10 Different Types of Stakeholders

Business Communication
Every business and organization has its stakeholders. These stakeholders are individuals or groups of persons who have some interest or stake in the business and generally work for the success of the organization or business. Image Source: thepeakbcdotcom.files.wordpress.com1. Owners: The owners of any business are the first set of stakeholders. They contribute capital or equity and have a say in the running of the business. They may be a few as in the case of a partnership, or very large in number, as in the case of a joint stock company. ADVERTISEMENTS: Persons having a share in the equity of a company are known as shareholders. Owners expect the business to run smoothly and efficiently and yield good return on equity. Such shareholders would be different from the company, which…
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How to Write a Good Tender Proposal? (15 Points)

Decision Making
A tender is an offer or a proposition made for acceptance, such as an offer of a bid for a contract. A tender is something that is offered in return for a specific payment, subject to well laid down terms and conditions. Image Source: paperpaste.comTenders are invited by large organizations, especially governments and undertakings, for supply of items, construction of buildings, roads, maintenance activities and other such relatively high-value works. Tenders are invited to ensure competitive offers and transparent decision making. ADVERTISEMENTS: Since substantial monetary payments are associated with the process of inviting tenders and awarding contracts, every care has to be taken to ensure clarity, openness and fair play. Inadvertent omission of key/relevant details could lead to avoidable confusion, complaints and legal action.Important points that need to be covered…
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Dos and Don'ts of Cross-Cultural Communication- Discussed

Business Communication
Obviously, given the wide cultural differences, no business communicator can have prior intimate knowledge of people with different cultural backgrounds. Nevertheless, the positive aspect of this is that today with globalization, mobility of people, presence of MNCs across countries and more specifically, the vast coverage of print, electronic and internet media, any required information of any cultural group or country can be easily accessed. Image Source: oht-webcontent.s3.amazonaws.comThe literature brought out by the trade and export federations, embassies and channels like Discovery and Travel & Living regularly feature programs that provide valuable insights into the physical and cultural aspects of various countries across the globe. ADVERTISEMENTS: These apart, there are people who have already visited those countries or interacted with those people and are familiar with their cultural aspects and can…
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What are the Aims of Education According to Realism?

The aim of education according to realism is to give to the pupil a complete knowledge and understanding of human society human nature, motives and institutions. Education must explain to the pupil how he is related to the world of man and to the world of nature.The purpose of this explanation is to enable the pupil to adjust himself in the environment in which he must live. Rabelais, a realist, says that the aim of education is “the formation of a complete man, skilled in art and industry,” the development of the whole man, physically, morally, intellectually.To Milton, another realist, education should prepare for actual living in a real world when he writes: “I call, therefore, a complete and generous education that which fits a man to perform skillfully, justly,…
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What is the “Aim of Education” on the Basis of “Educational Values”?

Aims of education are generally based on educational values, certain bases are necessary for such values. Image Source: cdn2.freedomoutpost.comThese bases may be the following ones: ADVERTISEMENTS: 1. A historical analysis of some social institutions.2. General ideals of life.3. Scientific analysis of modern life.4. The basis of various philosophical ideas. ADVERTISEMENTS: Out of the above four bases the philosophical basis has been accepted as the most appropriate one. With the philosophical basis, the path for effecting improvement in the life of people may be easier.General ideals are not of particular importance, although their acceptance, too, may be a social necessity at times. Scientific bases may indicate the paths for leading a comfortable life, but they cannot awaken us to sublime ideals of life. Therefore philosophical bases are regarded as best.Because of…
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Essay on the Impact of Population Explosion on Education (India)

Education is a very important process amongst many other social processes. Society cannot do without education. There is a close relationship between society and education. Education is for society.According to the changing conditions of society changes must be brought into the field of education as well. Through education an attempt is made to develop the necessary skills in citizens in order to enable them to lead a successful and happy life.When we think of new generations we have to be aware of their nature and total number. In understanding this, we have to consider the entire related factors. Under these factors may be included men, women, boys, girls, handicapped persons and other types of citizens. Image Source: indiadidac.com ADVERTISEMENTS: While we consider the problem of education, it is not possible…
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What is the Importance of Biosphere Reserves?

An international network of biosphere reserves, national parks and protected areas has been set up under the MAB Programme (UNESCO, 1974) with the objective to conserve the diversity and integrity of natural plant and animal communities and to safeguard the genetic diversity of species for continued evolution.These reserves include representative and unique areas of the world’s biomes and the selection of the reserves has been greatly facilitated by a thorough knowledge of the important biotic communities. Such protected reserves are intended to help meet scientific, economic, educational, cultural and recreational needs of present and future generations of mankind. Their chief importance lies in the maintenance of the gene pools of living species.Some representatives of man-modified areas are also conserved under this programme, in addition to natural areas. Most of the…
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Essay on Desertification (620 Words)

Desertification means a process of degradation of the environment that usually is a product of climate and human activity and involves the spread or extension of desert-like conditions in a hitherto fertile area.Most of the vegetation in arid and semi-arid regions is threatened with man-made desertification, a result of excessive, indiscriminate, and archaic land-use practices. Forest grazing is the most serious cause of desertification in arid and semi-arid areas, and shifting cultivation is likewise important in the humid tropics and N.E. Himalayas. Increasing population pressure has greatly accentuated the adverse impacts of the above causes.Desertification used to be an issue of considerable concern during the 1970s and 1980s, but not much credence is now given to the theory of deserts advancing and swallowing up adjacent savanna landscapes (Warren and Agnew,…
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Essay on the Competition between Species in the Environment

This occurs whenever species overlap in their utilization of resources so that any increase in the density of one species produces an adverse effect on the others. The observed persistence of many species in nature is really due to environmental heterogeneity; laboratory studies of competition in a uniform environment with a single resource lead to the elimination of all except one species.Competitive interactions have been shown to profoundly influence the distribution patterns of birds (Diamond, 1972).In some cases competition between species is difficult to demonstrate as several mechanisms may operate to decrease competition. Several cases are known where even similar species can have different food or feed at different times or occupy different habitats (Schoener, 1974). Image Source: aaacharters.net ADVERTISEMENTS: Several work­ers have attempted to model these differences in terms…
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Essay on the Globalisation of Indian Business

The Indian corporate sector has to take a proactive role in bringing globalization of business. Every business entity has to pass through different stages. Firstly, Indian business has to develop exportable surplus for foreign customers.The exporting company should set up its manufacturing unit abroad. It may also set up sales offices and send its own personal staff to those offices and who would work along with countrymen of those countries. But sales personnel’s should be recruited from foreign country.Most of the Indian firms have not adequate capacity to be global. Firstly, they are content with home market, Secondly, many of them are dishonest, who would not be agreeable to foreclosure of information. Image Source: spanish-translation-blog.spanishtranslation.us ADVERTISEMENTS: The outlook of Indian business community is conservative, Businessman lack innovative ideas, many of…
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