Essay on Hegel's Dialectical Method

Hegel’s political philosophies rest mainly on his dialectical method. Hegel borrowed his method from Socrates who is the first exponent of this method. Hegel has himself expressed his debt to Socrates for this method. The dialectic means to discuss. Socrates believed that one can arrive at the truth only by constant questioning.It was the process of exposing contradictions through the method of discussion. Having taken a clue from Socrates Hegel argued that absolute Idea or the Spirit, in search of self-realisation moves from being to non-being to becoming.To put it in simple words, an idea moves from a thesis to antithesis until a synthesis of the two is found. Synthesis has in it elements of thesis as well as antithesis. In due course, the synthesis itself acquires the status of…
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Short Essay on the Acceptance Theory of Administration

The traditional belief that authority flows from top has been challenged by Chister Barnard. In his series of lectures at the Harvard. University, U.S.A. in thirties, Barnard dwelt very considerably on the philosophy. Image Source: i.ytimg.comThe acceptance theory of authority also known as the behavioural theory holds that only true authority that exists comes into being when the individual receiving the directive weights the consequences of accepting it or rejecting it and decides in favour of acceptance. ADVERTISEMENTS: According to this theory, the true source of authority is not the power delegated from upper levels of the organization and the right to invoke sanctions, the true source of authority of the manager is the acceptance of his directives by his subordinates.This is the “bottoms-up” theory of a authority in which…
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Authority is given to the Position and not to the Position-Holder – Essay

Authority is given to the Position and not to the Position-Holder –Authority is given by the institution to the position and not to the position-holder. At the time of structuring the organisation, the authority to different positions is allocated and the person is chosen later on possessing the requirements necessary to hold that position. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: So, whosoever, is assigned the position, will enjoy the authority attached to that position. Authority is not changed later on according to the person concerned who holds that position. However, in small organization, change according to the person holding the position, may be accepted. In Writing: Authority is generally granted in writing to each position so as to enable them to discharge the responsibilities assigned to that position and it may be…
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