593 Words Essay on A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

Someone has very aptly and wisely said that a stitch in time saves nine. It contains an invaluable piece of sane advice, which we constantly hear from our teachers in school and elders at home. This highly useful, didactic dictate applies to every field of activity.It implies that work done in time saves a lot of labour, later on. To illustrate it further, it can be said that suppose there is a tear in your shirt, the wisest thing is to stitch it up without any delay, otherwise there will be tears all the way down, which would require a lot more labour and time to put a patch on it. And the final effect too would not be as tidy as it would have been, if it had been…
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464 Words Essay on a Fire Accident

It was 4 o’clock in the afternoon. I was busy in doing my lessons and homework. Mother was engaged in the kitchen, preparing tea for me. Suddenly, there were shout and cries and a lot of confused noise. Immediately I rushed out to find out what was all that. I was told that the juggins in the neighborhood were in flames. They had caught fire and it was raging dangerously.I ran to the place where the fire was raging. I found all the juggins on fire. The women, children and men of these huts and juggins were simply crying, shouting and wailing helplessly. A big crowd had collected. Amidst hue and cry some of the people were throwing water, others were throwing dust, and still others beat the fire with…
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419 Words Essay on my First Flight by Aeroplane

My father took us on a pleasure trip to Katmandu, the Capital of Nepal. We went by air. We had got reservation of tickets long in advance. We reached India Gandhi International Airport two and half-hours earlier than the scheduled flight-time. We had to complete some customs and other formalities before emplaning.Our plane was ready for flight. It was a very big and spacious aeroplane with luxurious seats. It looked so royal, impressive and wonderful. It was for the first time that 1 had seen aeroplanes. I was really excited and full of many expectations. Our seats were near the windows, which gave us a fine view of the outside world.The pilot started the engines which gave out a loud roar, and then it began to move. Soon it was…
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324 Words Essay on Ozone Layer

Essay on Ozone Layer (324 Words)Have you ever suffered from sunburn? This burning of the skin is caused by ultraviolet (UV) light from the Sun. Serious burning is not only painful, but it may cause skin cancer. Fortunately, almost all of the harmful UV radiation is absorbed by a layer of ozone gas 20 – 50 km above the Earth. The ozone layer is a layer in Earth’s atmosphere. ADVERTISEMENTS: It contains relatively high concentrations of ozone. This layer absorbs 97- 99% of the sun’s high frequency ultraviolet light, which is potentially damaging to life on Earth. However, ozone is a form of oxygen that can be destroyed easily by certain man- made chemicals.In 1987, the leading industrial countries agreed to phase out these chemicals. Even so, satellites have shown…
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305 Words Short Essay on a Journey by Bus

It is generally said that a journey by bus is not so thrilling as one by train or aero plane is. However, I had quite a pleasant experience of the journey by bus which I undertook last Sunday. The week before Sunday had been a very hot one. My parents decided to spend a week at Shimla. We boarded the bus from Chandigarh to go to Shimla. We reached the bus stand early in the morning. My father had to stand in a queue for some minutes to buy the tickets. Meanwhile, we killed the time by sitting on a bench near the queue. Hardly had father bought the tickets at the booking window when the bus bound for Shimla came. We boarded it immediately. I was feeling a thrill…
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148 Words Essay on Handsome Is That Handsome Does

Almost everybody loves beauty in one form or the other. Most of us get captivated when we see beauty in physical form. Thus we love to see a beautiful girl, child, animal, plant or even scenery.We love the sight of a handsome young man. There is nothing wrong in beholding physical beauty in a platonic mood of mind. On the other hand, a person may be ugly or he may be unattractive physically. He may not even be able to express himself Medical scientists tell us that certain people, particularly children, intelligent otherwise, may not be able to express themselves and seem dullards, as they suffer from a malady known as ‘dyslexia.Experts list even the celebrated scientists Edison and Einstein among such people. Thus, real beauty is inner beauty, may…
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202 Words Short Essay on Slow and Steady Wins the Race

The modern life is a life of rush and hurry, stress and strain. The world has grown so materialistic that everybody wants to make a quick buck by hook or by crook, even by throwing all norms of truth, sincerity, love, kinship, friendship, etc. to the winds.This, however, cannot be said to be the real way to success. A man who tries to find short-cuts to success, ultimately lands himself only in a blind alley. This is where this rat race for money leads us. The proverbial race between the hare and the tortoise is well- known.The hare is too fast and takes long jumps and strides but he loves comfort, luxury and resting on his oars. The easy success has made him haughty and careless. The tortoise is slow…
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266 Words Short Essay on Man and Machine

Man is a machine no doubt. He is a marvelous piece of work. The only difference is that man has got life and consciousness which machines don’t have. The machines are time-saving devices. They increase man’s life and, if properly used, they add comfort to man’s life. Such are innumerable electrical and electronic devices.However, when we use machines as labor-saving devices, we are also prone to cause unemployment on a large-scale. When one machine is used to do the jobs of a number of people, naturally, many hands will become surplus. So, this is the tendency of throwing the workers on the roads for which Gandhiji criticized machines, otherwise he was not opposed to them. Let us have a look at his own words.“I am not fighting machinery as such…
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267 Words Essay on the Autobiography of a Five Rupee Coin

Coins have been in use since long. Previously there were pice, annas, two anna pieces, four anna pieces, eight anna pieces and rupee. Later came two rupee coins. I was introduced only a few years ago. I’m comparatively a heavy coin.I’m round in shape with a double layer of metal. On one side, I’ve the three-lion mark with the words India and on the other, the bold figure 5 with the word rupees in English and in Hindi and the year of my coinage. As I came out of the mint, I was brand new. First, I was sent into a bank. The first customer who got me was very happy. He kept it in his cash box and then gave it away to a shopkeeper.The shopkeeper gave me to…
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376 Words Short Essay on the Animal World

Scientific and archaeological discoveries tell us that man has probably emerged from animals through the process of evolution. ‘The Origin of Species’, the world famous work by Darwin, specifically highlights this point, may be more theoretically and philosophically than scientifically.If we look at the human body carefully, we learn that even at present man is not much different from animals in various aspects. At best, he is an evolved animal. The animals are like human beings in many respects. They have feelings like us. They feel heat and cold and pain like us. They love, hate and fear like human beings. They do not have a developed brain.Hence, probably they cannot think. The toughest thing against them is that if they cannot speak and express their views. If they could…
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