Short Summary of “Talking Turkeys” by Benjamin Zephaniah

The poem Talking Turkeys has a beautiful message that is being passed on to all humankind regarding animal killing and it has been said in simple conversation mode. In this poem, Zephaniah has excellently conveyed the message that all living beings to feel the pain and agony in the same frequency and we as humans never try to see or understand how it is when it comes to animals and occasions.In this poem, it is said about Christmas time and how turkeys are considered to be a main course for the season. However, from the turkey’s point of view is what the poet has said all about. Just like us, even they have families (And every turkey has a MUM – Line 4) and they too would like to have…
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490 Words Essay on importance of Reading Books

Reading skills are essential to success in society today the ability to read is highly valued and very important for social and economic advancement. Most children are beginning or trying to talk around the age of two years. This is a time when language skills are just starting to develop.Even though it usually too early of an age to expect a child to read, there is no reason why the parent cannot start the reading process by reading aloud to them. Instilling reading into a child’s life can prove to be one of the most valuable skills that they will ever learn. As a result from reading books, the child will be more likely to read and speak in front of people.This is a very marketable skill to have in…
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370 Words Essay on John Kellogg

Surgeon, food reformer; born in Tyrone Township, John Kellogg took a course in a physiotherapeutic school. He rejected this approach and took regular medical training, finishing at Bellevue Hospital Medical College (New York City) but with a thesis claiming that disease is the body’s way of defending itself.He had become editor of the Adventist monthly, Health Reformer (which he renamed Good Health in 1879), and on returning to Battle Creek, he became superintendent of the Western Health Reform Institute, which Sister Ellen Harmon White had already established to promote ideas about health much like Kellogg’s.He renamed it the Battle Creek Sanatorium and began to apply his theories about biologic living, or the Battle Creek idea, which stressed the role of natural medicate such as a vegetarian diet and a Spartan…
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Different Levels of Management in the Form of a Pyramid

Different Levels of Management in the Form of a Pyramid – Essay!As the organizations grow larger and more complex, they usually develop several levels of managerial positions, forming a hierarchy of superior and subordinate reporting relationships. Traditionally, there are three managerial levels which are usually depicted in the form of a hierarchical pyramid.The total number of personnel found at each level decreases as the management level increases up the pyramid. The largest number of people in the organization is at the lower organizational level, at the bottom of the pyramid and these people are operating in a non-managerial capacity. ADVERTISEMENTS: This group consists of individual contributors who are simply the employees who work under the guidance of their supervisors. These levels, in the form of a pyramid are shown as…
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Factors of the Task Environment that Affect an Organization – Essay

Task environment consists of those industry factors which are external to the firm but have a direct and specific impact upon the organization and are in turn affected by the organization’s operations.These factors are shown in the following diagram.These factors are explained in more detail as follows. 1. Competition: ADVERTISEMENTS: Competition is the basic element of a free enterprise system. The interests of both the organization and the customers are better served when choices in the market are available. Competition encourages progress and product-developments. It forces organizations to be more innovative and productive. For example, in 1955, Harley- Davidson held nearly 70% of the U.S. motorcycle market, but by 1983, this share had been reduced to only 3.7%.This steep decline can be attributed to aggressive competition by Japanese companies such…
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5 Most Important Differences between Sub-Agent and Substituted Agent

5 Most Important Differences between Sub-agent and Substituted Agent are given below: Sub-Agent: 1. Sub-agent is appointed by an agent to assist him in business of agency. ADVERTISEMENTS: 2. There is no privities of contract between the sub-agent and the principal.3. A principal cannot sue directly the sub- agent except when he was properly appointed and he commits wilful wrong or fraud.4. The sub-agent works under the control and direction of the agent.5. The agent is responsible to the principal and the third party for the acts of the sub-agent. Substituted Agent: ADVERTISEMENTS: 1. Substituted agent is named by the agent, but appointed by the principal.2. There is privities of contract between the principal and the substituted agent.3. A principal can directly sue or sued upon by, the substituted agent.4.…
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14 Major Differences between Public Corporation and Government Departmental Undertaking

14 Major Differences between Public Corporation and Government Departmental Undertaking are listed below: Public Corporation: 1. It is an instrument of the Government. It is also called statutory corporation. ADVERTISEMENTS: 2. It is a purely commercial.3. It is an autonomous body.4. Examples:ONGC, RTC, LIC, FCI, Damodar Valley Corporation, Air India, etc ADVERTISEMENTS: 5. There are two different basic concepts in the management of public corporations, viz. autonomy and accountability.6. The structure of the public corporation cannot be amended by Government itself. The structure of the public corporation can be altered only by Parliament.7. It has its own independent administration.8. It is a separate juristic person. It can sue and can be sued. ADVERTISEMENTS: 9. For tortious liability, it is held liable. Article 300 does not apply.10. Section 123 (Privilege of…
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Useful Notes on the “Law of Supply”

The law of supply shows a direct relationship between price and supply of a commodity. The law states that as the price of commodity increases, the quantity of the commodity supplied per unit of time increases and vice-versa, assuming all other factors influencing supply remain unchanged. In this statement, change in price is the cause and change in supply is the effect. Thus, price rise leads to supply rise and not otherwise.The relationship between price and supply can be shown by drawing the supply curve. The supply curve for a product depicts the direct relation between the price of that commodity and the quantity, producers wish to supply at that price. ADVERTISEMENTS: This curve can be drawn by preparing supply schedule, which is a tabular statement that gives different prices…
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