257 Words Essay on Sanitation in India

Sanitation in India leaves much to be desired. Open sewers and clogged drains are a way of life in cities. This helps mosquitoes to breed, leading to diseases like dengue and chikungunya. People have no civic sense. They spit on roads. In many buildings, the walls are seen to be spattered with betel leaf stains. Urinating and defecating in public are common. Trash overflows onto the streets as people just leave their garbage on the roads. Stray dogs poop everywhere. This is the typical scenario in most Indian cities. It is a shame that educated people too indulge in such behavior. Littering seems to be a national pastime. The need for cleanliness has to be inculcated at a young age. Parents should teach children to preserve their surroundings cleanly. Schools…
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436 Words Short Essay on Respect

Respect means a lot of different things for different people. It includes taking someone’s feelings, needs, thoughts, ideas, wishes and preferences into consideration. It also means taking all of these seriously and giving them worth and value.In fact, giving someone respect seems similar to valuing them and their thoughts, feelings, etc. It also seems to include acknowledging them, listening to them, being truthful with them, and accepting their individuality and idiosyncrasies. ADVERTISEMENTS: BehaviourRespect can be shown through behavior and it can also be felt. We can act in ways which are considered respectful, yet we can also feel respect for someone and feel respected by someone. Because it is possible to act in ways that do not reflect how we really feel, the feeling of respect is more important than…
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6 Laws of Learning Postulated by Edward L. Thorndike

Edward L. Thorndike in the early 1900’s postulated several “Laws of Learning,” that seemed generally applicable to the learning process.Since that time, other educational psychologists have found that the learning process is indeed more complex than the “laws” identified. However, the “laws” do provide the instructor with insight into the learning process that will assist in providing a rewarding experience to the trainee.The laws that follow are not necessarily stated as Professor Thorndike first stated them. Over the years, they have been restated and supplemented, but, in essence, they may be attributed to him. 435729.medialib.glogster.com ADVERTISEMENTS: The first three are the basic laws: the law of readiness, the law of exercise, and the most famous and still generally accepted, the law of effect. The other three laws were added later…
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What are the Four Main Process of Socialization for Children?

There are four main processes of socialization: Image Source: expertbeacon.com(1) Initiating action, ADVERTISEMENTS: (2) Perception of the situation,(3) Making the correct response and(4) To learn to respond and to form a habit. Onwards we shall understand all these four processes. 1. Initiating action: A behavior is dependent both on the stimulus and the individual. Here the term “individual” stands for mental preparedness. If the individual is not favorably disposed, he will not be able to show the expected behavior even when the stimulus is there. ADVERTISEMENTS: According to their varying mental preparedness people show different behaviors to the same stimulus. The mental preparedness depends upon the general physical condition, hereditary trait, mind, nervous system, muscles, glands, motivations, need, expectation, purpose, altitude, interest and values of life.Because of some motivation and…
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What are the Differences and Relations between “Ethics” and “Psychology”?

In the worlds of Stout, “Ethics enquires how we ought to will not how we actually do will. Psychology on the other hand, deals only with the process of volition as it actually occurs without reference to the lightness or wrongness, or to the ultimate conditions which make lightness and wrongness possible.” Image Source: ethicaluniform.comThus, psychology and ethics are different, having the following points of disagreement: 1. Difference in the Nature of Ethics and Psychology: ADVERTISEMENTS: As is clear from the foregoing statement by Stout, Psychology is a factual and positive science while ethics is an axiological and normative one. Psychology examines facts for formulating general laws while ethics describes them hi the light of ethical good. Psychology studies what is, while ethics contents itself with ‘what ought to be’.In…
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Essay on the Advantages & Disadvantages of “Cloning”

Cloning can be defined as the production of genetic copies that can develop genetically identical human organisms. A cloned organism or a number of clones are formed using the same genetic material as in the original organism.An important question that arises is that how is a clone produced? It is said that while cloning animals, scientists start with an ear skin piece which is later minced up in the laboratory. Then the cells are divided in such a way that they fail to remember that they are skin cells, thus regaining their ability to express all their genes.The later stage includes removal of the donor’s egg from the nucleus and mixed with the skin cells by using electric shocks. If the procedure is conducted successfully, the egg actually grows into…
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