question to the above premises as ____________from (i.e., from the next date of winding up the establishment). It is, therefore, requested to arrange to take out the said meter from the above premises.Original of last electricity bill for the month ____________, of paid by me is enclosed. Kindly see that the cheque in respect of the amount of security deposit lying with your corporation against your meter together with interest…
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Complaint Letter Police Regarding the Spate in Crime in Your City

To The Commissioner, Police Headquarters, (Address) (Date)Sir,With deep regret, one has to complain that in the recent months, ____________ (Place) has become the most dangerous city to inhabit with dacoity, theft, abduction and rape increasing in dangerous proportions. As a citizen, who has been living in ____________ (Place Name) since ____________ (Year) I am compelled to say that____________ (Place Name) has lost the charm and am just a Skelton of its origi­nal self. Moreover the immigrant problem is increasing by huge proportion and the migrant labour from the neighbouring states has also resulted in the pathetic state of ____________ (Place). In spite of tall claims by Police, nothing substantial has been done to control the crime. It is high time that the Police Department should do something drastic to control…
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Letter to the Municipality Regarding Improper Water-Supply

To The Chairman, (Municipality Corporation Name) (Address) (Date)Sir,This is to draw your attention towards the improper wa­ter supply in east of ____________ (Name) locality since ____________ (Date). In the morning time the water supply is for meager half- an-hour, instead of the regular three hours and during the evening, sometimes there is no water supply and when water is supplied, it is for just fifteen minutes. As a result, there is an acute crisis of drinking water, as the water pressure is very low. At times, the water is so dirty that it cannot be used for drinking purposes. The pump station people say that there is no adequate supply for the station to re-supply water. It has now been nearing a week causing inconvenience to the residents of the…
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Complaint Letter Regarding Misbehaviour done by a Bus Conductor

To The Concerned Authority, The Ministry of Surface Transport, (Address) (Date)Sir, ADVERTISEMENTS: I would like to draw your attention towards the high­handed attitude of bus staff plying on the bus route No. ____________, bus no. ____________, plying between ____________ (Place) to____________ (Place) in the evening of ____________ (Date), around ____________ (Time). Since two buses on the same route were ply­ing, it seemed that the above mentioned Bus No. ____________ was in a hurry to reach its destination. At ____________ (Place Name) stop, three of a family boarded the bus, when the bus started-off, leaving the other two members who were aged, to run around 100mts to board the bus. When these elderly males started telling the conductor about his misdoings, he started hurling the worst of the abuses without caring…
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Sample Request Letter for Opening a Municipal Dispensary

To The Commissioner, Municipal Corporation (Address)Sir,I, on behalf of the inhabitants of the ­­­­____________ (Place Name), respectfully request you to open a municipal dispensary in the village. ADVERTISEMENTS: The nearest dispensary is at a distance of about five km and it is difficult for the inhabitants of this small village to avail themselves of the medical aid in case of emergency.If you are kind enough to open a local dispensary, the people will be saved from going so far for the medicines.At present they simply depend on the quacks which, you will agree, is not in the interest of inhabitants. I am sure you will take necessary steps in the matter and help the poor villagers. Thanking you,Yours faithfully, (Secretary Rural uplift Committee,) (Address) Image Source: images1.laweekly.com
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307 Words Paragraph on "A Stitch in Time Saves Nine"

Action at the right and required moment saves a lot of bother in future. Delayed action, adds to the problems and aggravate them, where after it becomes so difficult to deal with them or tackle them. This saying has a very rational meaning.Your shirt gets a little torn at a place as you scratched against a thorny bush. Just on reaching home you take it to the darner it may even be your mother and sister and she just nicely puts a few stitches and it all looks in order.If that is not done in time the torn part may further increase and then it may become difficult to repair it and give it the decent wearable look. One catches cold and develops a sore throat. You at once soothe…
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What Condition must be fulfilled in India to entitle a Decree-holder to claim Rateable Distribution and Participate in the Assets of the Judgment-debtor?

The object of Section 73. C.P.C., which provides for the distribution of proceeds of execution sale rateable amongst the decree-holders, is to provide a cheap and expeditious remedy for the execution of money decree held against the same judgment-debtor by adjusting the claims of rival decree-holders without the necessity for separate proceedings.On the one hand, it prevents unnecessary multiplicity of executing proceedings, and on the other hand, it secures an equitable administration of the property by placing all the decree-holders upon the same footing making all the property rateably divisible among them.The material portion of Section 73 reads: “Where assets are held by a court and more persons than one have, before the receipt of such assets, made application to the court for the execution of decree for the payment…
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What is a Garnishee Order and How is it Enforced in India?

Garnishee means a judgment-debtor’s debtor. He is a person who is liable either to pay debt to a judgment-debtor or account for any movable property not in the possession of the judgment-debtor.The debt must be one other than a debt secured by a mortgage, a charge, a negotiable instrument, or a debt recovered only in a revenue court.A garnishee order is an order which a court is authorized to make against a garnishee-judgment debtor’s requiring him to pay or deliver in court the amount due from or the property deliverable by him to the judgment-debtor or so much as may be sufficient to satisfy the decree and the cost of execution. nahoumlaw.com ADVERTISEMENTS: The court may in the case of debt (other than a debt secured by a mortgage or…
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Letter of Reminder to the Insurance Company for Immediate Payment of Maturity Value of Insurance Policy

From (Name) (Address) (Date)To The Branch Manager (Insurance Company Name) (Address) (Date)Ref: Abnormal delay in payment of maturity value of my Endowment Policy No ____________. ADVERTISEMENTS: Dear Sir,As asked for vide your letter No ____________ dated ____________, I had sent the necessary documents to you under cover of my letter dated ____________ so as to enable you to send the matured value of my above Policy for crediting to my Savings Account, as mentioned in my said letter.But, to my utter disappointment, I regret to inform you that your office has not taken any action so far in sending the matured value of the Policy although ____________ (No. of months) have already elapsed.Also my several visits to your office in person impressing upon your concerned dealing official to take immediate…
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4 Sample Letters regarding claim on a Policy as a consequence of Husbands death

1. Letter regarding claim on a Policy as a consequence of Husband death To, The Divisional Manager, (Insurance Company Name) (Address) (Date)Dear Sir,Ref: Policy Number ____________, ____________ (Date) ADVERTISEMENTS: With great pain, I would like to intimate you of the unex­pected and untimely death of my husband, ____________ (Husband Name), on ____________ (Date). His death was due to a sudden attack on the day before ____________ (Date), the copy of the medical report is enclosed herewith for your information. He breathed his last at the ____________ (Hospital Name), ____________ (Address). Being a legal heir to the late ____________ (Husband Name), I request you to send me the necessary papers to enable me to claim the amount of the above policy.I’m sure you will be considerate enough to realise that an…
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