Essay on Industrial Sociology

Essay on Industrial Sociology – The Industrial Revolution that took place in England in the 18th century changed the course of human history.The Revolution, though essentially took place in the economic field, its effects were never confined to the economic field alone. It brought down the cost of production, improved qual­ity and maximised output.More than that, it changed the pattern of human relations. It eased human life, and provided more comforts and luxuries to man. At the same time, it altered human outlook and attitudes. It brought about radical changes in the very structure of the society. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Industrial revolution, in course of time resulted in the continuous process of industrialization is a phenomenon of world significance today. Development in the field of science and technology further…
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Essay on the Hunting and Gathering Societies

Essay on the Hunting and Gathering Societies – As Gerhard Lenski pointed out in his “Human Societies” (1970), the oldest and the simplest type of society is the “Hunting and Gathering Society”. Such a society is characterised by a small and sparse population; a nomadic way of life and a very primitive technology they have the most primitive tools such as stone axes, spears and knives.Hunter-gather society relies heavily on hunting wild animals and gathering food for its survival, as it grows naturally in the form of fruits, nuts and vegetables.Hunting and gathering societies represent “A mode of subsistence dependent on the exploitation of wild or non-domesticated food resources. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: All societies used this subsistence strategy of hunting and gathering until only two thousand years ago. Even…
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Is Salesmanship an Art or a Science?

The most common question which arises with the discussion of a new subject is, whether it is an art or a science or both or something else? Such a question demands a precise answer since a variety of opinions exist about a salesman.One group is of the view that ‘salesmen are made’ whereas another group opines that ‘salesmen are born’.To others, salesmen are both born and made. Since there are conflicting opinions about salesmanship, it is necessary to decide whether salesmanship is an art or a science. An art is defined as ‘skill in performance acquired by study, observation and experience’. It is knowledge made efficient by skill and experience. Hence dancing, singing, acting, writing, etc. are considered as arts. Besides, art can be developed to a great extent by…
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What are the Main Purposes of Advertising?

Advertising usually constitutes a part of the marketing efforts of an organisation. Advertising is undertaken by organisations in order to attract the attention of people towards products and services.Thus, the basic aim of advertising is to create awareness in the minds of people, about the availability of products and services and influence them to buy the same.The ultimate aim is to enhance the sales of the organisation. Therefore, advertising complements and supplements the company’s selling efforts. The main purposes of advertising are as follows: ADVERTISEMENTS: 1. Communicates information: One of the most important functions of advertising is to convey or communicate the information to others. In the modern day world, where science and technology contributes to new innovations and inventions, every now and then new goods and improvisation of the…
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Essay on the Functions of Social Stratification

Essay on the Functions of Social Stratification – The glimpse of the cultures of the world reveals that no society is ‘classless’, that is, unstratified. All the known established societies of the world are stratified in one way or the other.According to Wilbert Moore and Kingsley Davis, stratification system came to be evolved in all the societies due to the functional necessity. As they have pointed out the main functional necessity of the system is: “the requirement faced by any society of placing and motivating individuals in the social struc­ture Social inequality is thus an unconsciously evolved device by which societies ensure that the most important positions are conscientiously filled by the most qualified persons”.As analysed by H.M. Johnson certain things here can be noted about the “functional necessity” of…
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5 Important Sources of Product Knowledge to a Salesman

A salesman is usually expected to sell a number of articles. Therefore, it becomes quite difficult to know every detail of the product from a particular source. Rather, he has to gather the required information about the products he is dealing with from various sources.a. Personal experience: ADVERTISEMENTS: The first and perhaps the most important source of acquiring product knowledge is the personal experience of the salesman. As the salesman becomes more and more familiar with his work, he becomes increasingly aware with the possible questions that buyers raise most often and also the convincing answers for the same.In other words, experience of handling customer queries makes the salesman competent in providing convincing answers. Besides, the salesman can gather a lot of information about a particular product by using it…
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Factors Determining the Size of Sales Territories in an Organisation

While dividing the size of sales territories, the sales manager has to take into consideration certain factors which influence the size of the sales territories. Following are some of the important factors:Nature of the product: ADVERTISEMENTS: The nature of the product is of utmost importance to ascertain the size of sales territories. There are certain consumer products which have constant demand in the market. These are generally high turnover goods and need little selling efforts. Image Source:, for such products a large sales territory can be assigned. For luxury, large and durable articles, which need high selling efforts and less turnover, small sales territory can be assigned.Demand for product: ADVERTISEMENTS: While allocating sales territories to the salesmen, the demand for a particular product should be taken into account. If…
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Characteristics, Advantages and Disadvantages of Consumer Cooperative Stores

A consumer cooperative is a retail business which is owned by the consumers themselves. Their basic objective of establishing cooperative stores is to eliminate middlemen.Consumers form a society to manage the business and profit thus earned is distributed among themselves in proportion of their contribution.These stores are, in fact, associations organised by consumers to sell daily requirement items. The society purchases in bulk and avails the discounts and sells to the members as well as to the general public in small quantities. Some of the cooperative stores are run on a large scale basis while others are operated on a small scale. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Characteristics: 1. It is a voluntary association of consumers duly registered under the Cooperative Societies Act.2. Membership of a society running on cooperative lines…
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Essay on Science and Technology Programmes for Socio-Economic Development in India

The Department of Science and Technology has specific programmes to support application of science and technology to directly benefit the economically weaker sections of society.Special schemes have also been launched for solving the problems affecting the poor amongst scheduled castes and remote and primitive tribal groups as part of the special component plan and tribal sub- plan of the department. Expertise of the retired scientists and the enthusiasm of the young scientists on such activities is encouraged through appropriate support.To encourage graduates in various branches of science and technology to make up entrepreneurship as a possible vocation. National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board was established in 1982. This board has been implementing several schemes for the creation of sustainable jobs by the application of science and technology. Image Source:…
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405 Words Essay on the impoortance of Civic Sense

What is civic sense? It is to create awareness about having a clean surrounding. It is said that cleanliness is next to Godliness. At the same time, cleanliness wards off any possible threat by bacteria or infection.But is our country clean? Is our street clean? Is our home clean? We may have a clean house, but having a clean environment is as important as our home. The growing population, industrialization, slums, cattle that roam around freely in city roads, illiterate people, plastic bags, garbage, improper drainage system – all these add to misery.When a street is dirty, it is the duty of the municipal staffers to come and sweep it clean. But the residents of that area also partly responsible to this ill-fated situation. People without regard for the others,…
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