The following studies conducted reveal the extent to which there are racial differences in intelligence.
(1) Brigham:
Reported the following experimental data regarding the scores by Foreign-born recruits in U.S. Army-during World War I; the Poles, the Italians, the Russians, the Greeks have a low score, the English, the Scotch, the Germans, and the native born American, have high score.
He however, later repudiated his own hypothesis on account of statistical inconsistencies.
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(2) Klinebeig:
From his studies of rural and urban people of German and France and Italy revealed that differences between races or nations are not so great as are the differences between individuals within a single race or country.
(3) Negroes in America:
Belonging to the Northern part either score high or equivalent to white Americans whereas Negroes from Southern hemisphere were found to score low. Moreover, the score was also dependent on white ancestry as claimed by Partner.
(4) American Indian Children:
Were also found to score lower than white children. Indian children were found to score more in non-verbal tests especially loom-training (bead design on a loom). Indian girls were again found to be better on the bead design a loom as revealed by Klinebeig. Even in drawing a man Indian children did better than Whites.
(5) Among America Indian tribes:
The testers were baffled by the fact that boys would not compete with each other to establish their superiority.
(6) Willy and Jenkin:
Studied 8000 Negro children and found 26 of them having an IQ of 140 or above.
(7) Porteus (1937):
Found that the Australian aborigines, failed to work individually at pencil images test since it was customary to work cooperatively there.
In conclusion of Franz Boas’s words are fitting, “If we were to select the most intelligent, imaginative, energetic and emotionally stable kind of mankind, and all races would be represented.” The same should be said for different cultural groups.