Essay on the Demerits of Scalar Principles

Demerits of Scalar Principles are given below:The scalar system has some demerits. It makes the administrative decision­ making a dilatory process. It adds circumlocution to the already cumbersome procedures of large-scale organizations. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: A file must pass through proper channels howsoever urgent the matter may be and howsoever ignorant intermediate officials may be about that matter. It is usually seen that the intermediate officials pass on the files to the higher officials by simply initiating the forwarding letters and with the remarks: ‘For orders please’. This results in undue delays in making decisions.However it creates superior subordinate relationship in the hierarchy. The Superior officers develop superiority complex and have the tendency to boss over the subordinates. Seckler Hudson is however of the view that”.There are dangers inherent…
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Essay on Modernization of Indian Police System (601 Words)

Essay on Modernization of Indian Police System !The setting up of a Central Finger Print Bureau at Calcutta in 1956 and the Crime Record Bureau in the Central Bureau of Investigation in 1964 for maintaining up-to-date data of crimes and criminals at national and international level was indeed a significant step in the process of modernisation of police functioning in India. image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Under the Police Modernisation Scheme proposed by the Sixth Finance Commission, computer system was introduced in the police establishments of eleven States. Besides, a joint computer centre was set up at Chandigarh to cater to the needs of four adjoining States, namely, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir.In 1976, a Directorate of Coordination Police Computers (DCPC) was established in Delhi which has been…
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Order for maintenance of wives and children (Section 125 of CrPc)

Legal provisions regarding order for maintenance of wives and children under section 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.The maintenance proceedings is not to punish a person for his past neglect, but to prevent vagrancy leading to the commission of crime and starvation by compelling those who can do so to support those who are unable to support themselves and who have a moral claim to support. The provisions of maintenance of the Code of Criminal Procedure are applicable to persons belonging to all religions and have no relationship with the personal laws of the parties. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: (1) Persons entitled to claim maintenance:According to Section 125(1) of the Code, the following persons are entitled to claim maintenance under certain circumstances:(i) Wife:As per Section 125(l) (a) of…
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Psychological Differences between Private and Public Administration – Essay

Psychological Difference between Private and Public Administration – EssayThere is also a psychological difference between private and public administration. In the U.S.A. during the World War II, the coal mines were placed under government control and although no appreciable changes in the administration of the coal mines were made, there came about a change in the psychology of the workers for now they well knew the dangerous consequences of strikes, etc. Image Source: Financial Meticulousness: Public administration has to be very careful in financial matters. The misuse of a single penny may raise a storm in the country and compel the government to resign. ADVERTISEMENTS: The public money is to be spent meticulously and according to the prescribed procedure. The executive does not control finance. It is the legislature…
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