363 Words Essay on The Educative Value of Television (free to read)

Entertainment & Media
The latest, popular craze for efficiency and perfection in education has encouraged the planners to use the T.V. for classroom teaching. They claim that it makes learning more effective and interesting. It is also being used for taking education into the far-flung areas of the country.The results are far more encouraging than the original expectations. Its use has reduced the learners’ dependence on teacher and has filled the classroom with excitement and interest.It can be correctly said that the invention of television has revolutionized the information technology. We are now able to see distant objects and incidents, while sitting at home. Such is the power of the television that many a time an incident happening in any part of the globe is seen directly by millions of viewers instantaneously. Image…
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474 Words Essay on The Importance of Sports in Education (free to read)

Academic learning and Sports Education are, actually, the complementariness of each other. They are the two sides of the same coin. If total education makes full development of the over-all personality of a pupil possible, he gets the qualities of leadership, tolerance, sharing and team-spirit from sports.The mental development, including the power of reasoning and vocational specialization, of course, comes from the academics. It, therefore, becomes imperative that education should result in the mental, moral and physical development of a student.But no one can deny that, unfortunately, the present-day system of education lays too much stress on mental development, pays only lip sympathy to moral enrichment and completely neglects physical well-being of a student. The over-all result is the coming up of hordes of graduates, post­graduates and diversified professionals with…
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Short Essay for School Students on “My Self”

I am 14-year old boy. My name is Avinash Jalan. Jalan is my surname. My grandfather gave me this name. I quite like my name. Avinash is a Hindi word which means eternal or everlasting.I live in Delhi’s Mall Road area in a rented flat. Mall Road, adjucant to Delhi University is a well-known locality. It is a neat and clean place with all modern amenities. My father is a lecturer in a college. He teaches Chinese there. Besides Chinese my father can speak, write and read Hindi, English and many other European languages. He has told me that Chinese is not easy to learn. My father, walks down to his place of teaching. ADVERTISEMENTS: My mother is also highly-educated, but she is a housewife. I love both my parents…
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965 Words Essay on an Ideal Teacher (free to read)

God himself is regarded to be the Supreme Teacher. As such, teachers in India have been held in high respect since ancient times. Their status has been next only to that of God, king or a prince. In some cases he is held even superior to God, as an embodiment of truth, Knowledge, wisdom, non violence and spiritual authority. They are considered the very salt and essence of the earth. Our Vedic and Purina literature is full of praise and appreciation of many such teacher, guide, Guru and spiritual friend.Teachers are the real makers of a nation. As a builder of a nation, they play a very crucial role. They are the very torch-bearers of knowledge and wisdom, who remove the darkness. They are the very light-house to guide the…
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Essay on the Impact of Television (TV) On Children

Children and adolescents spend almost 22-28 hours per week watching television. This is a sad fact because this is the largest amount of hours spent on any activity in your child’s life, aside from sleeping. Television has a large influence on children’s attitudes, ideas and behaviour. According to a survey, teens witness 10,000 murders, rapes and aggravated assaults per year on TV and four out of five people believe that violence on television directly contributes to the way children view violence. When children watch TV, they see other made up families, who deal with their problems different from how anyone else would. Children assume that this is how there life should be. We should teach out children about the reality of TV because television can affect the way a child…
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Factors responsible for the rise of communalism and its culmination into partition

Some scholars see Partition as a culmination of a communal politics that started developing in the opening decades of the 20century.The landmarks in the growth of communalism (Chronology of events related to Communalism) Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: 1. Formation of the Muslim League (1906).2. The League supported the Bengal Partition, demanded special safeguards for Muslims in government service, and put forward with the help of Lord Minto the demand for separate electorate and got it accepted (1909).It preached that the interests of the Muslims were different from those of the Hindus and opposed every nationalist and democratic demands of the Congress.3. The British used the League to counterpoise the rising nationalism. The British also encouraged the League to approach the Muslim masses and assume their leadership. ADVERTISEMENTS: 4. The pro-Turkey…
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5 important causes for the partition of India

1. Ever rising religious hostilities between Hindus and Muslims:Communal discord was known in the medieval period. However the frequency, magnitude and intensity of disturbance/riots grew alarmingly in the last decade of British rule.The rise and growth of communal politics was the basis for mobilizing people against the other community and it usually culminated into Communal discord. Image Source: viewsweek.com ADVERTISEMENTS: Hindus made up about two-thirds of the 400 million populations, and the rest were mostly Muslims.Muslim leader like M.A. Jinnah succeeded in influencing majority of the Muslims and generated a fear that an independent India would be dominated by Hindus. Jinnah, demanded a separate Muslim State of Pakistan, and adopted the slogan ‘Pakistan or Perish’.2. Provincial Elections (1937): ADVERTISEMENTS: After phenomenal success of Indian National Congress in the 1937 elections…
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Lucknow pact (1916) – Essay

During the 1916 Congress session at Lucknow two major events occurred. The divided Congress became united.An understanding for joint action against the British was reached between the Congress and the Muslim League and it was called the Lucknow Pact.The signing of the Lucknow Pact by the Congress and the Muslim League in 1916 marked an important step in the Hindu-Muslim unity. ADVERTISEMENTS: Reunion of the moderates and the extremists took place due to following factors:-1. Tilak clarified his objective of attainment of self-govt. by constitutional means.2. Death of Gokhale and Mehta in 1915 softened moderates attitude. ADVERTISEMENTS: 3. Mrs. Besant played the role of mediator.4. Congress constitution amended to make possible the entry of extremists. Due to all this, the union was achieved at Lucknow session in December, 1916. Image…
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Is Science a Blessing or a Curse?

Today great revolutionary changes are sweeping over our world, thanks to modern scientific advancements. Recent scientific developments such as, Cyber revolution, IT boom, Information superhighway, Digital technology, etc. are altering the very face of our existence. Most of these advancements have benefited the human race, while some have brought mankind nearer to its grave.Modern science has made our life easy, comfortable, luxurious and least burdensome. Today the household chores such as, sweeping, washing, cleaning, cooking, etc. are no longer burdensome jobs taking a great deal of time. Modern gadgets such as, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, micro-ovens, personal computers, cable TVs, digital receivers, air coolers, air condition, fax machines, cellular phones, super fast trains, speedy cars, etc. have made our life a pleasurable adventure. ADVERTISEMENTS: Today work is a matter…
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496 Words Essay on Drugs the Killer of Youth

Entertainment & Media
496 Words Essay on Drugs the Killer of Youth !496 Words Essay on Drugs the Killer of Youth Or Drugs the Passion of Sick Minds. The start of college is a new and different experience for all teenagers. They are keen to learn about their new surroundings and make new friends. At the same time, many teens consider drinking, smoking and drugs as cool. ADVERTISEMENTS: In a survey recently conducted on the abuse of alcohol, nicotine, and other harmful drugs, researchers studied that the maximum number of teenagers involved in smoking, drinking and drugs are in the age group of fourteen to twenty.In today’s society, the pressure to drink, smoke or use drugs to fit in has been seen in youth. Image Source : listcrux.comOn the basis of such surveys,…
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