247 Words Paragraph on “Strike when the Iron is Hot”

Everyone wants success in life and this can only be when one takes full advantage of the chance that comes in life. Never miss a chance; a little chance can turn into a golden gift. Make the best use of opportunities as opportunities do not always come.

The saying as it stands, relates to the work of an ironsmith. The ironsmith sits by the side of his furnace heating the iron rod till it becomes red-hot. That is the right time when he should strike it and mould it in whatever shape he wants.

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If he misses that chance and allows the red-heat to cool down, the iron would again turn hard and will not be malleable. He will again have to undertake the same process and the same labour doubling the effort only due to the missed chance.



This is an example which has a lesson to give. Make the best of the present; use all your effort, efficiency and skill to turn the opportunity which has come your way, to your advantage. Lethargy, sanguinity and lengthening of time may prove counterproductive.

The wise always remain alert and alive the right thinking man always strikes when the iron is hot. Shakespeare has said the same thing in his play Julius Ceasar when he wrote:-

‘There is a tide in the affairs of men


Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;

Omitted, all the voyage of their lives

Is bound in shallows and in miseries.


I'm Jack!

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