Criticism of Scientific Management (Taylorism) – Essay
There seems to be a sharp divergence of opinions among experts about the worth of Taylors work. Opinions concerning to merits of Taylors contribution to the scientific management movement range from that of exalted worship his designation as the father of scientific management to that of exposing him as original recipient of undue credit’. Taylor’s work was criticized on following ground: Image Source: 72abfb7c1a8a71411901-4a3d306595cd09781b35fe13ebdb4f63.r27.cf2.rackcdn.comTaylor was criticised by various scholars among which most important are Oliver Sheldon, a British Management thinker, Miss Marry Parker Follett an American business Philosopher, ADVERTISEMENTS: Sam Lewisohn, Elton Mayo, Peter Drucker and others. They charged that Taylor’s scientific management was impersonal and under emphasised the human factors. This criticism led to a series of experiments in industrial sociology and psychology.The classic Hawthorn experiment of Elton Mayo…