586 Words Essay on Boxing

Essay on Boxing (586 Words):Boxing is a combat sport and involves fighting with the fists. Boxing rivalry means two or more fights between the same fighters. Boxing first appeared in the Olympic games in 1904, and was part of the Games ever since, except in the 1912 Olympic games.Before the beginning of the bout, the contracts and the medical exam reports must be in order. For every fight from the Minimum up to the Welterweight division, the eight (8) ounce gloves are used. For every bout from the Super welterweight up to the Heavyweight division, ten (10) ounce gloves must be used. The bandage must be of crepe or gauze, and their length shall be enough to protect the boxer’s hands. ADVERTISEMENTS: The adhesive tape shall be no more than…
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586 Words Essay on basketball – a sport of agility and endurance

Essay on Basketball – A Sport of Agility and EnduranceBasketball is a sport of agility and endurance that develops by hand and eye co-ordination. Dr. James Naismith of Ontario, Canada invented the game in 1891. Basketball even overtakes baseball as the unofficial American pastime.Though the basketball rules have been modified over time, the essential principles remain the same. The team that has the ball is the offence and the opposing team becomes the defence. The offence has to get the ball through the opposing team’s basket as much as possible and the defence has to stop them from doing so. That’s the basketball rule in a nutshell. The offence positions the players to take a shot, that is, throw the ball through the hoop. In the defence positions players block…
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613 Words Essay on Elections Foundation of Democracy

613 Words Essay on Elections Foundation of Democracy Or The Benchmark of Elections.Elections form the foundation of democracy. They are the central institution of democratic representative governments. It is not only legal but also a moral responsibility of a democratic nation to hold free and fair elections. It is true that all modern democracies hold elections. But, at the same time, it is also true that all elections are not democratic. Right-wing dictatorships, communalist, and single-party governments also stage elections to establish their rule. Such parties may represent only one candidate or a list of candidates.Such circumstances allow no alternative choices to the voter. Though such elections may offer several candidates for each office, it is usually ensured through pressure or supports that only the government approved candidate is chosen.…
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Psychology Question Bank – 832 MCQs on "Forgetting" – Part 5

832 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers on “Forgetting” for Psychology Students – Part 5401. For Kantor, emotion is a different kind of interaction that may be designated as: (a) No response behaviour segment ADVERTISEMENTS: (b) No stimulus behaviour segment(c) Acute feeling segment(d) Mild feeling segment402. Reactional Biography refers to a sense of previous interactions that a person had with different: ADVERTISEMENTS: (a) Response objects(b) Stimulus objects(c) Situational factors(d) Social factors ADVERTISEMENTS: 403. The famous book “Social Learning Theory” (1977) was published by: (a) J. B. Watson(b) Albert Bandura(c) Mc Dougall(d) J. R. Kantor 404. Who viewed that human behaviour can be easily understood as a function of reciprocal interaction of behavioural, cognitive and environmental determinants? (a) Albert Bandura(b) Mc Dougall(c) C. G. Jung(d) J. B. Watson405. Which practice is…
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Short Summary of “If” by Rudyard Kipling

The poet in his poem is providing an inspirational insight for the readers to remain humble, soft, and tender and avoid the extremes and live up to all the opportunities of life wherever one can muster any joys of life. It is important to remain humble and live with pride.As per the poet, it is important to live with your head up when you are winning no matter others are losing. It is important to maintain the calm and cool if the losers who are unable to keep their heads up blames upon you for their loss. One should also keep no place for doubts in our endeavors no matter others are pointing the fingers of doubt.However, just ignoring their notion of doubt is not the solution. One should also…
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Letter to School Principal Stating Your Unavailability During the College Function

To, The Principal, (Address) (Date)Respected Sir,With due regret I would like to state that as there is a death of a close family member and I’m in a state of mourning, it will not deem fit of me to attend the Annual College Function, which I was hoping to enjoy and pre­paring to participate in some of the events. The sudden turn of events has completely shaken me up so badly, that as best I cannot bring myself to terms under such adverse situations. I hope your good self will try to under­stand my mental agony and grant me the permission of my absence. ADVERTISEMENTS: Yours Obediently, (Your Name)
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Short Summary of “First Day in School” by Roger McGoughs

The poem ‘First Day of School’ was written by Roger McGough who was a famous English poet. The poem epitomizes the naivety, ignorance, lack of understanding and anxieties of a child during his or her first day in school. The poem not only explores the innocence of the child but also the child’s curiosity.The poem is goes deep into the mind of a child on the initial stages of joining the actual world. The experience is sometimes bewildering and hilarious however it provides adults with the wisdom of a child that adults usually lose touch with as the years go on.The poet has intentionally avoided the use of poetic techniques to clearly show the simplicity that children are associated with compared to adults. The poem is the way a child…
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Essay on Lakshmi Puja (507 Words)

Lakshmi puja is the puja of Goddess Lakshmi performed during Diwali. Diwali is a festival of lights and fireworks. It comes after Durga Puja as the winter sets in India.Diwali or Deepawali which means rows of lighted lamps is one of the most important festivals of India.There are different stories behind its celebration. The most popular is that, Ram returned to Ayodhya on this day gaining victory over Ravana. To welcome him in Ayodhya, the people lighted rows of earthen lamps. Others believe that on this night Goddess Lakshmi of wealth and prosperity visits every house. To welcome her home, they show dazzling light throughout the night. Jains say that in the early morning of this day Lord Mahavira attained ‘Moksha’ or ‘salvation’. They show lights in jubilation of this…
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Paragraphs for kids: Five short paragraphs for kids on different topics

Paragraphs for kids: Five short paragraphs for kids on different topics. You wish to go to witness a TV show in your neighborhood, while your mother does not allow you that. Convince her.1. TV ShowYou wish to go to witness a TV show in your neighborhood, while your mother does not allow you that. Convince her. ADVERTISEMENTS: “Mother, today there is a nice programme on the TV, and I have finished my homework, and all that our teacher had taught in the school. Mummy, even you have tested my ability in my studies. I want some entertainment now. Will you please permit me to go to the neighbors’ to watch it? I will surely return, as soon as the programme is over. And I shall also help you with your…
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794 Words Free Sample Essay on Importance of Games

The aim of education is the overall development of the personality of man. It means the development of not only the mind but also the body. Games keep the body fit. Swami Vivekanand was of the view that only a healthy mind can realise God. But a healthy mind can dwell only in a healthy body. For keeping a body healthy, games are indispensable. For this reason Swami Vivekanand had advised that all young men and women should play games.People who have developed the habit of playing games regularly can maintain good health. Games help to build a muscular body .They include sound sleep which is a sign of good health. Therefore, games are food for the body as knowledge is food for the mind. In fact, all work and…
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