Intelligence, courageous, unbiased, knowledgeable, must rise to the occasion, when the public interest is trampled upon, educate the society, level the pulse of the people, ambition to excel and above all a watch dog of the public interest, these are some of the many qualities a journalist has to have before entering into this profession. What is journalism? The art of collection and dissemination of information which would interest the reader is called Journalism.
Modern journalism has many ramifications, like General news reporting, crime reporting, sports, economics, business, politics, interviews, off beat sensational stories, column writing, book reviews and the most prestigious and most hazardous Investigative reporting!
Investigative journalism quickly earns enemies. The offenders will want to sate the score with the one who exposed their shady activities and attempt to wipe him out too. At times die office of the newspaper/magazine is targeted too. While it has its own perils, the other branches are not the bed of roses.
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A journalist has no set timing. He has to be ever alert to rise to die occasion; die news will not wait for him! While covering tragic news, he shall not expose his emotional feelings. His job is to collect the fact and report. There is no room for such sentiments.
Any newspaper or magazine cannot afford to appoint reporters every nook and cranny of the entire country or the whole world. Yet how do they publish news from far off states and countries? To enable them to publish news from far lung areas, there are news agencies, like PTI, UNI, REUTER, CNN, etc. These agencies have journalists all over the world. These people collect die news and feed the newspapers and magazines, who subscribe for them.
Of course, journalism has certain privileges. A journalist personally sees or chats with the celebrities about whom we read or hear or see in TV and newspapers. However, it is expected of a journalist to him straightforward and honest. However, die critics did not spare this profession too.
Northclilfe says, “A profession, whose business it is to explain to others, what he personally doesn’t understand!” A. Stevenson remarked, “Editor: one who sorts die wheat from the chaff and print the chaff!” Amusing and interesting, isn’t it?