Living and Non-living components of a Plant Cell–Explained!

A) Living 1) Cytoplasm: The substance except nucleus surrounded by the plasma lemma of cell is known as cytoplasm. The cytoplasmic organelles are depicted. I) Endoplasmic reticulum: Cytoplasm contains an extensive net­work of membrane enclosed spaces; these spaces along with the membranes enclosing them are known as endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Functions: 1) It provides structural base for protein, lipid and phospholipids synthesis. ADVERTISEMENTS: 2) It sorts proteins according to their destination. 32f7sg2by83y1dtg9mdxf11m.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com3) It provides a control passage for the export of mRNA mol­ecules from nucleus to rough endoplasmic reticulum. ADVERTISEMENTS: 4) Several enzyme molecules, e.g. glucose-6-Phosphatase, AT- Pase etc. are embedded in the membranes of ER. II) Ribosomes: Ribosomes are particles of about 200 A° diam­eter; they are composed of RNA and protein. Generally ribosomes are attached to the outer…
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12 Main Factors That Influence the Socialization Process of a Child

A number of factors influence the socialization of the child. Onwards we shall understand these factors. Image Source: 1. Family: The family plays a very important role in the socialization of the child. In the beginning, the parents are the family for the child, because he depends on them for various things. After the parents mention may be made of sisters, brothers, uncle, aunt, grand­parents, and servants etc. ADVERTISEMENTS: The child learns many things from them relating to social behavior. The adult members of the family must see that their behaviors are within reasonable control in order that children may not learn anything undesirable through imitating them.The parents owe a special responsibility in this respect, because the child’s socialization begins first on the basis of parental behavior. The child…
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9 Important “Roles of Caste System” in Indian Politics

The role of caste in the Indian political system can be specifically discussed as under: (1) Caste Factor in Political Socialisation and Leadership Recruitment: Different caste groups have their loyalties behind different political parties and their ideologies. Right from his birth, an Indian citizen inherits a caste and grows up as a member of a particular caste group. ADVERTISEMENTS: He belongs either to one of the High Castes or to Scheduled Castes. In the process of picking up his political orientations, attitude and beliefs, he naturally comes under the influence of caste groups and casteism.‘Caste values’ and caste interests influence his socialisation and consequently his political thinking, awareness and participation. He banks upon caste solidarity for occupying and performing a leadership role. Image Source: alhsgov.weebly.comCaste influences the process of leadership…
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Biology Question Bank – 14 MCQs on “Enzymes” – Answered!

14 Questions with Answers and Explanations on Enzymes for Biology Students.1. Enzymes having slightly different molecular structure but performing identical activity are (a) holoenzymes Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: (b) isoenzymes(c) apoenzymes(d) coenzymes. ADVERTISEMENTS: Answer and Explanation:1. (b): Enzymes having slightly different molecular structures but performing identical activities are called isoenzymes. Over 100 enzymes are known to have isoenzymes. Thus a-amylase of wheat endosperm has 16 isozymes, lactic dehydrogenase has 5 isoenzymes in man.Holoenzyme is a complex comprising an enzyme molecule and its cofactor. Apoenzyme is an inactive enzyme that must associate with a specific cofactor molecule or ion in order to function. Coenzyme is an organic nonprotein molecule that associates with an enzyme molecule in catalysing biochemical reactions.2. The nuclease enzyme, which begins its attack from free end of a…
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What is the Importance of Law Variable Proportion in Modern Economic Theory? – Explained!

The law of variable proportions occupies an important place in modern economic theory. It influences every aspect of economic life. This law (especially its phase of diminishing returns) has universal application in the field of production, in any form.A number of economic principles find their expression in the law of diminishing returns. Principle of Substitution, Marginal Utility Theory of Value, Marginal Productivity Theory of Distribution, Ricardian Theory of Rent and Malthusian Theory of Population are some illustrations.Law of variable proportions has vast general applicability. This law applies as much to industries as to agriculture. However, in agriculture, where nature Plays the major role, diminishing returns set in at an early stage than the industries, where man’s role is more important. image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Experiences of the under developed countries…
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Essay on the Important Forms of Population Dispersion (691 Words)

Essay on the Important Forms of Population Dispersion !Populations have a tendency to disperse, or spread out in all directions, until some barrier is reached. Accordingly, population dispersion is the movement of individuals into or out of the popu­lation area. It takes three forms: emigration—one way outward movement; immigration—one-way inward movement; and migra­tion—periodic departure and return. image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Dispersion supplements nata­lity and mortality in shaping population, growth form and density, and also it plays a significant role in the distribution of plants and animals even to the areas previously unoccupied by the members of the population.Most types of population dispersion occur due to a number of reasons such as for obtaining food, avoiding preda­tors, preventing overcrowding, result of action of wind and water, environmental factors as light and…
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Range of Temperature Tolerance for Different Environment | Essay

Essay on the Range of Temperature Tolerance for Different Environment !In organisms all metabolic processes necessary for life start at a certain minimum temperature and increase with rise in tempe­rature until they reach the maximum level at a temperature called optimum temperature. image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Further rise in temperature beyond optimum brings about decrease in metabolic rate, until it ceases at a tempe­rature called maximum temperature thus, the favour­able temperature range for any particular species is determined by the prevailing temperature at which normal physiological activities of the animals take place.For example, rotifer Keratella procura is known to appear in the ponds of Pilani, Rajasthan (India), when the temperature is below 24rC and to disappear when temperature rises above 24°C. Its frequency of distribution reaches the peak during the…
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