Write a Short Essay on Your Favourite Game

Of late games and sports have received a lot of attention in the educational process. It is no longer viewed merely as an exercise for muscles or a period of rest. Instead it is seen as part of school curriculum, an integral part of schooling and learning process. Therefore, games such as, cricket, football, basketball, volleyball, baseball and many others have been introduced in almost all the schools.Among the outdoor games, my favourite game is basketball. Somehow this particular game charms me. When I watch a game of basketball, it fills me with joy and delight. Although I am not a good player myself, I enjoy every bit of this game. ADVERTISEMENTS: One of the main reasons for my liking of this game is that, it is a fast moving…
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Essay on the Importance of Buying Motives in Sales

It is needless to indicate the importance of buying motives in modern day marketing. It is necessarily an inner feeling of the potential buyer. Once known, buying motives become a significant tool to finalise the product, pricing, distribution and promotional policies of an organisation.Therefore, the importance of buying motives can be examined on the basis of the following:1. Product Planning and Development: ADVERTISEMENTS: The manufacture’s product decision with regard to size, colour, weight, dimension, design, packaging, taste, etc. depends a lot on the consumer psychology which is chiefly based on the buying motives.Thus, once the buying motives are known, the product planning and development can be done in accordance with the consumer likings, tastes and preferences. Therefore, a thorough knowledge of the buying motives makes the product planning and development…
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Write a Short Essay on Your Town

I live in a town called Nongpoh, in the state of Meghalaya. It is the district headquarters of Ri-Bhoi district, one of j the outlining districts lying close to the state of Assam. Nestling amidst the pine I groves and undulating hills, Nongpoh is a small tourist town, standing as a gateway to Shillong, the state’s capital. Perched on a small plain below the Northern tip of Meghalaya Plateau, it is a beautiful town bustling with business, commerce and tourism.Nongpoh is situated almost half way between Guwahati and Shillong. Guwahati is hardly one-hour journey from Nongpoh while little more than an hour takes to reach Shillong. It is one of the major tourist commercial towns of the state. It is situated on the Northern plains lying below the Meghalaya plateau.…
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1069 Words Essay on Black Money and Its Effects

Black money is unaccounted money, illegally acquired wealth or other assets made through accepting bribery or other morally depraved acts. It is not just cash stashed at hidden places in the house or in benami accounts. It is in various forms like shares, bonds, securities, or other forms of instruments. It may be in the form of real estate-houses, shops, plot or other assets like cars. It may be in the form of gold, silver, diamonds or jewellery.It is believed that there is a huge amount of black money in India, estimated to be 200 million crores. It is also said that in our country over 200 crore rupees of black money is created every year. This reflects the magnitude of black money market in India. This also bears testimony…
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Short Essay on Tea Plantation in Assam

The hundreds of lush green tea-gardens nestling in the Himalayan foothills of Assam have not only added charm to the states natural beauty but also forms the backbone of its economy. They are the lifeline without which the state would have remained impoverished, undeveloped and economically at its lowest rung. Today tea industry of Assam constitutes its largest industry, providing livelihood, revenue, employment and development.Tea was first discovered in China and then in Japan. Its origin in India dates back to 1823 when an Englishman named Robert Bruce discovered tea plants in the forests of Assam. Later Charles Alexander, Robert Bruce’s brother started the first tea garden in Assam. In 1828, for the first time Assam tea was sent to England. It was liked by the Britishers and in no…
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Write an Essay on Teacher's Day

It is said that nothing is nobler in life than lighting a lamp in an ignorant soul. The saying is indeed true. Today the profession of teaching is recognised as one of the noblest professions in the world. It is one of the highly esteemed and most appreciated careers in the present world.Teacher’s Day celebrated all over India on 5th September every year, not only commemorate the birth anniversary of late Dr. Radhakrishnan but also highlights the nobility of the profession of teaching and the role of teachers in our society. ADVERTISEMENTS: 5th Sept. celebrated as Teacher’s Day all over India, is a tribute to Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan who spent nearly 40 years of his life a teacher par excellence. The day marks the birth anniversary of Dr. Radhakrishnan who…
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1210 Words Essay on Role of Diaspora towards India's Development

The word diaspora is of Greek origin. It means going of a large number of people abroad to work there. All the persons of Indian origin who have gone to foreign lands for gainful employment and those who have settled there having established various types of enterprises can be called Indian diaspora. Those Non-Resident Indians who are gainfully employed in some foreign country, the students who are studying abroad and have a work permit for some hours per week, but not the tourists abroad, fall in the category of diaspora.According to an estimate approximately eight million Indians are living in countries of the world. Although America, France, England, Australia are their favourite countries, and middle-east and south-east Asia are their other favourite regions, the persons of Indian origin are scattered…
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Short Essay on the Importance of Travelling

One of the principal values of travelling iWorld’s Largest Collection of Essays! Pu…s that, it breaks the monotony of life and work. Life, for most people, is a mad rush from one place to another, from one activity to another, trying to gather as much as possible.In this pro­cess, people tend to forget, who they are and what they are. There is no time to ponder and wonder. They tend to forget the values of life. Travelling is a time when people relax, reflect and ponder. Most people, after a pleasant travel, re­turn home with a fresh outlook, new zeal and a better deter­mination. ADVERTISEMENTS: Travelling has also a great informative value. It widens the grasp of our knowledge of geography, different cultures and people, etc. For example, when people…
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Essay on the Natural Resources of Assam

Assam, known as the land of blue hills and red river is a darling of nature. She has lavished upon her abundant natural bounties unseen elsewhere in the country. The state is blessed with rich mineral, water, forest, agricultural and human resources of great potential and value, offering immense possibilities of becoming one of the frontline states of India. The scope of industrialisation, agricultural prosperity and all round economic development are indeed great, if the state’s natural resources are fully tapped and utilised.Assam is rich in mineral resources. Petroleum, natural gas, coal, and limestone are the state’s principal mineral resources. Among these petroleum is the most important. Oil was first discovered at Digboi as early as 1867. Currently Digboi, Rudrasagar, Narharkatia, Moran, Lakwa, Hugrijan etc. are the leading oilfields of…
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1170 Words Essay on Environment Pollution— Problem and Its Solution

In a broader term environment means everything that surrounds us. It includes living or biotic life, e.g. plants and animals and non-living or biotic components like air, water and soil. Environmental pollution refers to degradation of air and water by mixing of harmful and undesirable pollutants in them.Today, pollution has become the biggest global problem because it has grown in magnitude and threatens to endanger all life on the living planet. As a matter of fact the gravity of situation created by pollution worldwide has been voiced at many national and international levels by various dignitaries and organisations to emphasise the need to realise the problem in all its seriousness and take whatever measures necessary in all earnest.In the Millennium Summit of the United Nations, its then Secretary-General Kofi Annan…
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