The Factors which regulate the Size of Human Population | Essay

Essay on The Factors which regulate the Size of Human Population for School and College Students!Man surpass animals in being able to control his environment in some degree, by (1) food production (agriculture) and food storage (warehouses, canning, refrigeration) against seasonal short­age and deterioration; (2) shift in energy utilisation from solar energy > wood fire > fossil fuels > electrical and atomic energy to increase human efficiency: (3) improved shelter for adults and offspring’s against unfavourable weather and against enemies (housing, flood protection, police protection, national defense); (4) destruction of animal enemies (lions, tigers, wolves, snakes, rats and mice, household insects); (5) reducing competition from other animals (fencing crops and livestock); and (6) control of diseases that attack human beings (sanitation, immunization). image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: However, human beings are…
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5 Most Important Differences between ICCPR and ICESCR

5 Most Important Differences between ICCPR and ICESCR are given below: ICCPR: 1. ICCPR represents and protects the human rights of first generation.2. It explains human rights pertaining to cultural and political rights (i.e. not to torture, not to show discrimination, etc.). ADVERTISEMENTS: 3. The rights incorporated in ICCPR are negative in character just like the provisions in the penal code of a municipal law. The Indian Penal Code defines and narrates different offences, which are prohibited. In the similar way ICCPR defines and narrates certain things not supposed to be done by the States.4. The judicial remedies are provided to the aggrieved persons, in cases their civil and political rights are violated by the State. The aggrieved person can claim before the Central Human Rights Commission, Human Right Court,…
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