Arrangement of Ideas for Writing an Essay

A house is built brick by brick, first the walls are built and then the roof is laid. You can not put up the roof before the walls are built. Thus, in a paragraph you cannot skip from one idea to the next without arranging_them_properly and in a particular order.Ideas can be arranged in the following ways:-(i) chronological order: ADVERTISEMENTS: This means that ideas have to be presented as they occur in time. Omitting an important event and then going back to it later can be very confusing.(ii) order of importance:The writer can begin with the most important idea first and then lead to the least important idea.OR ADVERTISEMENTS: The writer can begin with the least important idea and then lead to the most important idea.Order of importance is helpful…
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4 Major Theories of Power (Class, Elite, Pluralist and Gender Theories)

Power is a factor of all social relations, particularly the political relations. It is present in every society. However, its distribution differs from society to society.Two major and interesting questions which demand answers are: who hold power in society? How power stands distributed in society? Several theories have been advocated by Political Sociologists and each of which seeks to explain the possession and distribution of power in society..(1) Class Theory of Power ADVERTISEMENTS: (2) Elite Theory of Power(3) Pluralist Theory of Power(4) Gender Theory of Power 1. Class Theory of Power: The Class Theory of power stands associated with the name of Karl Marx and his Marxism. It holds that in each society there are present two classes: ADVERTISEMENTS: (i) The class of the Rich (Haves) which owns the means…
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5 Important Criticisms Against the Systems Approach to Study Political Science

The Important Criticisms of Systems Approach are listed below: (1) David Easton’s Systems Approach has been criticised due to the abstract nature of his concepts. Can one deal with abstractions and still talk in terms of a system?Dr. S.P. Verma, “A close study of Easton’s political thought makes it very clear that his continuous efforts to move from the abstract to the concrete and from the concrete back to the abstract only land him into a great deal of confusion. ADVERTISEMENTS: (2) Even at the micro-level, systems approach is not applicable to the study of the third world countries. Wasby says, “When we go outside the context of North America and the Western World, it becomes apparent that relatively few countries exist wherein there is not a more than remote…
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Essay on “Iltutmish” (480 Words)

Iltutmish was a brave soldier and an experienced military commander. The Sultan, Muhammad Ghori, was very much impressed by his valour and instructed his slave Aibak to free him from slavery. He led the army against Yaldoz, Qubacha, Rajputs and Bengarand always attained victory due to his ability and capability. Image Source: upload.wikimedia.orgDr. A. L. Srivastava writers, “Iltutmish was not a builder of civil institutions and was not a constructive statesman. But Dr K. A. Nizami does not agree with Srivastava and remarks, “The administra­tive setup of Tqta. (Province) and the maintenance of the army of the Sultan were his contributions to the administration of the Delhi Sultanate.” Moreover, introduction of Arabic coinage such as silver ‘Tanka’ and copper ‘Jital’ were also wonderful contributions of Iltutmish. ADVERTISEMENTS: Iltutmish was a…
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Legal Provisions Regarding Hizanat or Custody of Children under Muslim Law

All Muslim authorities recognize the mother’s right of hizanat According to the Rudd-ul-Muhtar, ‘The right of the mother to the custody of her child is re-established whether she be a Musalman, or a kitabia or a mojoosia, even though she be separated from her husband. But it does not belong to one who is an apostate. Image Source: wendyreeselaw.comThe Fatwai Alamgiri puts it thus: “The mother is of all persons the best entitled to the custody of her infant children during connubial relationship as well as after its dissolution”. The term hizanat is applied to the woman to whom belongs the right of rearing up a child. ADVERTISEMENTS: Of all the persons, the first and foremost right to have the custody of children belongs to the mother, and she cannot…
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Essay on Employee Motivation (441 Words)

Following steps will be advisable to motivate the employees:- Image Source: Decentralisation and Delegation: This will enable the employees to take keen interest in their work. Then they have wider powers to manage their own affairs. Then they will consider the job interesting and worthwhile. ADVERTISEMENTS: When they have to look for every small decision to some higher authority, they will become practices and thus lose interest in their work. Job Enlargement: The administrators should provide opportunities to accept more challenging responsibilities in the job of the subordinates working under them. This will help them in their professional growth and motivate them to achieve the aims and objectives of the organisation. Principle of Recognition: Esteem needs, of the employees to be satisfied. A word of appreciation from the supervisors…
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