An Essay on Heavy Rain

For four days it rained non-stop. The ram was not very heavy but it kept on coming without letting up. Our neighbours and we were all worried about the possibility of a flood—the levels of the nearby river had been rising steadily. The next day the river overflowed its banks and the water spread out covering the entire area cm which houses stood. To make-matters worse, debris were caught on the bridge thus impeding the flow of the river. This had the effect of making the flood water rise even faster. The array came and blew a gap on the bridge to clear the blockage and this brought some relief to us. Nevertheless, the rain continued. It was wet everywhere—the ground, our chairs, beds; wet. We could not do any…
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Essay on My Favourite Game

An essay on My Favourite Game. “All works and no play make Jack a dull boy” goes the famous saying. I too enjoy playing all sorts of games-both indoors as well as outdoors. Among the indoor games, I enjoy playing carom and chess the most. I also enjoy playing badminton and table tennis with my friends and cousins. But the game I like the most is cricket. I not only enjoy playing this game but also watching it. It is my favorite game. We play cricket in our school also. I am in our school team and I really enjoy playing for our school. I open innings for our school’s team. ADVERTISEMENTS: I like all the aspects of the game-batting, fielding and bowling. I especially like taking catches and diving…
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Essay on My Favourite Teacher

A child idolizes his teachers more than anyone else in his life. We all thus have our ideals in our lives that inspire and motivate us. A Teacher is like a God to the child. In our in our Indian culture, a Teacher is given utmost importance. A teacher not only teacher the students about things in the world, educates them and shares with them his knowledge and wisdom but also acts as a spiritual guide for his students because he leads them on the path of truth, light, eternal wisdom and everlasting virtues. I study in Tagore School. There are about 30 teachers in my school. Some of them take my classes. Some are teaching me this year and there are others who haven’t taught me still. Nevertheless, I…
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970 Words Complete Essay on Pleasures of Reading

Reading has been one of the best hobbies since early time. Its benefits vary from person to person. To some it is a source of knowledge, while to others it provides pleasures. Some seek inspiration in it, at the same time it serves as a source of strength for a few people. It acts as a guiding force to some people. Reading is an act which directly stimulates the mind. Reading is to the mind what food is to the body.During reading our sense organs are involved with it. In the process, the sense organs convey to the mind the feelings that arise as a result of reading. When such feelings are agreeable to mind, they serve as pleasure.They relieve us of our tension and boredom. They remove our worries…
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1213 Words Essay on Superstitions in Indian Society

Superstitions are a commonly witnessed phenomenon. They can be seen anywhere, anytime, whether at home, in office or on the way. People of every caste, creed or community are superstitious. Though the forms of superstition may vary, their presence can be felt in every society. It is a universal phenomenon. Even the people of highly rational West are superstitious. It is an integral part of human society.To stop all of a sudden to see a cat crossing our path is a widely seen phenomenon in Indian society. It is almost universally believed that this is likely to bring failure to the mission of the person who is going to cross the road after it first being crossed by the cat. Similarly, the howl of the dog at the deadly hours…
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Essay on the Duties of a Student

8 Important Points to Remember about this Essay: Essay Introduction Duties of students Duties towards themselves Duties towards the family Duties towards society and nation Duties towards humanity Students and politics Conclusion—duties and rights Essay Introduction:Students are the repository of all that is vital and vigorous in society. They are the vital forces in the social organism. If the students do not come upto our expectations simply because they are led astray and their vigor is drained away, the radiance of our hopes is likely to be dimmed. It is essential, therefore, that students should realize this and make full preparations for playing their proper role in society and answering the call of the time to come. ADVERTISEMENTS: Duties of students:This leads us to the consideration of the duties which…
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How to Write an Essay on the Value of Games and Sports in Education ?

While writing the essay on this topic, please keep the below given points in mind. Points (1) Introduction. (2) Games as a Part of Education. ADVERTISEMENTS: (3) Advantages of Games and Sports. (4) Disadvantages of Games. (5) Provisions for Games and Sports in Schools. ADVERTISEMENTS: (6) Conclusion. Essay The place of games and sports in the life of human beings is great. There is a very old saying that “Health is Wealth”. One can build has body by playing games as it provides exercise in open and fresh air. All work and no play makes a person dull. Exercise gives life and energy to the mind and the body of the people and helps to keep them fit. Exercises, walking, jogging and yoga are the parts of every games and…
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Essay on Formation of Social Movements

Essay on Formation of Social Movements – Social movements do not emerge spontaneously as we observe it in the case of a crowd or mob. Herbert Bhumer (1951) has done much theoretical work in the field of social movements. According to him, social movement involves a few stages in its formation.1. The Preliminary Stage: ADVERTISEMENTS: This stage can also be called ‘the unrest stage”. In this stage we find some confusion or discontentment among people. Hence they are restless. In fact, as N.J. Smelser has pointed out “All social movements begin with some feeling of discontent with the existing social order
” Discontent is always a product of a relationship between objective conditions and ideas about those conditions.If all the members in a society feel satisfied about everything, there is no…
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Essay on the Importance of Newspaper

Each morning we need a cup of tea and the daily newspaper. How much do we feel irritated if the newspaperman does not bring to us the newspaper at the appointed time? The newspaper becomes more important than even the cup of tea. Newspapers are also like a potion to which we seem to be so deeply addicted. As the newspaper gets dropped within our gate all those in the family try to have a glance at it as per their interest. If one is interested in what is happening on the political front, the other is interested to have a look at the share-rates while the younger folk might like to know the latest regarding the details of the cricket match. ADVERTISEMENTS: A newspaper thus has its immediate need…
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If I Were the Principal – Essay

Have always admired my Principal, and have imagined being in her place. I have enjoyed dreaming what I would do if I exchange places with her, for just one dayThe Principal’s room has always fascinated me. It symbolizes power and authority. It’s a privilege to enter the room for being praised but a matter of shame for being scolded. ADVERTISEMENTS: I have always wanted to become the Principal of my school, and if I do, the first thing I shall take care of is permitting students to come to school in casuals- no school uniform because uniform changes a student to a mere roll number, with no identity of his own.Moreover, variety, which is the spice of life, is also taken away from students, when they wear school uniform. I…
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