Essay on "Aquarium" (500 Words)

Human is the animal who loves to live in a community. Human beings prefer to live in a family or group. Food, clothing and shelter are the three basic need of human. Exactly opposite is the case with aquatic life. There are fishes that swim in group but never live in a group. They do not have any shelter under the water. They feel safe hidden inside a rock.Man uses fish tank in his house to decorate it. This fish tank comes in small sizes. However there are many museums and even hotels and restaurants that have aquarium inside the premises.Aquarium is the place where different species of fishes are preserved. Many fishes look attractive due their body colors and feathers. They look stylish and can definitely increase the beauty…
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Speech on School Magazine (471 Words)

A school magazine is an integral part of school life. In most cases, it is a periodical published by the school authorities, consisting of contributions from the students and teachers of that particular institution. Publishing a magazine is a long-drawn-out process. Initially, an editorial board is constituted consisting of the editor- in-chief, managing editor, editorial coordinator, photographer, copy editor, illustrator and so on. The editor-in-chief is usually appointed by the headmaster, and the editor is often a teacher who coordinates the editorial and publishing work for the institution.Several student editors from different classes and sections assist the editor in his/her work. The expenses of publishing the magazine are usually borne by the school authorities. Sometimes, members of the school alumni also volunteer to sponsor the magazine, especially specific anniversary issues…
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History and Civics Question Bank for Class IX – “India from Guptas to Harsha”

50 Short Questions with Answers on “India from Guptas to Harsha” for Class IX Students (History and Civics ): image source: upload.wikimedia.orgQ1. Name three kingdoms that arose in the post-Gupta period. Ans: The Maitrakas of Valabhi, the Pushyabhutis of Thaneshwar and Maukharis of Kanauj. ADVERTISEMENTS: Q2. Name some of the important inscriptions that help us in the reconstruction of history of the period from Guptas to Harsha. Ans: Allahabad Pillar Inscription written by Harisena, Banskhera Copper-Plate Inscription of Harsha’s period, Aihole-Meguti Inscription of Pulakesin II help us in the reconstruction of history of the period from Guptas to Harsha.Q3. Who were the foreign travellers who have left behind valuable account of this period? ADVERTISEMENTS: Ans: Fa Hien and I Tsing have left accounts of the Guptas and Hiuen Tsang for…
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