8 Essential Features of Social Stratification in India

The following are the essential elements/features of Social Stratification: 1. Inequality or Higher-lower positions: Social Stratification involves division of society into several layers which stand hierarchically placed in social relations. While some positions or levels carry more rewards, more privileges, more respect, and these are considered to be higher levels; others enjoy lower positions and status. In this way stratification acts as a source of social inequality which is, however, deemed to be natural and essential for orderly, systematic and healthy social life. Image Source: blog.oxfamamerica.org.s3.amazonaws.com 2. Social Stratification is a Source of Competition: ADVERTISEMENTS: Stratification leads to the emergence of several levels in society. The persons belonging to higher levels are conscious of their higher positions and they try to maintain and improve these. The persons belonging to lower…
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11 Differences between “Power” and “Authority” in Politics

The Differences between Power and Authority in Politics are:1. Power is the ability to produce a change in the behaviour of others through the use of force or coercion or threat of use of force. Authority is the recognised power/legal right of the authority-holder to direct and regulate the behaviour of his subjects.2. Power may or may not be legitimate. It can be illegitimate also. Power based on naked force, dominance and suppression is illegitimate power. As against this, what is called Authority is essentially a legitimate power. Legitimacy is the hall-mark of Authority. Image Source: cdn.publishyourarticles.net ADVERTISEMENTS: 3. Power is based upon force. Its basis is force or threat of use of force. Authority is based upon the constitution, laws or rights or traditions. It enjoys the status of…
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Essay on the Importance of “Family” in Society

According to Aristotle, community is a union of families. Thus family is the unit of community. It is the nucleus of the social organization. Starting from ancient times and right up to the present age, family has been important in the form of a fundamental unit. In the words of Biesanz and Biesanz, “The family is the basic and universal institution. Upon it depends the survival of every society.” Family is the first institution in the history of man. In the ancient age man lived in small families, which lacked any kind of organization or permanence. But they served to fulfill simple biological and psychological needs. Image Source: urantiabook.org ADVERTISEMENTS: Generally, the family consisted of husband and wife and their offspring. The powerful men possessed many wives and thus they…
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10 Important Features of the Constitution of India

Important Features of the Constitution are described below:The Constitution of a country is the legal document with the help of which a country’s affairs are managed. It is a combination of many factors, viz., history, values, traditions, ethos, socio-political milieu and alike. ADVERTISEMENTS: It is a document which establishes the doctrine of limited government and promotes democratic rule.Indian constitution drafted and enacted after a period of struggle and deliberation is among the longest in the world. Image Source: cdn.publishyourarticles.netThough most of it is taken from the Government of India Act 1935, the Indian framers gave it a twist so as to be an instrument of socio-economic justice without compromising the aspect of security, good governance and other aspects.The following are the basic features of Indian Constitution. ADVERTISEMENTS: 1. One of…
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Essay on the Resurgence of Political Theory

Political Theory meets its revival in the monumental work of John Rawls, ‘A Theory of Justice’ (1971).He sleeps to evolve a working basis for social cooperation in liberal democratic society by engaging himself in the problem of distribution of liberties, opportunities, income, wealth and bases of self-respect. New Themes: The other prominent themes that have surfaced in the contemporary political theory are as follows. 1. Communitarians: ADVERTISEMENTS: Theorists such as Michael Walzer, Michael Sandel, Alistair Maclntyre and Charles Taylor belong to this school.They reject the liberal conception of individuated self and hold that self is part of social relations in which he/she is embedded, Michael Sandel-Liberealism and the limits of justice. Maclntye- after vireture Image Source: cdn.publishyourarticles.net 2. Post modernism: It got genesis in the writings of Jacques Derrida and…
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Essay on "Aquaculture" (500 Words)

God has created this world. He has designed this world by providing beautiful animals and other living beings. The true color of nature can be found in nature itself. Nature involves many things.Nature is not only limited to beautiful hills or mountains but it involves entire things that have not been created by man. Aquatic life is one among these beauties of nature. There is another world inside water which is named as aquatic life by humans.This aquatic life is very much different from a terrestrial life. There is one different culture of organisms inside water which is called as aquaculture. Aquaculture is a term that involves many factors like plants, animals and other life forms. Image Source: image.made-in-china.com ADVERTISEMENTS: Fishes are the common example of aquatic animals. But there…
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Speech on the Diversity of India

India is home to some 1,800 languages and 20,000 caste groups. It is the most culturally, linguistically and genetically varied geographical entity after the African continent. Religion-wise it is the most diverse country in the world, with significant Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist, Bahai, Ahmadi, Jain and Parsi populations.More than the inhabitants of any other nation on Earth, Indians are used to living with differences, and because democracy involves the peaceful coexistence of people with differing and even disparate points of view, it is the form of government most suited to the Indian ethos.Ramakrishna Paramhansa, one of India’s most revered saints, said, ‘A truly religious man should think that other religions also are paths leading to the truth.’ Mahatma Gandhi once, on being asked which religion he belonged to, remarked…
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Essentials of a Valid Adoption under the Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act

The objects of adoption are two-fold. The first object is religious, namely, to secure spiritual benefit to the adopter and his ancestors, by having a son to offer funeral cakes and libations of water.The second object of adoption is secular, namely, to secure an heir and perpetuate the name of the adoptor. (Sitaram v. Harihar, (1911) 35 Bom. 169) Image Source: yeattslawfirm.com Requisites of a Valid Adoption (Ss. 5 to 11): ADVERTISEMENTS: S. 5 of the Act lays down that all adoptions made after the Act came into operation are to be regulated and governed by the provisions of the Act. If any adoption is made in contravention of these provisions, it would be null and void. Such a void adoption would neither create any rights in the adoptive family…
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What are the Limitations of Law of Equi Marginal Utility? (7 Limitations)

In actual life, we come across many situations, where the law of equi-marginal utility is not applicable. Some of the important limitations are:(i) It is assumed that the consumer spends very small amount of money on different commodities. However, this is not possible as commodities, especially costly ones, are indivisible. Radios, TV, telephone, etc., are such commodities, which cannot be bought in parts. Their purchases are bulky and do not allow small variation. In such cases, it becomes difficult to equate marginal utilities.(ii) Most of the consumers are ignorant. They do not know about the various alternatives which are most useful. Consumers are not prudent enough to assess and compare variations in marginal utilities of different commodities. image source: i.ytimg.com ADVERTISEMENTS: (iii) The law assumes that utility can be measured.…
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Useful Notes on the Preparation and Preservation of Antisera

A complete antisera is the serum of an animal, immunized by injection of serum from other animal.Antisera in use are available commercially but can be prepared easily in laboratory from collected blood of immunized donors.When collecting blood for antisera, collect blood in a sterile container without anticoagulant. Incubate at 37QC for 1 hr. to get good clot retraction. ADVERTISEMENTS: Leave the clotted blood at 4oC overnight to allow absorption of cold agglutinins on the red cells. Centrifuge the container and separate the serum in a second sterile container.If plasmapheresis is carried out, add one ml of 1 M CaCl2.6 H2O for every 100 ml of plasma to be defibrinated. Incubate at 37oC for 15 to 30 min. allowing clot to form and retract. Separate the clear serum.To prevent bacterial contamination,…
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