Free sample essay on Forest and Wildlife Conservation

Protection and conservation of forests and wildlife are essential to maintain the earth’s health and environment. The earth is the only known living planet and it is because of its special environment and ecology which are life-supporting. Forests are part and parcel of our environment.They are one of the most valuable resources and gifts of nature. They play a key role in the maintenance climate, rain-patterns, water and soil conservation.They are the natural home of much type- of animals, birds, reptiles, insects etc. They supply timber, fuel, medicines, and wood for peeper-pulp and raw materials for many industries. The increasing depletion and destruction of wildlife is a source of great concern. One out of every seven persons of the world live in India. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: India has 16…
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Short essay on Patriotism Is Not Enough

The true spirit of patriotism can be adjudged from the following incident. An enemy officer took two prisoners of war to his superior during the First World War and said,” Sir, you want us to fight against these Indians. A very until task indeed. If we run short of biscuits, our soldiers (white) start grumbling. These Indians eat a little parched gram and drink water from a source close by.And they get a bullet in their chest, fall forward, thus gaining 6 feet of ground unlike ours, who fall backward and lose ground in equal measure Gladstone said, “Of the whole sum of human life one small part is that which consists of man’s relations to his country and his feeling concerning it”.Patriotism is an inherent quality in a person…
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Essay on Backward Classes Movement in India

Essay on Backward Classes Movement in India – The Backward Classes Movement started in India in the early part of the 20th century. When the British introduced here English medium schools and colleges and the Western education, the upper castes like the Brahmins made use of them. As a result, they could easily get the jobs in the government services and increase their prestige.This further increased the cultural, social, and eco­nomic distance between them and the lower castes. Now the lower castes became more conscious of this situation. As M.N. Srinivas has said the lower castes realised that mere Sanskritisation was not enough. It did not provide them much scope for social mobility.They became more determined to obtain Western education in order to qualify themselves for the new jobs in…
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The main objects of patent law in India- Essay

The object of granting a patent is to encourage and develop new technology and industry. The theory upon which the patent system is based is that the opportunity of acquiring exclusive rights in an invention stimulates technical progress in four ways:(i) that it encourages research and invention,(ii) in induces an inventor to disclose his discoveries instead of keeping them as a trade secret; ADVERTISEMENTS: (iii) it offers a reward for the expenses of developing inventions to the stage at which they are commercially practicable, and(iv) it provides an inducement to invest capital in new lines of production which might not appear profitable if many competing producers embarked on them simultaneously. Image Source: patentlawcenter.pli.eduThe object of granting a patent is to encourage and develop new technology and industry. An inventor may…
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Short Essay on The Educational System in India

Education is an important activity in society, it gives an opportunity to man to understand the world around him and his place in it In ancient times man was completely at the mercy of nature which was a complete mystery to him.The dark forces of nature were beyond the comprehension of man and to console himself he had to depend upon the existence of supernatural powers and this led to the growth of religion and superstition. ADVERTISEMENTS: The invention of tools, domestication of animals and growth of agriculture led to organization of society and along with this, developed social sciences.Thus, in education we combine the study of natural laws with the laws governing the development of society- Knowledge and understanding come to us through the study of natural sciences (chemistry,…
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Essay on Education and Modernisation

Essay on Education and Modernisation – Education has become today an essential aspect of the modern industrial society. It is more regarded as an agent of social change than an instrument of social control. It has become increas­ingly secular.All the nations of the world are investing huge amount of money on education for it has become an essential condition of advancement.Education, modernisation, advancement in science, technology and industry normally go to­gether. Formal professional education has become an absolute necessity today. Education is needed just to read, write and do simple calculations but, it is essential to earn one’s living. It is the main source of supply of trained and technical persons to industry. The job that one gets today depends largely on the type of education that one has secured.…
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Essay on Cooperation – Kind of Social Interaction

Essay on Cooperation – Kind of Social Interaction – ‘Cooperation’ is one of most basic, pervasive and continuous, social processes. It is the very basis of social existence. Cooperation generally means working together for the pursuit of a com­mon goal.The term ‘Cooperation’ is derived from the two Latin words: ‘Co’ meaning together and ‘opera meaning to work. Literally, cooperation means joint work or working together for common rewards.Definition: ADVERTISEMENTS: 1. Merrill and Eldredge: ‘Cooperation is a form of social interaction wherein two or more persons work together to gain a common end.’ Image Source: lenfisherscience.com2. A. W. Green: ADVERTISEMENTS: ‘Cooperation is the continuous and common endeavour of two or more persons to perform a task or to reach a goal that is commonly cherished.’3. Fairchild:‘Cooperation is the process by which…
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Essay on the Evolution and object of trademark in India

In India, the Trademark law is governed by Indian Trademark Act, 1999. Trademark is basically a sign or mark by which the trader or manufacturer or service provider distinguishes his goods or services from that of others.Trademark is like a property which is entitled to protection under law. Thus me law which defines the right of trademark holder and which protects his rights from being infringed is Trademark law.The law pertaining to trademark has a long and vast history of more than two hundred years. The first Act concerning trademark was established in the year 1883 in England. However due to some loopholes it was repealed by the Trademarks Act of 1905. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: The 1905 Act contained major portion of 1883 Act. The 1905 Act was further…
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Free Sample Essay on Should Smoking Be Banned In Public Places?

There are people who smoke and people who do not. It is in public places that individuals from these groups inevitably meet and are forced to interact.And in such places, whose will is to prevail-a smoker’s or the non-smoker’s considering the matter objectively from the angles of environment, health, as well as individual rights, it is the non smoker’s will that should prevail.It is impractical to ascertain the wishes of each non-smoker in a public place before a smoker indulges in a puff. Smoking in public places, in other words should be banned. ADVERTISEMENTS: Smoke-the very word conjures up a foul unhealthy, suffocating, polluted environment with dark clouds of gases suffused everywhere.How then, can smoking or rather puffing away smoke to create such a defiled environment be permitted in public…
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Short Essay on Criminalisation of Politics in India

The leaders who achieved independence for India spent long years in jail many a politician today ought to justify in jail. The former were imprisoned for fighting a just cause against an alien rule, the latter are no better than common criminal’s patty thieves, gangsters, murderers and rapists. For politics today has become not the last but first resort of the scoundrel.An important reason for the criminalisation of politics is very system of power that operates in India.The state in India wields a great amount of discretionary power. Also there is little transparency in the exercise of power by the State. With the assumption of so much power, the scope for misusing that power also increases. ADVERTISEMENTS: The economy of India was till recently and to some extent even now…
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