Business Etiquette essay


Business communication is a necessary part of human life, the most important type of relationship with other people. The eternal and one of the main regulators of these relations are ethical standards in which our ideas about the correctness or incorrectness of people’s actions are expressed.

Almost all areas of business ethics have rules that are applicable to ethics of behavior in a broad sense. In addition, all areas of business ethics, without exception, are based on fundamental ethical standards. These include respect for the self-esteem and personal status of another person, an understanding of the interests and motives of others’ behavior, social responsibility for their psychological security, etc. And communicating in business cooperation with his subordinate, boss or colleagues, each one way or another, consciously or spontaneously relies on these ideas.

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Therefore, I find the topic of “business etiquette” significant for society and choose it for consideration in my examination.


Etiquette – the established procedure for observing certain standards of behavior. *

There are two types of etiquette: unofficial and official. The official has four directions:

  • The courtier
  • Diplomatic
  • Military
  • Business

The most important element in the professional activities of a business person is compliance with business etiquette. According to Dale Carnegie, success in financial affairs is 85% dependent on the ability to communicate with people. Etiquette is based on the following principles:

  • Act towards others as you would like them to act towards you
  • Senior Priority and Status Priority
  • Woman priority
  • Hygiene principle
  • Aesthetic principle
  • The basic rules of business etiquette:
  • greeting rules
  • submission rules
  • rules of treatment
  • monetary rules
  • rules for organizing business contacts
  • rules of conduct in the office of the chief
  • business subordination rules
  • personal admission rules
  • rules for business gifts and souvenirs
  • art of compliment *
  • Issues of business etiquette are important for the head of the company, primarily because a professional is not only one who knows the intricacies of any specialty, but also the intricacies of business communication. If the leader is a specialist, for example, in management, then in order to effectively manage, he still needs to be a specialist in business communication.
  • Following the rules of business etiquette and the ethics of business communication is the key to success in business. In other words, compliance with the rules of business etiquette and business ethics is one of the necessary elements of professionalism.
  • business etiquette verbal speech


The culture of behavior in business communication is unthinkable without observing the rules of verbal (verbal, verbal) etiquette associated with manners and forms of speech, vocabulary, i.e., with all the style of speech adopted in the communication circle of business people.

The culture of speech implies not only its grammatical and stylistic correctness, but the absence of vulgar words, obscene expressions, parasitic words, as well as elementary politeness, which involves the ability to greet, say goodbye, say “please”, “be kind”, “be kind”, “Sorry”, thank you for your help, service, wish good night, good morning, good appetite, health and more.

In etiquette attentiveness, the ability to listen to the speaker, to render services to those in need are highly valued.

American psychologist Dale Carnegie in his book “How to Make Friends and Influence People” suggested six rules of art to like.

The first is to genuinely be interested in other people. To know others, you need to talk less about yourself, listen to others more, and use less pronouns in conversation. Try to find out what your interlocutor thinks about a particular issue, how he lives, what he is interested in.

The second is to smile at people. A man with a smile in his eyes and lips is always liked by people. A smile without irony, coming from inside the person, will say: “I am glad to see you, I am pleased to speak with you.”

The third is to contact the interlocutor by name. In order to better remember the names of those you meet, you must mentally repeat this name several times, and even better – write it down.

Fourth – to be able to listen to the interlocutor, while asking questions that I myself would like to answer. To be able to sympathize with a person if he needs it. If you have a desire to interrupt the interlocutor, take a deep breath and let the interlocutor continue his thought. An attentive interlocutor will notice this and appreciate it.

Fifth, talk with the interlocutor about what interests him. This is the surest way to the heart of man.

Sixth – to inspire friends and colleagues with an awareness of their own significance for you, the team, the family … But this must be done sincerely. We must see the virtues of other people, praise them and give thanks for the good that they do for us. Good words are pleasant to others. After the good words spoken to people, you yourself will feel that you are becoming kinder.

Everything that was said here is addressed to both the head of the enterprise, office, company, and all its employees.

  • 2.1 Telephone etiquette

Telephone conversations are so laid-back and friendly that the interlocutors do not see each other.

There are several generally accepted telephone conversation rules:

  • if the conversation is interrupted, then the one who initiated the conversation should call back;
  • should speak as briefly and to the point;
  • you cannot speak too loudly into the receiver, while avoiding too quiet speech;
  • Greeting and presentation required;
  • if you call someone and do not answer your call, do not hang up until you hear 4-6 long beeps – your interlocutor may take some time to get to the phone;
  • think at least a few times before calling out of hours — too early in the morning or late in the evening. As a rule, you should not call until 8 am and after 11 pm, as well as at lunchtime;
  • You can’t call your partner’s home phone number that has become known to you, unless he himself has given this number to you and said that he can be called home. Business calls to home numbers on weekends and holidays should be avoided;
  • the correctness and politeness of speech, the pleasantness of intonation are especially important;
  • It is very important to politely and positively end the conversation.

2.2 Etiquette of a business letter

The approach to solving the question of what a business letter should be, involves a share of creativity, but, nevertheless, there are general rules. One of the main requirements for the letter – it should not be long – 1.5 pages. A good writing, like a presentation, should be crisp and clear. Try to avoid polysyllabic, obscure words and phrases in your business letter. Laconic letters written in monosyllables describe the writers as good interlocutors who know the art of communication. The letter should reflect the personality of the author, department or company. But, despite all the strict rules and standards, there is always room for creativity. A letter prepared with a creative approach will show the recipient that the person was preparing it.

There are standard business writing schemes.


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