Section 19 Removal of disqualification attaching to a conviction – Juvenile Justice (Care And Protection Of Children)

(1) Notwith­standing anything contained in any other law, a juvenile who has committed an offence and has been dealt with under the provisions of this Act shall not suffer disqualification, if any, attaching to a conviction of an offence under such law.

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(2) The Board shall make an order directing that the relevant records of such conviction shall be removed after the expiry of the period of appeal or a reasonable period as prescribed under the rules, as the case may be.



The provisions of this section are analogous to those of Section 12 of the Probation of Offenders Act, 1958 which removes disqualification attaching to conviction. The section provides that a juvenile who has committed an offence and has been dealt with under the provisions of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000, shall not suffer any disqualification, attached to his conviction for the offence.

It is for this very reason that sub-section (2) requires the Board to issue directions that the relevant records of conviction of juvenile should be removed after the expiry of the period of appeal or a reasonable period as prescribed under the rules made in pursuance of the Act. The object of this section is to ensure that the conviction of the juvenile does not carry any stigma and his future life is not tarnished or darkened.


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