435 Words Essay on Self Help (free to read)

It is rightly said that ‘God helps those who help themselves.’ It means that we must be self-confident and learn to move about and proceed without the assistance of crutches. No one can deny that the key to an immortal glory is the attitude of self-help. It implies that a person should not remain dependent on anyone to do a large part of his work and should act without relying on the help of others.A person who is used to work with his own hands is always happy- He does not have to look at others to do small jobs like washing, cleaning, cooking, etc. If a child is taught to be self- reliant, he grows up into a confident individual. He learns to respect the labour of other people.He…
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273 Words Short Essay on Co-Education

There was a time when it was believed that boys and girls should be taught in separate institutions. In ancient gurukuls, there were only boys who were given education then. In spite of this, women generally had good education in ancient India.After Independence, several education commissions and committees were set up. They generally advocated co-education in schools up to 10+2 level and separate education for boys and girls at the university level till graduation. This policy is now by and large being followed in our country. There is, however, co-education again at post-graduation level.Some people believe that co-education should not be there. In their opinion this can lead to attraction between boys and girls which are neither good for their health, nor character, nor studies. Some other people are of…
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Essay on The Relationship between Parents and their Children

Essay on The Relationship between Parents and their Children. It should be emphasised that the parents’ attitude towards their children should be one of consideration and kindness. Some parents think that they should be strict with their children and their presence should scare them. If they keep scolding their children and dominating them they may develop a fear for their parents. They may not be close to their parents. An intimacy may not develop between the children and the parents.Parents should exercise control over their children but they should not be a terror to them. Even teachers should not be a terror to their students. Parents should gently persuade their children to study, to be disciplined. If they go on pestering the children, the children may begin to dislike them.…
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The Key Role of a Teacher in Guiding his/her Students ; Essay

Roles that a teacher must know in the guidance program in elementary school are given below:The interrelation between guidance and instruction in the educational process emphasizes the key role of the teacher in guidance.The teacher is uniquely responsible for the climate of learning in which the class as a group, and each pupil as an individual in the group, finds opportunity for learning and for personal development. Image Source: careerealism.com ADVERTISEMENTS: Johnston, Peters, and Evraiff say, “The school must be conceived of as the setting for learning experiences, and everything which helps to make that setting educational is a concern of the teacher.” Teachers affect the lives and personalities of children, and their influence goes far beyond the academic area and what can be measured by achievement tests.Ohlsen say, “If…
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Importance of Self- Understanding in the Process of Effective Career Guidance

The value of self-understanding, of the individual and effort made by the counsellor to help the individual for better self- understanding, is much more than the guidance is given for any other purpose. This concept is briefly, discussed below:The concept of self-understanding has come to prominence through the studies of Rogers, Snigger and Combs, etc. It is an meriting and stimulating approach to guidance. It is just the modern version of old Greek motto ‘know thyself’.It is essential that the youth seeking guidance must tell his good and weak points to his Counsellor and the Counsellor must help him in knowing his abilities and capabilities properly. This concept also known as ‘self-image’, ego’ and ‘self-concept’. Image Source: tweakyourbiz.com ADVERTISEMENTS: The importance of the self-concept in guidance stems from the fact…
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Free Essay on the Village Life

Free Essay on the Village Life – People living in cities do not know what living in a village means. They cannot understand the charms of village life. It is rightly said, “God made the country and manmade the town.”India is a land of villages whose more than 80% of the population lives in rural areas. The people living in villages lead a simple and peaceful life and majority of them are farmers or agricultural labourers.The village people are very hard-working. Early in the morning when most people in the cities and towns are asleep, village is awake and full of activity. The farmers are seen going to their fields with the plough and bullocks to till the land. Image Source: ciresblogs.colorado.edu ADVERTISEMENTS: The women tend to their cows and…
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Essay on the Idealistic Theory of Rights

The Idealistic Theory of Rights is also known as the Personality Theory. According to this theory, rights are the external conditions essential to man’s internal and real development.Krause describes the system of rights as “the organic whole of the outward conditions necessary to the rational life.”Similarly, Henrici defines a right as “that which is really necessary to the maintenance of material conditions essential to the existence and perfection of human personality.” In brief, the Idealistic Theory emphasises the creation of those conditions which help man to reach the fullest stature of his personality. ADVERTISEMENTS: Perfection of human personality is the end to which all rights are directed and subordinated. In other words, right to personality is man’s fundamental right and all other rights are derived from it.For example, the right…
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Short Essay on Fundamental Rights in India

Short Essay on Fundamental Rights in India – Fundamental Rights may well be called the soul of our Constitution. These are the very basic rights that are universally recognized as fundamental to human existence and indispensable for human development.In the absence of these rights man’s social and spiritual life would be rendered worthless and his potentialities would have little chance of producing any worthwhile outcome.The fundamental rights fall in six broad categories. These are right to equality, right to freedom, right against exploitation, right to freedom of religion, cultural and educational rights and right to Constitutional remedy. By the 86th Amendment to the Constitution right to education was included under right to freedom in 2002. Image Source: we-indians.com ADVERTISEMENTS: The right to equality includes equality before law, equal protection of…
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Short essay on If I Were the Prime Minister

Short essay on If I Were the Prime Minister. India is a democratic country. The Prime Minister is a key figure in a democratic set up. The power concentrates in his hands. He runs the governance of the country. Though constitutionally, the President is the head of the country, yet the Prime Minister is the all-powerful man in the country. He administers the whole country in every sphere of life.Since my early childhood I had a dream to become the Prime Minister of India. I have certain ideas and ideals that I would like to put into practice. I want to make India a prosperous country. I would like to see it free from all the evils. First of all, I would like to check the corruption which has become…
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408 words short essay on Independence Day Celebrations

408 words short essay on Independence Day Celebrations. We celebrate Independence Day on 15th August every year. It is a gala day in the history of India. It is on this day in 1947 that India got independence from the foreign rule.Before 1947, India was under the rule of the British. After years of struggle India got freedom. Our leaders were put to jail several times. They had to face many difficulties to make India free. ADVERTISEMENTS: Independence Day is our national holiday. Shops, offices, colleges, schools and business establishments are closed on 15th August. National flag is hoisted everywhere. National song is sung. The Prime Minister of India unfurls the national flag from the ramparts of the Red Fort in Delhi and takes the salute of the armed forces.…
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