Short Essay on the Inevitable Element in the Public Administration

Inevitable element in the administration are given below:

From the above analysis it becomes clear that in the developing nations the bureaucracy and its role in development administration are inevitable. Bureaucracy is necessary evil in these countries, since the local political institutions are very week and have not grown fully to take uphill task of rural development.

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So bureaucracy in these countries has to face greater challenge and requires clarity of concepts, along with specialization in planning, technical and managerial fields. Attitudes and behaviour of civil servants are also coming under increasing criticism.

Training institutions that can change and develop attitudes are needed more to meet out the task of development administration. Thus the task of development demands different types of bureaucratic structure with new qualities and values in administration.

Development administration as pointed earlier is essentially change oriented. It has therefore, to be flexible and adaptable to meet quickly changing circumstances. In unstructured situation decision-making has to be much more situational, innovative and creative. Development situation, it has been suggested require risk taking and achievement orientation.

Organisational rules and procedures should not, therefore, be allowed to get precedence over target achievement. Status which is at the core of bureaucratic hierarchy needs to be replaced by service motivation in development administration. Its dysfunctionalities need to be identified and corrected.


The changing role of bureaucracy in administration is characterised in such phrases as development bureaucracy and non-weberian model of bureaucracy. What is needed is to make the governmental organisations structurally and behaviorally geared to the task of development corresponding behavioural changes are needed to make the bureaucracy change oriented, result oriented and people oriented.

In fact, it is in this context that training of civil servant has, assumed much significance in most developing countries. What-is further needed is a bold redesigning of the total administrative system, its foundation, structure, culture, classification, procedure and style to make it an appropriate instrument for development.

To the extent, popular participation in administration will become a reality; this is bound to bring in a good deal of pressure on the bureaucracy to change. People participation will help in reducing the power of bureaucracy and this can enhance/responsiveness and the public accountability of bureaucracy.


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