Essay on Difference Between Science and Technology

Essay on Difference Between Science and Technology – Science and technology though interlinked are distinct. Main differences between the two can be noted below.1. The Goals of Science and Technology are not One and The Same: ADVERTISEMENTS: Science is concerned with the pursuit of knowledge about nature, whereas technology is concerned with putting the knowledge of nature to some use. When the scientific knowledge is applied to the problems of human life, it becomes technology.Technology is systematic knowledge which is put into practice, that is, to use tools, and run machines, and to do such other things to serve human purposes. Science is theoretical knowledge whereas technology is practical knowledge. Image Source: eng-cs.syr.edu1. Basic Research and Applied Research: Difference between science and technology is also expressed in terms of the…
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439 words essay on Our Playground

Free sample essay on Our Playground. A playground is part of a school. Mental and physical development is quite necessary for the wholesome development of a personality. Having this in mind our school authorities have chosen a playground ideal in many respects.The playground is located about a kilometer from our school. So the students have the opportunity of walking to the playground. As all games are played in the evening the students find it pleasant to go to the ground and play. ADVERTISEMENTS: Our physical training master encourages all students to play the games they are interested in. He teaches us the games with great interest. Being young he is able to play with us.He conducts classes on body-building in the playground itself. He gives us a list of the…
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Essay on Dominant Role of Culture in Society

This is a Literary Essay on Dominant Role of Culture in Society.1. Division of Labour based on Culture:Human beings like all primates and mammals are structurally homogeneous. All the women are born with the same anatomical features and so the case with men. Unlike the termites they are not born with different anatomical characteristics suited to their caste functions. But in human society we find vast division of labour. Here culture plays its role. It is possible to train people for specific tasks through culture. Human society in this way is capable of creating its own occupational groups which are not based on organic peculiarities. ADVERTISEMENTS: 2. Continuous Sexuality Conditioned by Culture: Human beings possess the same reproduc­tive physiology as those of anthropoids. But human society has continuous sexuality. We…
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Short Essay on Role-taking – Sociology

Short Essay on Role-taking – Sociology. In the role analysis the concept of ‘role-taking’ has assumed importance.In the role analysis the concept of ‘role-taking’ has assumed importance. Role-taking or taking the role of the other, means that a person responds by putting himself mentally or imaginatively in the role of the other person in order to regulate his own behaviour.This he does only in view of other’s expectations and not necessarily in the direction of conformity. Sociologists used the term ‘role-taking’ in their discussion of social interaction’, that is, when some behaviour is initiated by one actor and the reaction comes to it from other actors. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Role-taking is significant in the process of socialisation, that is, in the learning of social roles. The idea of role-taking…
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Short essay on the Value of Games (Free to read)

Games and sports are a necessary part of our life. They are to the body what education is to the mind. But, no. they are an integral part of education itself.Those who have not played any games in life should consider their education incomplete. Gandhi greatly lamented for not having given proper attention to games during his formative years.Games provide the best physical exer­cise to a child. They improve our digestive system and make us strong and smart. In the modern world which is full of struggle, it is very necessary to have a strong body. One, who is physically weak, is prone to many diseases. Image Source : ADVERTISEMENTS: Games make our body elastic. They provide us relaxation and entertainment. They instill into our minds the spirit of…
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Short Essay on Rural Recreational Activities

The recreational activities of the rural communities are not only simple but also limited. The nature and the type of recreational activities of a village depend on its economic and social progress. The commercial types of recreational activities are not found in the villages.Chit-chating, visiting relatives, arranging dinner parties for friends and relatives, conducting religious ceremonies and sacraments, observing festivals, singing and dancing in a group, worship­ping together, praying together in temples, hunting collectively, participating in community activi­ties such as fairs and festivals, playing some indoor as well as out-door games, etc., are some of the traditional recreational activities of the Indian villages. ADVERTISEMENTS: During the recent years, the urban trends are much diffused in the rural areas. The urban means of recreation have entered the villages also. The rural…
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Short essay on Sports Day at your College or School

Short essay on Sports Day at your College or School (free to read). Annual Sports Day is an important event in the life of every school or college. Sports in themselves are an indispensable part of study. School or college life without sports would be dull and dreary.The Annual Sports Day of our college/ school was held last week. It was held in the “spacious school grounds. The Deputy Commissioner was the chief guest.A huge “shaman” was pitched on one side of the ground to accommodate guests. The whole play-ground had been decorated with flags, buntings and balloons a day earlier. The separate sections for different events and track boundaries had been drawn with white line. The chief guest arrived in time. He took the salute. The sportsmen and women…
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Short essay on the Freedom of Press (free to read)

Short essay on the Freedom of Press (free to read). Press is called the Fourth Estate of any democratic country meaning it is the fourth power of a country.Even a dictator cannot neglect the power press has, since every political ideology demands propaganda and publicity which only press can provide.Democracy demands much more than mere propaganda from press. In a democracy, press not only disseminates news and information but also analyses them critically, hence giving a whole panorama of any problem and its possible solutions. It does not remain a mouthpiece of the prevailing government but a staunch supporter of people’s cause. Image Source : ADVERTISEMENTS: As the newspapers keep people informed about the government policies and incidents taking place all over the world, so does it inform the…
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Essay – Meaning and Nature of Social Thought

Essay – Meaning and Nature of Social Thought – Man is not only a “Social Being”, but also a Reasoning Animal: Man is not like other animals. He is an animal of extra-ordinary abilities and capacities. He is the final product of organic evolution and as such has greater capacities to adjust himself to the environment. He not only adjusts himself to the environment, if need arises, he even modifies the environment to suit to his conveniences.Other animals cannot do this; they can only adjust to the existing environment and their failure to do so would ultimately result either in their death, or in their running away from the situation.Man’s life is many-sided. Hence, he claims himself to be a “social animal”, a “political animal”, a “cultural being” and so…
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Essay on International Organisation and Institutions

Differences between independent and sovereign States are hound to arise. But they do not go to war always. History is full of examples when disputes between contending States had been settled by the mediation of a third party.During the mediaeval period and early modem times, when the theory of a common superior still persisted, disputes were very often referred to the Pope by the contesting parties for his arbitration.There was no international organisation which could provide machinery for an amicable settlement of international disputes. These conditions continued till the nineteenth century. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: By that time warfare had become highly mechanised and a costly venture. War also brought about untold misery not only for the belligerent States, but for the neutral countries as well. It meant dislocation of…
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