13 Limitations of Behaviouralism Approach to Study of Politics

The Limitations of Behaviouralism Approach to the Study of Politics are given below: 1. Behavioural approach is not a very set and definite approach: It represents several different views with a common cause or with a similar focus. Big differences and divisions among the behaviouralists have made the behavioural approach highly complex and confusing. 2. Difficulties in the study of human behaviour: ADVERTISEMENTS: Human behaviour as the object of study is always bound to be problematic and even fruitless. 3. All aspects of human behaviour do not admit empirical methods: All aspects of human behaviour cannot be observed and stated in empirical generalisations. Image Source: uchicagomed.files.wordpress.com 4. Politics can lose its autonomous status: Behavioural Approach can make Politics dependent upon other social sciences, particularly Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology. 5. Study…
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4 Important Methods Used for Detecting Mutations

A variety of methods are available for detecting mutations, both in plants and animals.Some of most important methods are described below. 1. CLB method for detecting mutations: This method perfected by Muller has been used to detect mutations in X chromosomes of Drosophila. Even though it is primarily meant to detect radiation induced mutations, it can be used in the detection of spontaneous mutations as well. ADVERTISEMENTS: Three characters on the X chromosome are chosen to study the mutation. These are – C = Cross over suppressor. This represents a long inversion in the X chromosome, suppressing the cross over in the inverted portion.Cross over may still occur, but cross over gametes rarely survive due to deficiencies and duplications. L = Lethal gene. This is a recessive character. Hence homozygous…
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8 Important Features of an “Ideal State” (According to Aristotle)

Aristotle widely regarded as a realist, outlined his ideal state in book II, III, VIII of his “Politics”. A comparison between idealism of Plato and Aristotle is best illustrated by Sabine, “What Aristotle calls the ideal state is always Plato’s second best”.While Plato hails his ideal state to be good for all times to come, Aristotle accepts limitations of his ideal state. Moreover, Aristotle like his master prefers monarchy. But, he insists on the primacy of law not a philosopher king. Image Source: ichef.bbci.co.uk Features of the Ideal State: ADVERTISEMENTS: Following features can be outlined about Aristotle’s ideal state.1. There is supremacy of law in his ideal state. He favours impersonal rule of law which represents the wisdom of community since the ages.2. It is an ethical institution to develop…
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Short Essay on Microbial Genetics

Genetics is a relatively new field of biology and most associate this science with Johann Gregor Mendel (1822-84), who was the first person to formulate any laws about how characteristics are passed from one generation to the next. This kind of study is often called Mendelian genetics.His work was not generally accepted until 1900, when three men working independently rediscovered some of the ideas that Mendel had formulated thirty years earlier.However, genetics was revolutionized in 1953 when, James Watson and Francis Crick proposed a chemical structure for DNA. Image Source: williambrownscienceoflife.com ADVERTISEMENTS: Their discovery made it possible to understand more clearly the chemical basis of heredity in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms. Since then the proposed double helix structure for DNA has become the cornerstone for explaining gene function, gene…
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Useful Notes on Electrovalent, Covalent and Hydrogen Bond

The manner in which atoms are bounded together is of critical importance in all biochemical reactions. Three kinds of bonds may be briefly considered here: electrovalent, covalent and hydrogen. 1. Electrovalent bond: An electrovalent bond is formed by the transfer (not sharing) of one or more electrons from the outer shell of one element, say sodium, to another, say chlorine. Sodium has a single (“extra”) outer electron; it lacks seven of the eight electrons needed for stability of his outer shell. Chlorine has seven outermost electrons; its outermost shell is one electron short of complete stability. Image Source: 2012books.lardbucket.org ADVERTISEMENTS: Each atom would gain greater stability by combining with the other. The sodium tends to give up its single electron; the chlorine tends to saturate its outer electron shell by…
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Biology Question Bank – 21 MCQs on “Excretion and Osmoregulation” – Answered!

21 Questions with Answers and Explanations on “Excretion & Osmoregulation” for Biology Students.1. Reabsorption of useful substances from glomerular filtrate occurs in (a) collecting tube Image Source: images.slideplayer.com ADVERTISEMENTS: (b) loop of Henle(c) proximal convoluted tubule(d) distal convoluted tubule. ADVERTISEMENTS: Answer and Explanation: 1. (c): The cells lining the proximal convoluted tubule are well adapted for reabsorption of materials from the filtrate. They have abundant mitochondria and bear numerous microvilli on the free side. Mitochondria power the active transport of nutrient molecules back into the blood. The cells reabsorb entire glucose, amino acids, most of the inorganic ions (Na+, K+, Cl~), much of the water as well as some urea from the filtrate.2. Brush border is characteristic of (a) neck of nephron ADVERTISEMENTS: (b) collecting tube(c) proximal convoluted tubule(d) all…
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Short Speech on 'Pantothenic Acid’ (324 Words)

Pantothenic acid (B6) was at first called the filtrate factor and was given its present name by its discoverer, R.J. Williams. . Image Source: classconnection.s3.amazonaws.comThis vitamin has been known as growth factor for small organisms such as bacteria and protozoans. It is also essential for cellular metabolism as it forms part of an enzyme system. ADVERTISEMENTS: The term pantothenic acid is derived from the Greek word pantothen meaning from everywhere. The vitamin had been given many names before its chemistry and identity were completely established.The pure acid is a pale yellow viscous oil, readily soluble in water but insoluble in alcohol and other fat solvents. It is unstable and for this reason it is solid as a calcium salt.Chemically pantothenic acid C3H17N06 is an aliphatic compound containing an amide linkage,…
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Difference between “Corporation Aggregate” and “Corporation Sole” – Explained!

A corporation is an organized body of coexist­ing or successive persons which by a legal fiction is regarded and treated as itself a person. Image Source: ipwatch.comCorporations are of two kinds corporation aggregate and corporation sole. Corporation Aggregate: ADVERTISEMENTS: A corporation aggregate is a group of co-existing persons. “It is a collection of individuals united into one body under a special denomination, having perpetual succession under an artificial form, and vested by the policy of the law with the capacity of acting in several respects as an individual, particularly of taking and granting property, of contracting obligations and of suing and being sued, of enjoying privileges and immunities in common, and of expressing a variety of political rights, more or less extensive, according to the design of its institution, or…
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Useful Notes on Total White Cell Count (TLC)

The normal white cell count is 4,000 to 10,000/ cu mm of blood. These cells can be counted with the help of haemocytometer.Principle: The whole blood is used for total white cell count. With the WBC diluting fluid, it is diluted 20 times and placed in haemocytometer. The cells are counted under proper magnification over specified area. Thus, the known factors are: Source Image:biology.clc.uc.edu/ ADVERTISEMENTS: 1. The number of cells counted.2. The volume of fluid inside the chamber (i.e. the counting area ? depth).3. Dilution of blood. ADVERTISEMENTS: With the help of these known factors, the number of WBC/ cu mm of undiluted blood can be calculated. Equipments Required: For total WBC counting following equipments are required:1. WBC diluting fluid2. WBC pipette ADVERTISEMENTS: 3. Haemocytometer4. Microscope5. Blood sample. WBC Diluting…
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Importance of Field Design and Test of Significance in Agriculture

Experimental Designs: 1. Treatments: The objects of comparison, which an experimenter has to try in the field for assessing their values are known as treatments e.g. the varieties, manures, cultivation practices etc. Image Source: learnnc.org ADVERTISEMENTS: 2. Experimental Units: Experimental material is divided into a number of ultimate units to which the treatments are applied and are known as experimental units.3. Experimental Material: This is the name given to the material on which the experiment is performed e.g., a field, soil, patients in a hospital etc. ADVERTISEMENTS: Basic Principles of Field Experimentation:There are three basic principles of field experimentation which have been discussed below:1. Replication: The allocation of the treatments under investigation is known as replication. ADVERTISEMENTS: 2. Randomization: The allocation of the treatments to the different experimental units by…
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