Essay on Modern Computer System (362 Words)

Decision Making
Essay on Modern Computer System (362 Words)!The modern computer system consists of five basic components. These are: i. The input devices: The input devices allow us to enter data into the computer. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: These devices include a keyboard which is used to type instructions into the computer; a mouse which is connected to the computer by a cable and various commands can be executed by pressing one or both buttons on the mouse, a touch screen which allows users to execute commands by touching a specific location on the screen or a voice recognition device which recognizes the sound of the end user and executes commands as spoken. ii. The central processor: Known as central processing unit (CPU), it is a critical component where most of the…
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Essay on Important Barriers to Effective Communication (2204 Words)

Decision Making
Essay on Important Barriers to Effective Communication (2204 Words)!Despite its apparent simplicity, the communication process rarely operates flawlessly. The communication must be interpreted and understood in the same way as it was meant to be sent by the sender, otherwise it will not achieve the desired result and a communication breakdown will occur. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: There are certain external roadblocks to effective communication such as poor timing of communication, poor choice of the channel of communication of information, incomplete, inadequate or unclear information, and network breakdown and so on, which can affect the proper reception of the communication.In addition, there are personal factors which may cause the interpretation of the communication differently than it was intended by the sender. The communication may be received in a way in…
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Standardized Approaches that can be used in the Preparation of Budgets

Decision Making
According to Plunkett and Attner, budgeting requires (1) setting goals, (2) planning and scheduling to reach the goals, (3) identifying and pricing resources, (4) locating needed funds, and (5) adjusting goals, plans; and resources to match actual fund availability. Image Source: amberpm.files.wordpress.comAny one of the following standardized approaches can be used in the preparation of budgets. 1. Top down Budgeting: ADVERTISEMENTS: These budgets are prepared by senior managers and are passed down to lower levels end the lower level managers are expected to operate within these budgets. There may or may not be any input from the lower level managers.In preparing these budgets, top management must take into consideration all relevant factors and carefully analyze these factors so that they do not miss or neglect any significant information about opportunities…
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Operational Enhancement Enhancement of the Organization – Essay

Decision Making
There are various areas within the organizational domain where changes can be brought about for operational enhancement of the organization as well as desirable behaviour of members. Image Source: a. Individual targets: Even though, any organizational change affects people in some form, it is important that the behaviour and attitude of the members be predictable and in accordance with the expectations of the organization and be consistent with the missions and policies of the enterprise. ADVERTISEMENTS: These changes are directed towards performance improvement, dedication and loyalty to the organization as well as developing a sense of self-actualization among members. These can be developed by closer interaction with employees and by special behavioural training and modification sessions. b. Interpersonal and group targets: In this area, managers may consider implementing strategies…
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Essay on the Causes of Conflict in an Organization (1341)

Decision Making
Essay on the Causes of Conflict in an Organization!Basically, the causes of conflict fall into three distinct categories. Accordingly, most of these causes can be restructured and placed into one of these categories. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: These categories deal with communicational, behavioural and structural aspects. 1. Communicational aspects of conflict: Poor communication, though not reflecting substantive differences, can have a powerful effect in causing conflict. Misunderstood or partial information during the process of communication can make the difference between the success and the failure of a task and any such failure for which the responsibility becomes difficult to trace can cause conflict between the sender of the communication and the receiver of the communication.Thus the problems in the communication process, whether these problems relate to too much or too…
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Essay on Decision Making (516 Words)

Decision Making
Essay on Decision Making (516 Word’s)!In most instances, it is not possible for decision makers to accurately predict the consequences of an implemented alternative. This is partly due to the dynamics of the environment. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: The more complex the problem and more dynamic the environment, the higher the degree of uncertainty in predicting the outcome of a decision. In general, there are three different conditions under which decisions are made; these are (1) complete certainty, (2) complete uncertainty, and (3) risk. i. Decisions under certainty: This is the simplest form of decision making. The condition of certainty exists when decision makers know exactly what the outcome of each alternative will be. The decision maker would simply select the alternative which has the best outcome. If the number…
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Essay on the Quantitative Approach to Management (666 Words)

Decision Making
Essay on the Quantitative Approach to Management!This approach emphasizes the use of mathematical techniques and models in solving many complex management problems. These quantitative tools and methodologies, known as operations research techniques are designed to aid in decision making relating to operations and production. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: The basic contention of this approach is the premise that if managerial and organizational operations and decisions are based on a logical process, then these may be expressed in terms of mathematical symbols and relationships. According to Lindsay, these techniques assist the management for improving the quality of their decisions by:a) Increasing the number of alternatives that can be considered.b) Assisting in faster decision making based upon objective analysis of available information.c) Helping management in evaluating the risks and results of different…
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Essay on the Duties of an International Manager

Decision Making
Essay on the duties of an International ManagerSince the world is becoming a “global village” and MNCs are becoming a way of business life in practically all countries, a manager must have proper orientation towards “foreign people, ideas and resources.” Three categories have been proposed for classifying managers according to their international orientation. These are ethnocentric, polycentric and geocentric. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: “Ethnocentric managers” are home country oriented and apply the organization’s domestic policies and practices to its overseas units. Decision making is centralized and the headquarters based in the home country provide direction for the entire organization regardless of the geographical location.Even though, it is simple in application, it is not workable in all types of environments. For example, in America, if a company is not doing well,…
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Essay on the Reinforcement Theory of Motivation (823 Words)

Decision Making
Essay on the Reinforcement Theory of Motivation (823 Words)!The reinforcement theory of motivation shifts the emphasis from employee’s underlying needs and thinking processes and focuses on the relationship between behaviour and consequences. The theory rests on two premises. First, that the environment is an important catalyst in determining or reinforcing behaviour. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: If the environment is complementary to established behaviour, then such behaviour is positively reinforced. On the other hand, if environment is hostile to the values and skills of the worker, then negative reactions take place. Second, human behaviour is subject to “cause and effect” phenomenon so that effects can be predicted on the basis of established causes and that behaviour can be changed by manipulating the consequences. Operant Conditioning: Based on the work of B.…
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Essay on the Communication Networks (586 Words)

Decision Making
Essay on the Communication Networks (586 Words)!The communication model discussed earlier identifies the process whereby a message is sent by a sender and is received by a receiver. However, organizational communication is not confined to one sender and one receiver only. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: In organizations, communication frequently takes place among many individuals and groups. Many tasks require a variety of inputs from a variety of people and hence managers must link up with these resources of inputs for the purpose of coordination of tasks.A “communication network” represents a pattern of information flow among group members. The importance of communication networks lies in their potential influences on effectiveness, task efficiency, group leadership, member satisfaction, and other variables that affect organizational effectiveness.In the literature on communication networks, five different types…
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