Natural methods of contraception or preventing pregnancy include:
(a) Coitus interrupts (b) Rhythm method (c) Abstinence
(a) Coitus Interrupts:
It means withdrawal of the penis (the male organ) before ejaculation. This is also known as “Withdrawal” method. This is perhaps the oldest contraceptive procedure known to man.
Coitus Interrupts avoids the flow of semen into the female genital tract. The Advantage of this method is that no supplies or particular preparations are needed. It costs nothing.
But in order to practise it successfully, it is necessary that the man must have sufficient self-control. Some men are physically or emotionally unable to use this method.
This method may fail due to escape of semen before ejaculation or delayed withdrawal or deposit of semen in the women’s external sexual organs which may result in pregnancy.
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Although a number of sides effects of Coitus Interruptus have been attributed to this practice, the cause-and-effect relationship has never been established.
Many couples continue to use the method for years without any ill-effects and with full sexual satisfaction of both the partners.
(b) Rhythm Method:
This method is based on the avoidance of coitus during the unsafe period i.e., the days when it could result in the pregnancy. In every month there is a certain period when intercourse does not lead to pregnancy. This period is called the safe period. This is calculated on the basis of the menstrual cycle of a woman.
in order to find out the exact days of safe period and unsafe period one should count eleven days backward from the expected date of commencement of mensuration. For example, if menses are expected to commence on the 28th of a month, the dates backward by eleven days will be the 17th.
Now go back by 5 days more and note down the dates. These will be 16th, 15th, 14th, 13th and 12th. Ovulation from the ovaries of the women can occur on any of these 5 days. To this we should add 2 days more for the life of the sperm and one day for the life of the ovum.
Thus, this middle period of eight days i.e., 16th, 15th, 14th,13th, 12th, 11th, 10th and 9th of the month will be full of possibility of pregnancy. This is known as unsafe period. The 8 preceding days, and the following 11 days are regarded as safe period.
There will be no ovum to meet the sperm during these days and a coital act performed during this period will not result in pregnancy.
Disadvantages of this method are that it greatly reduces the opportunity for intercourse. It is unsuitable for a woman with grossly irregular menstrual cycle. Correct calculations and self-control are a must.
However, there are no side-effects of Rhythm Method.
(c) Abstinence:
Abstinence means non-indulgence (avoidance) in sexual intercourse when children are not required. It requires a high degree of self-control on the part of the men and women.