Essay on the Theory of Constituent Assembly

United States
The theory of a special representative assembly to frame the constitution is the product of democratic revolutions of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.It originated during the English Revolution of the seventeenth century, when the Levelers placed before the Army Council, in 1648 and 1649, two Agreements embodying the proposals for a representative assembly which “should draw up foundations of just government.”While Britain set the precedent for modem, written and rigid constitutions, she had herself recovered her normal temper, and not adhered to the Revolutionary method. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: The practical application of the doctrine of a representative assembly to frame the constitution found its first expression in the Philadelphia Convention, when the delegates of the original Thirteen States met to frame a constitution for the United States of America.The…
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Historical overview of patents – Explained

United States
A patent is termed as the exclusionary rights given by the government or the authorized authority to its inventor for a particular duration of time, in respect of his invention.It is the part of the intellectual property right, which connotes with all those rights which are granted to any person for protecting its invention, process, discovery, composition or new useful development etc. from its further usage without any authentication.If more than two persons have jointly applied for patent license, both will own the patent separately. The original word ‘patent’ has come up from the Latin term ‘pat ere’, which means ‘to lay open’ or ‘available for public usage’. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Sometimes it is also related to the term ‘letters patent’, which marks to the royal decree granting exclusive…
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Essay on the main branches of anthropology

United States
The discipline of anthropology, as we find it today, is the result of sev­eral historical, biological and socio-cultural forces. There have also been efforts to improve, refine and redefine the discipline. The broader aspects of anthropology have now been divided into several branches. Each branch has a specialty. Some anthropologists have also tried to specify the special branches of anthropology. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Among these are included Ralph Piddington, E.A. Hoebel and Ralph Linton. The anthropological specialties or branches are specified below: 1. As specified by Ralph Piddington (i) Physical Anthropology (ii) Cultural Anthropology ADVERTISEMENTS: (a) Pre-historic Archaeology (b) Social Anthropology 2. As specified by E.A. Hoebel (i) Physical Anthropology ADVERTISEMENTS: (a) Anthropometry (b) Human Biology (ii) Archaeology (iii) Cultural Anthropology (a) Ethnology (b) Linguistics (b) Social Anthropology 3.…
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Short Essay on the Oil Merchants of the Gulf

United States
The countries Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and the Sultanate of Oman politically constitute the Gulf Cooperation Council which was constituted on 26th May 1961.The aim of this Council was to promote coordination among member oil merchant states in all areas to achieve unity. In 2006, the Persian Gulf countries produced about 28 percent of the world’s oil, while holding 55 percent of the world’s crude oil reserves. ADVERTISEMENTS: Saudi Arabia the largest of the Gulf countries possesses both the world’s largest oil reserves which are 25% of the worlds proven reserves, and produces the largest amount of the world’s oil. Saudi Arabia’s decision to raise or cut production almost immediately impacts world oil prices.Half of Saudi Arabia’s total oil production comes from Ghawar field. It…
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Essay on Development by Statutes of Constitution

United States
No constitution is complete by itself and nowhere has an attempt ever been made to reduce all details into writing. The framers of a constitution always leave room for the system to grow.Chief Justice Marshall declared in McCulloch v. Maryland that a constitution is “intended to endure for ages to come, and consequently, to be adapted to the various crises of human affairs.To have prescribed the means to which government should, in all future time, execute its powers, would have been to change, entirely, the character of the instrument and give it the properties of a legal code. It would have been an unwise attempt to provide, by immutable rules, for exigencies which, if foreseen at all, must have been seen dimly, and which can best be provided for as…
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4 Important Factors That Influence the Rate of Extinction of Species

United States
4 Important Factors That Influence the Rate of Extinction of Species are as follows: 1. Population Size and Geographic Distribution: Smaller populations are at greater risk of extinction than larger ones. Rosenzweig and Clark (1994) examined data from their studies of bird populations of the British Isles (Diamond, 1984). Their study shows that extinction probability decreases as population size increases. Similar finding are on record in case of spider populations on islands (Schoenor and Spiller, 1992) and bighorn sheep (Berger, 1990).Small populations are seriously affected than large ones due to small changes in natality, mortality or environmental factors. Larger genetic variability and distribution pattern of large population serve as a buffer in protecting them from risk of extinction. Geographic distributions and longevity of many species can be estimated (Jablonski and…
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3 Important Perspectives of Indian Caste System

United States
The Important Perspectives of Indian Caste System are described below:Caste system in India has been studied from three perspectives i.e. Indological, Socio- Anthropological and Institutionalist. Indologists view caste from the scriptural point of view, Social-Anthropologists from the cultural point of view, and Sociologist from the point of view of stratification. (A) Indological-Religious Perspective: ADVERTISEMENTS: In the Indological-religious perspective, the exponents take their cue from the ancient scriptures and present their views on the origin, purpose, and future of the caste system. They hold the view that Varnas originated from Brahma and castes emerged as fissional units of the varna system.The origin of Castes came due to the need and development of division of labour in the society. Brahmins were given the superior position in society because of their knowledge of…
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Short Notes on the Osmoregulation in Terrestrial Animals

United States
The terrestrial habitat lacks both water and salts in the surrounding medium (air), therefore, the terrestrial animals often face the problem of both water and salt losses. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Water loss may be due to evaporation of water from the general body surface or through sweat or through urine.Salt loss may be due to sweat and urine. This problem can only be solved by remaining in water and salt balance that is by maintaining a balance between water and salt loss and water and salt gain.Therefore, the terrestrial animals usually drink large amount of water and develop various devices for the conserva­tion of tissue water and feed on such food materials which are rich in salts so that the deficiency of salts may be compensated.In terrestrial animals such…
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Punishment for offences against Public Decency and Morals in India

United States
Offences against public decency and morals consist in publicity and circulation of obscene literature, doing obscene acts, reciting obscene songs, uttering obscene words etc. in public, exhibiting objects, corrupting any person under the age of twenty years by obscenity. Image Source: lygsbtd.files.wordpress.comThe concept of obscenity has always been directly linked with the concept of morality in the society. The socially acceptable standard of morality and obscenity have always been in a state of flux from the ancient time. Even today it is difficult to find the exact meaning of obscenity. ADVERTISEMENTS: Section 67 of the Information Technology Act, 2000 also gives provisions regarding obscenity. It runs as follows:The Code does not define what is obscene, but Section 292 points out that any writing, drawing, painting or object or engraving etc.…
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List of 101 Thematic Essay Topics

United States
Huge Collection of Thematic Essay Topics for School and College Students. Image Source: davidrumsey.com1. Thematic Essay on Young Goodman Brown ADVERTISEMENTS: 2. Thematic Essay on World War 23. Thematic Essay on World War 14. Thematic Essay on Women Suffrage5. Thematic Essay on Cold War ADVERTISEMENTS: 6. Thematic Essay on George Washington7. Thematic Essay on Civil War8. Thematic Essay on River Valley Civilizations9. Thematic Essay on Human Rights Violations ADVERTISEMENTS: 10. Thematic Essay on United States Foreign Policy11. Thematic Essay on Us History Regents12. Thematic Essay on Us Foreign Policy13. Thematic Essay on Unwritten Constitution14. Thematic Essay on Technological Innovation 15. Thematic Essay on the French Revolution16. Thematic Essay on the Neolithic Revolution17. Thematic Essay on the Enlightenment18. Thematic Essay on the Industrial Revolution19. Thematic Essay on the Crusades20. Thematic Essay…
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