Criticism of Scientific Management (Taylorism) – Essay

There seems to be a sharp divergence of opinions among experts about the worth of Taylors work. Opinions concerning to merits of Taylors contribution to the scientific management movement range from that of exalted worship his designation as the father of scientific management to that of exposing him as original recipient of undue credit’. Taylor’s work was criticized on following ground: Image Source: 72abfb7c1a8a71411901-4a3d306595cd09781b35fe13ebdb4f63.r27.cf2.rackcdn.comTaylor was criticised by various scholars among which most important are Oliver Sheldon, a British Management thinker, Miss Marry Parker Follett an American business Philosopher, ADVERTISEMENTS: Sam Lewisohn, Elton Mayo, Peter Drucker and others. They charged that Taylor’s scientific management was impersonal and under emphasised the human factors. This criticism led to a series of experiments in industrial sociology and psychology.The classic Hawthorn experiment of Elton Mayo…
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8 Different Methods of Soil Conservation – Essay

Soil conservation includes all such measures which help in protecting the soil from erosion, contour terracing and bunding, construction of bunds across gullies, levelling of unoven land and raising grass and other vegetation on land are the small measures which are usually taken by’ farmers to protect soil from erosion. Image Source: 0d47eeef2abf05521f71-1e80f65b3c6327b7cb4b0619fd21f75b.r59.cf2.rackcdn.comSuch methods are quite effective in areas where the degree of erosion is not serious as in the semi-arid tracts of the peninsula and part of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Punjab. Extensive reclamation schemes are under implementation in these states. Construction of bunds across gullies and levelling of surface, control of overgrazing by animals, and afforestation are some of the steps taken under these schemes. ADVERTISEMENTS: In the tropical forest areas, shifting cultivation known as…
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Essay on Droughts in India (815 Words)

Drought can occur in any area regardless of the amount of rainfall the area may receive or irrespective of its scientific and social advancement, it can occur in small pockets or over a large area. Drought can occur at any time and cause scarcity of water for drinking, irrigation, industry and urban needs. Drought causes deficiency in soil moisture and makes the land unproductive. Image Source: grandmaratha.comThis causes damage to the crops. Droughts are caused due to failure of monsoon or when it is delayed or arrives early or withdraws without giving rain. These circumstances have produced a continuing expansion in India’s drought prone areas. Drought is no longer a natural disaster; it is a direct consequence of human activity. The resulting human suffering is enormous and growing. Classification of…
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7 Main Objectives of Sales Promotion

The main objective of sales promotion is to bring about a change in the demand pattern of products and services. Basically, sales promotion has three specific objectives. First, it is meant to provide important marketing information to the potential buyers.The second objective is to convince and influence the potential buyers through persuasive measures. Thirdly, sales promotion is meant to act as a powerful tool of competition. The specific objectives of sales promotion are as follows: Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: a. To introduce new products or services: Sales promotion is often used to motivate prospective consumers to try new products and services. Dealers are also induced to introduce new products and services in the market. Usually, free samples are provided through dealers during such introduction. Similarly, discounts in cash or goods…
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Short Paragraph on Disaster Management in India

Short Paragraph on Disaster Management in IndiaThe term disaster management includes all aspects of preventive and protective measures, preparedness, and organisation of relief operations for mitigating the impact of disaster on human beings and socioeconomic aspects of the disaster prone areas. The whole process of disaster management can be divided into three phases: impact phase, rehabilitation and reconstruction phase and integrated long term development and preparedness phase. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Impact phase contains three components: forecasting of disaster, close monitoring of agents causing disasters and management activities after the disaster has occurred. Flood forecasting can be done by studying rainfall in the catchment area. Approach of cyclones can be tracked and monitored by satellites; based on these details, early warning and evacuation efforts may be made.Close monitoring of agents…
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International Perspective on the Problems of Drug Addiction | Essay

Essay on International Perspective on the Problems of Drug Addiction !With the rapid expansion of trade and commerce beyond national boundaries, the problem of drug addiction and trafficking has become a global phenomenon. Therefore, as a measure of drug control, a thirteen-nation international conference on narcotic drugs was held in China in 1909. image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Thereafter, the International Opinium Convention called the Hague Convention on Narcotics was held in 1912 which was the first drug traffic control treaty at the international level. This was followed by a series of conventions and declarations which were made to combat illegal drug trafficking.One of the most important conventions on drug abuse was the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 (SCND) which attempted to simplify and consolidate international drug control machinery. The…
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The Current Status of Mining Industry in India

The Current Status of Mining Industry in IndiaThe country is having a well-developed mining sector, which has vast geological potential with over 20,000 known mineral deposits. Up to the Seventh Plan period (1990), significant progress was made in the development of mineral resources in the country which is amply depicted in the appreciation of mineral inventory. This helped the country to enter the realm of plenty in respect of certain minerals in which it was hitherto deficient. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: The discovery of huge bauxite deposits, particularly in the East Coast, is a case in point, which took the country from the phase of a nonentity to one having the fifth largest inventory of bauxite in the world.In the Tenth Plan, greater emphasis was laid on mineral exploration by…
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The Important Sources of Irrigation available in India? (4 Sources)

Important Sources of Irrigation available in India are as follows:There are three major sources of irrigation in India. They are (a) canals, (b) wells and tube-wells, and (c) Tanks. Wells and Tubewells are the major source of irrigation. Canals rank second, while the tanks stand third. Canal irrigation has its maximum development in the Great Plains and in the Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna deltas in the eastern coastal plains. Wells and Tubewells are popular in the alluvial plains. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: The tank irrigation is common in the eastern and southern states. Relative importance of each source changed through time. Canals were the major source of irrigation until 1950, claiming 39.9 per cent of the net irrigated area in the country.Since then the irrigated area under canal irrigation increased, but…
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Various Projects to Protect Endangered Species in India – Essay

Project Tiger: There were about 40,000 tigers during 1909-10 in India. Some one lakh tigers roamed in wild in Asia in 1920. This number was reduced to 2500 by the year 1972. The scheme Project Tiger was launched on 1st April, 1973 by WWF to ensure maintenance of viable population of the tigers in India for scientific, economic, aesthetic, cultural and ecological values. Image Source: 435729.medialib.glogster.comThese objectives have been achieved as can be seen from the fact that the tiger population in the country has risen from less than 2500 in 1972 to more than 4300 in 1989. Number of tiger reserves has increased from 9, covering an area of 14,000 sq. kms. In 1973 to 27, covering an area of 37761 sq. kms. In 2002. The main threat to…
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Major Causes of Land Degradation in India – Essay

Major Causes of Land Degradation in India – EssayLand, a non-renewable resource, is central to all primary production systems. Over the years, the country’s landmass has suffered from different types of degradations. Degradation of land is caused by biotic and abiotic pressures. An ever-increasing population places enormous demands on land resources. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: This is particularly acute in India, which has only 2.4 per cent of the world’s geographical area but supports over 16 per cent of the world’s population. It has 0.5 per cent of the world’s grazing area but has over 18 per cent of world’s cattle population. These pressures have led to drastic changes in the proportion of land utilised for agricultural activities, urbanisation and industrial development.The main causes of land degradation are as follows:…
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