The Important Methods of measuring the Age of Population | Essay

United States
Essay on The Important Methods of measuring the Age of Population !There are several different ways of measuring age, and there are two main ways of measuring age distribution in a population. The simplest measurement for age is the raw age itself. If only one species of organism is under investigation, it is probably the best scale to use, in addition to being the simplest. However, it is diffi­cult to compare age distributions of different species using raw ages, if the life spans are different, as, for instance, between elephants and mice. image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: For the purpose of comparing age distributions, a useful means of portraying age is as a percentage of total life span. The maximum observed life span of a species is determined, and ages are…
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Essay on Juvenile Justice in U.S.A (347 Words)

United States
Essay on Juvenile Justice in U.S.A !The origin of juvenile courts in the United States can be traced back to the system of appointment of State Agents in Massachusetts (Boston) in 1869. These State Agents were to take protective care of juveniles. In 1878, the work of the State Agent was transferred to probation officer who took care of the juvenile offenders placed under their charge. image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Presently, there is a Juvenile Court in each State of the United States. It is usually a specialised unit in the State judicial service which is established in the local community. The legislature determines its proceedings while the higher courts supervise its functions. The various State agencies such as State Welfare Departments influence the fiscal policies in relation to the…
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Short Essay on McClelland’s Needs Theory of Motivation

United States
David C. McClelland has identified three types of needs which motivate persons for hard work. These needs are, need for power (n/PWR) need for affiliation (n/AFF) and need for achievement (n/ACH). Image Source: efficiency.weareint.ioResearchers conducted have been found that persons with a high need for power have a great concern for exercising influence and control. Such persons are generally seeking position of leadership. Persons with a high need for affiliation generally make efforts for maintaining pleasant social relationship. ADVERTISEMENTS: They always want to be loved by their social group. People with a high need for achievement have an intense desire for success and an equally intense fear of failure set moderately difficult goals for themselves. They analyse and assess the problems of their job. They take realistic risks but do…
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Short Essay on the Role of Political Context in Administrative

United States
Role of political context in administrative are given below:Much of the discussion of administrative development refers to the proliferation and expansion of the bureaucratic organisation as the main instrument for programme implementation. Image Source: ppesydney.netThough one cannot discard the role played by the political parties, interest groups, legislatures, courts, electorates in the political development which Riggs says, “is itself a fundamental requisite for a better life, for the world and the people of the new nations, and that progress in public administration and economic growth will not automatically promote political development”. ADVERTISEMENTS: However, it may be pointed out as Fainsod asserts that “improvements in the effectiveness of development administration ultimately depend on the quality and training of the public servants who man it and on a social and political environment…
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Essay on Court's Role in Dispensation of Criminal Justice in India (434 Words)

United States
Essay on Court’s Role in Dispensation of Criminal Justice in India !It is significant to note that while many of the offences in the Penal Code have lost their import; several new offences have emerged in the flux of change. Organised crimes and white collar criminality are relatively a new phenomenon of modern societies which are multiplying at an alarming pace. image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: These crimes have become dominant feature of a powerful section of modern Indian society which either aids or abets the criminal activity or engages in it directly Today, a big smuggler, tax-evader, black marketer through clever advocacy and tell-tab medical certificate, gets away with his crime with no imprisonment, while a poor man rots in a prison cell because he has no tongue to explain…
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Essay on Bio-physical Factors and Criminality (494 Words)

United States
Essay on Bio-physical Factors and Criminality (494 Words) !Biological differences in human personality also account for criminality in human beings. The logic behind biological explanation of crime is that structure determines function and persons behave differently owing to the fact that they are somehow structurally different. image source: nationmaster.comTotal crimes. International …”/> ADVERTISEMENTS: The physical and biological abnormalities are generally responsible for criminal behaviour. In other words, the criminal is viewed as a biological organism characteristically different, abnormal, defective and inferior, both biologically and physiologically.The physio-biological explanation of criminal behaviour inspired Prof. Franz Joseph Gale to develop the doctrine of phrenology showing relationship between head conformation and personal characteristics of a person. He first published his work on this topic in 1791. His disciple John Gapser Spurzheint carried this doctrine…
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Honey Report on Higher Education for Public Service in the Year of 1967

United States
Honey report on higher education for public service in the year 1967 are given below:In 1966, an affiliate of the American Society for Public Administration asked John C. Honey of the Syracuse University ‘to undertake an evaluative study of Public Administration as a field of study in the U.S. Universities. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: The Honey Report, submitted in 1967 is significant in the sense that it disclosed the true state of health of the discipline of Public Administration. It sought to broaden the subject’s scope by making it conterminous with the total governmental process (executive, legislative, and Judicial). It identified four problems confronting it and suggested immediate action on them:1. Insufficient resources at disposal of the discipline (students, faculty and research funds).2. Intellectual argument over the status of the…
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