Education Question Bank – 358 MCQs on "Psychological Foundations of Education" – Part 4

358 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers on “Psychological Foundations of Education” for Education Students – Part 4:

301. The primary aim of educational psychology is

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(a) To contribute to an understanding of sound educational practices.


(b) To provide the teacher with a greater appreciation of his role in the education of the child.

(c) To provide the academic background essential for effective teaching.

(d) To provide a theoretical framework for educational research.

302. According to Psychology, all education is


(a) Deliberate.

(b) Functional.

(c) Purposive.

(d) Self -education.


303. The best definition of Educational Psycho­logy is a study of teaching and learning” has been given by

(a) W. Kolesnik.

(b) James Ross.

(c) Charles E. Skinner.

(d) N.L. Munn.

304. Who said this, “The boundaries of Educatio­nal Psychology are unlimited and chan­ging?”

(a) William James

(b) Gates

(c) Hurlock

(d) None of these.

305. General Psychology and Educational Psychology are dissimilar, in that educational psychology

(a) Is concerned with the child and not with the adult.

(b) Is concerned with the various aspects of learning.

(c) Deals only with the applications and not with the theory.

(d) Selects and emphasise certain data from general field.

306. The major contribution educational psycho­logy might be expected to make towards modern education lies in area of

(a) A clarification of the goals of modern education.

(b) A re-evaluation of the principles of progressivism.

(c) A reconsideration of educational experiences from the stand point of their contribution to pupil growth.

(d) A refinement of the research techniques through which educational problems might be solved.

307. Educational Psychology is branch of Psycho­logy. Psychology is a science. Who is the father of experimental Psychology?

(a) Boring

(b) Hull

(c) Wundt

(d) Tolman.

308. Where was first Experimental psychology Laboratory set up?

(a) Berlin

(b) Boston

(c) Frankfurt

(d) Leipzig.

309. Which method has made educational psychology a science?

(a) Observation method

(b) Clinical method

(c) Survey method

(d) Experimental method.

310. The oldest method in psychology is

(a) Introspection.

(b) Observation,

(c) Case study.

(d) Clinical method.

311. Introspection as a method stands rejected by

(a) Functional school.

(b) Behaviourists.

(c) Psychoanalysts.

(d) Gesralt.

312. Name the method which deals with only one person at a time and promotes his adjustment

(a) Case study.

(b) Questionnaire.

(c) Clinical method.

(d) Experimental method.

313. Educational psychology is concerned with

(a) The learner.

(b) The learning process.

(c) The learning situation.

(d) All of these.

314. Some authors classify methods of educatio­nal psychology as

(a) Distal method.

(b) Proximal method.

(c) A and b are true.

(d) Neither a nor b are true.

315. The content of educational psychology includes

(a) Special items concerning teaching and learning.

(b) Wide ranging items concerning human motivation and learning.

(c) Special items concerning processes of education in particular.

(d) None of these.

316. Which of the following is not a function of educational psychology?

(a) To discover techniques by means of which educational goals can be attained effectively

(b) To define the goals for which education is to strive

(c) To promote a greater understanding of the learning process

(d) To promote a greater understanding of the learner.

317. Which of the following is primary concern to educational psychologist?

(a) The formulation of hypothesis

(b) The discovery of practical solutions to educational problems

(c) The development of professional insights into the principles underlying the teaching art

(d) The discovery of teaching procedures of maximum effectiveness.

318. Educational psychology should provide prospective teachers with

(a) Insight into the various aspects of modern education.

(b) Principles, insights and attitudes as points of departure for effective teaching.

(c) Research procedures by means of which to evaluate correct teaching procedures.

(d) Validate procedures to use in their teachings.

319. The primary task of the teacher is

(a) To teach the prescribed curriculum.

(b) To stimulate and guide student learning.

(c) To promote habits of conformity to adults demands and expectations.

(d) To provide diagnostic and remedial aid wherever indicated.

320. Which of the following teacher traits and procedures is most often given by children as the reasons for not liking the teacher?

(a) Irritable and bad temperament

(b) Ignorance of the subject matter

(c) Unfairness and favouritism.

(d) Unreasonable demands on the children.

321. In an experiment there are variables. Variable is

(a) Independent.

(b) Dependent,

(c) Organismic.

(d) All of these.

322. In an experiment, there is only one independent variable

(a) True

(b) False

(c) Neither True nor False.

323. The first step in conducting an experiment is

(a) To collect data.

(b) To setup a laboratory.

(c) To formulate a hypothesis.

(d) To interpret data.

324. The first book of .psychology was written by

(a) Kohler.

(b) Wrlliam James,(c) Clark Hull.

(d) Plato.

325. The first book on Psychology titled “Principal Psychology” was published in

(a) 1879.

(b) 1895.

(c) 1890.

(d) 1905.

326. An emotionally person is one who

(a) Does not express his emotions.

(b) Is boastful.

(c) Has lack of patience.

(d) Has proper emotion at proper time and expresses it in proper quantity in a proper way.

327. Which of the following is the most important factor underlying the success of beginning teacher?

(a) His personality and ability to relate to the class

(b) His attitudes and outlook on life

(c) His verbal facility and organizational ability

(d) His scholarship and intellectual ability.

328. The greatest single cause of failure in beginning teachers lies in the area of

(a) General culture.

(b) General scholarship.

(c) Subject matter background.

(d) Inter-personal relations.

329. Which of the following is most likely to be characterized the in-effective teacher?

(a) Emphasis upon standards

(b) Emphasis upon pupil discussion in the clarification of group goals

(c) Emphasis upon the control of the immediate situation

(d) Refusal to help children until they have helped themselves.

330. The teacher’s major contribution towards the maximum self realization of the child is best effected through

(a) Constant fulfillment of the child’s needs.

(b) Strict control of class-room activities.

(c) Sensitivity pupil needs goals and purposes.

(d) Strict reinforcement of academic standards.

331. The field of education is permeated by conflicts and misconceptions largely because

(a) The problems encountered in teaching call for subjectivity of interpretation.

(b) There are no best teaching methods and procedures.

(c) The problem encountered in teaching are not amenable to rigorous scientific investigation.

(d) Education has first to be practical and only secondarily to be scientific.

332. Which method of research contributes most to the advancement of educational psychology as a science?

(a) Clinical method

(b) Experimental method

(c) Historical method

(d) Survey method.

333. The basic characteristic of the experimental method in education is

(a) Its isolation from the influence of one after the other factors inherent in total situation.

(b) Its centre of relevant extraneous factors.

(c) Its complete analysis.

(d) The applicability of its outcome to relatively unlimited population.

334. Experimental method has many designs such as

(a) Single group.

(b) Control group,

(c) Rotation group,

(d) All of these.

335. The basic foundations of physical, mental and personality development are laid in the period of

(a) Adulthood.

(b) Adolescence,

(c) Childhood.

(d) Infancy.

336. The span of years during which boys and girls move from childhood to adulthood – mentally, emotionally, socially and physically is called

(a) Late Childhood,

(b) Infancy,

(c) Adolescence.

(d) Adult years.

337. Which is ‘Why’ age?

(a) Early childhood

(b) Late childhood

(c) Puberty

(d) Late adolescence.

338. Later childhood is also known as

(a) Age of curiosity.

(b) Spontaneous age.

(c) Age of mental development.

(d) Gang age.

339. Can we predict development?

(a) Yes

(b) No

(c) Dont knows.

340. The real carriers of heredity are

(a) The chromosomes.

(b) The genes.

(c) The nucleus of the cell.

(d) The ‘X’ and ‘Y’ chromosomes.

341. Human development is determined

(a) Almost solely by the genetic makeup of the individual.

(b) Turning by individual resources over which the individual has no control.

(c) By a complex of inherited and environmental force.

(d) The factors vary from individual to individual.

342. Which of the following alternatives describes infant behaviour?

(a) Differentiated

(b) Undifferentiated or generalised

(c) Innate

(d) Specialized.

343. Changes in behaviour remit from

(a) Learning alone.

(b) Maturation alone.

(c) Learning and maturation, both in important amounts.

(d) Maturation primarily.

344. Which of the following aspects of individuals development is most clearly defined by heredity?

(a) The direction

(b) The limits

(c) The level

(d) The rate.

345. Which of the following ‘is not characteristic of maturation?

(a) Directional tendencies

(b) Uniformity of sequence

(c) Increasing specificity of behaviour

(d) Uniformity in rate.

346. In which of the following areas are sex differences around age 11 greatest?

(a) Physical strength

(b) Fine muscular co-ordination

(c) Personality development

(d) Height and weight.

347. The concept of readiness of the learner is one of the fundamental importances to the teacher’s of

(a) K.G Class primarily.

(b) Grade I.

(c) Any new activity.

(d) Children with academic difficulties.

348. An emotion is best defined as

(a) Individual’s response to situation.

(b) A reaction to emotional stimuli,

(c) An excited state arising in response to a stimuli for which the individual has no adequate ready-made reactions,

(d) The display of excessive behaviour as a result of intense stimuli.

349. Emotional experiences are

(a) Objective.

(b) Subjective.

(c) Impersonal.

(d) Not Known.

350. Emotions rise abruptly but die

(a) Suddenly

(b) Slowly,

(c) Quickly

(d) Never

351. Which is the Master emotion?

(a) Happiness

(b) Worry

(c) Fear

(d) Anger

352. If a child is afraid of school, he becomes

(a) Punctual.

(b) Regular.

(c) Obedient.

(d) Truant.

353. Which is the age in which a child laughs less and smiles more i.e. he has learnt to control his emotions?

(a) Babyhood

(b) Early Childhood

(c) Later Childhood

(d) Adolescence.

354. Moods are formed during

(a) Infancy.

(b) Adolescence,

(c) Adulthood.

(d) Childhood.

355. The period of heightened emotionality, elation and depression, formulation of moods and sentiments is known as

(a) Old age.

(b) Early childhood,

(c) Babyhood.

(d) Adolescence.

356. The overprotected child will tend to display

(a) Aggressiveness.

(b) Defensiveness.

(c) Immaturity.

(d) Negativisim.

357. A teacher confronted with frequent emotional outbursts on the part of pupil should

(a) Consider the suitability of demands made upon them.

(b) Allow them to release tensions in this way.

(c) Let them express this outside the class.

(d) None of these.

358. “Emotions are the backbone of all development”. Do you agree?

(a) Yes

(b) No

(c) Can’t say

(d) Not sure.


301. (a) 302. (d) 303. (c) 304. (b) 305. (d) 306. (d) 307. (c) 308. (d) 309. (d) 310. (a) 311.(b) 312. (c) 313. (d) 314. (c) 315. (b) 316. (b) 317. (d) 318. (a) 319. (b) 320. (a)321. (d) 322. (a) 323. (c) 324. (b) 325. (b) 326. (d) 327. (a) 328. (d) 329. (c) 330. (c) 331. (c) 332. (b) 333. (d) 334. (d) 335. (c) 336. (c) 337. (a) 338. (d) 339. (a) 340. (b) 341. (c) 342. (b) 343. (c) 344. (b) 345. (c) 346. (b) 347. (c) 348. (c) 349. (b) 350. (b) 351. (c) 352. (d) 353. (c) 354. (b) 355. (d) 356. (a) 357. (a) 358. (a)


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