5 Major Differences between Primary Evidence and Secondary Evidence

5 Major Differences between Primary Evidence and Secondary Evidence are mentioned below:

Primary Evidence:

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1. Sec. 62 defines primary evidence.


2. Primary evidence means the documents itself produced for the inspection of the court.

3. Primary evidence is itself admissible in the Court.

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4. At the time of production of the primary evidence the adverse party has no such right.

5. The primary evidence is the best evidence.

Secondary Evidence:


1. Sec. 63 defines secondary evidence.

2. Secondary evidence means:

(a) Certified copies;

(b) Copies made from the original by mechanical process with accuracy;


(c) Copies made from or compared with the original;

(d) Counterparts of a document;

(e) Oral accounts of the contents of document given by some person.

3. When the primary evidence is not available, then only the secondary evidence is admissible under the provisions of Sections 63 & 65.

4. At the time of production of secondary evidence, the adverse party has a right to raise objection.

5. The secondary evidence is inferior then the primary evidence.


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