Here is your Essay on Aquatic Environment (1125 Words)

Here is your Essay on Aquatic Environment !The aquatic environment is subject to water movements rang­ing from small vertical circulations to strong currents. The streams have a unidirectional movement and in seas the movement is rever­sible. Many aquatic animals have accordingly taken to sedentary or sessile lives depending on water movements. image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Radial symmetry is a characteristic of such animals. Transformation from a sessile to a locomotive existence favours a bilateral symmetry. The currents of water often abrade the inhabiting flora and fauna and varied modifications are encountered to withstand this abrasive action.Thick scales, strong shells and many attachment devices like the holdfasts and suckers all are the results of this environmental stress. The ability to breathe air dissolved in water, at times even resorting to anaerobic…
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9 Important grounds under which a Bail may be cancelled

9 Important grounds under which a bill may be cancelled are mentioned below:As per Section 439(2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, a High Court or Court of Session may direct that any person who has been released on bail under Chapter XXXIII (i.e., relating to bail) be arrested and commit him to custody. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: A person admitted to bail by the High Court could be committed to custody only by the High Court. Similarly, a High Court has power to stay bail order passed by Session Courts, if it thinks appropriate to do so.A Court of Session can cancel the bail granted by itself and cannot cancel a bail granted by the High Court unless new circumstances arise during the progress of the trial after an…
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Application of Boolean algebra in the Depiction of Life Pattern of Animals and Environmental Effects

Application of Boolean algebra in the Depiction of Life Pattern of Animals and Environmental Effects !In writing the life patterns of animals and various arthropods much information needs to be brought together, relating not only to the morphological states but also including statements about the speed of development, limiting conditions, steady states and alter­native possibilities. image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Such relationships can only be stated concisely if the printed sentence is replaced by a symbol. This can be done by the help of Boolean algebra as follows (Hohn, I960; Clarke 1973).First of all one must have symbols to represent the major morphological changes in the development of the animal: z can stand for zygote, meaning the fertilized egg of the animal; e for embryonic development; I for larva, meaning the…
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Special Powers of High Courts and Sessions Courts Regarding Bail and Cancellation of Bail

Section 439 of the Code of Criminal Procedure confers special powers on High Courts and Sessions Courts to direct –(a) That any person accused of any offence and in custody be released on bail; and(b) That any condition imposed by a Magistrate when releasing any person on bail be set aside or modified. ADVERTISEMENTS: However, in the case of a person who is accused of an offence,-(i) Which is triable exclusively by a Trial Court, or(ii) Which though not so triable, is punishable with life imprisonment, the High Court or the Sessions Court must, before granting bail, give notice of the bail-application to the Public Prosecutor, unless the Court is of the opinion, for reasons to be recorded by it, that it is not practicable to give such notice? Image…
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Essay on Complete Information on the Concept of Power

The very perverseness of the concept of power is itself a cause of concern about the utility of this concept in assisting to understand the behaviour in organisation. As noted by Blerstedt the more a term could be applied the less precise was its meaning. Image Source: wingeyes.files.wordpress.comDahl observes that a thing to which people attach many labels with subtly or grossly, different meanings in many different cultures and time is probably not a thing but many things.Marck suggests that being used to explain almost everything, the concept of power can become almost a tautology used to explain that which cannot be explained by other ideas, and incapable of being disproved as an explanation of actions and outcomes. ADVERTISEMENTS: Although the concepts in the field of organisational behaviour seldom have…
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Section 27 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872

How much of information received from accused may be proved:Provided that, when any fact is deposed to as discovered in consequence of information received from a person accused of any offence, in the custody of a police officer, so much of such information, whether it amounts to a confession or not, as relates distinctly to the fact thereby discovered, may be proved. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Comments: Scope: There are two exceptions laid down in the Evidence Act so far the admissibility of confession made by an accused is concerned. First, exception relates to when confession is made by the accused in immediate presence of a magistrate (Section 26) and the other has been mentioned in Section 27 i.e. when the confession leads to discoveries of facts. The section permits…
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Section 157 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872

Former statements of witness may be proved to corroborate later testimony as to same fact:In order to corroborate the testimony of a witness, ‘any former statement made by such witness relating to the same fact, at or about the time when the fact took place, or before any authority legally competent to ‘investigate the fact, may be proved. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Comments: Principle: Section 157 allows the statement of a witness to be corroborated by his former statement relating to same fact at or about the time when the fact took place or before any competent authority. It requires that the former statement must relate to the same fact, i.e., the fact under inquiry and it must have been made at or about the time when took place.Two conditions…
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First Information Report (F.I.R) – Section 154 of Code of Criminal Procedure

Section 154 of the Code of Criminal Procedure deals with what is commonly known as a First Information Report. It provides that every information relating to the commission of a cognizable offence, if given orally to an Officer-in-charge of a Police Station, must be reduced in writing by him, and read over to the informant. Image Source: webpothi.comThe information should also be signed by the person giving it, and the substance thereof must be entered in the book which is to be kept by such Officer in the prescribed form. A copy of the information recorded, as above, is also to be given free of cost to the informant. ADVERTISEMENTS: It may, however, be noted that the condition that such information must be signed by the person giving it, is…
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Damages in Lieu of, or in Addition to, Injunction – Section 40 | Specific Relief Act

Section 40 of the Specific Relief Act, 1963 Provides that: 1. Obligation of Court: On aspects of notice of events after institution of suit it was held that: Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: “Ordinarily, a suit is tried in all its stages on the cause of action as it existed on the date of its institution. But it is open to a Court includ­ing a Court of appeal to take notice of events which have happened after the institution of the suit and afford relief to the parties in the changed circumstances where it is shown that the relief claimed originally has (1) by reason of subsequent change of circumstances become inappropriate; or (2) where it is necessary to take notice of the changed circumstances in order to shorten the litigation,…
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Short Essay on Attitude

We have very often heard people saying that Attitude is how one shapes his or her life. Now what exactly is Attitude? Attitude is basically how one assesses on factors like people, objects, issues or events. They could either be positive or negative, that depends on how one views the situation. Based on researches, it has been understood that there are several components that makes up a persons attitude.The components could be like for example, an emotional component where based on your emotions is how a situation or person is being valued. Another component is the cognitive component where in it is based on your thoughts and believes of the subject. And the last component is the behavioral component and this is one important component as it influences our behaviour.…
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