4 Important Factors that Determine the Working of Pressure Groups

The following factors determine the working of pressure groups: (1) Size and Nature of Organisation: A pressure group’s size is obviously one factor affecting its ability to obtain what it wants. Other things being equal, groups with many members are likely to be more successful than groups with a few members simply because of the fact that the former represent many voters and the latter a few voters. (2) Degree of Unity among the Members of an Interest Group: ADVERTISEMENTS: Cohesion is the most single element affecting success of a group. A large but internally divided or apathetic group is defeated by a small but cohesive group. In politics as in war, ten men who work united and closely together are more powerful than a hundred whom corporate loosely or…
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8 Important Functions and Role of “Interest Groups” in Politics

Each Pressure Group is organised for securing and promoting the accepted common interest or interests of its members. Consequently, it is the basic function of each pressure group to secure its interests. However, for performing this function, each group has to act and react, and perform several functions.These groups, though non-partisan in character, participate in politics. These act to maintain the unity and solidarity of their members. They are involved in elections, though indirectly and only for securing their interests and not political power.They try to influence the rule-making, rule-application and rule-adjudication structures. Image Source: globalrec.org ADVERTISEMENTS: We can broadly study the functions and role of pressure groups under the following heads:(1) Interest groups and interest articulation,(2) Interest groups as agents of political socialisation, participation, political communication and recruitment, ADVERTISEMENTS:…
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Short Essay on “Civil Society” (320 Words)

The term Civil Society is used to collectively refer to the voluntary organizations corporate bodies, socially active groups, and firms working in each society. “Civil Society is the set of intermediate associations which is neither the state nor the family, but which plays an active and positive role in social, economic, and cultural activities.” Civil Society includes all private organizations of the people. Press, professional associations of the people, Human Right Groups and Organizations of the people, voluntary social service organizations, and in fact, all NGOs constitute the Civil Society, Image Source: 3.bp.blogspot.com ADVERTISEMENTS: Civil Society works for discharging several economic, social, cultural, moral and other responsibilities which fall in the domain of private activities. It, however, serves the public purpose of securing general welfare and development.The concept of Civil…
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Important Reasons Behind the Emergence of “Political Sociology”

Politics is the science of political relations, interactions and processes. All relations involved in the exercise of power in society are political relations. In this way Politics involves the study of human political behaviour and power relations in society.Sociology is the study of society i.e. social groups, social relations, social processes, social institutions and social structures. Maclver defines Society as ‘the web of social relations “. In this way Sociology involves the study of society.Since all human relations and interactions take place in society, Sociology studies all social interactions and relations. Social, economic, political, religious, cultural and in fact all types of relations and interactions which take place in every society fall within the scope of Sociology. Image Source: thyblackman.com ADVERTISEMENTS: That is why Sociology is popularly regarded as the…
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What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of “Newspaper Advertising”? – Explained!

It comprises national newspapers, regional newspapers, English dailies, vernacular papers, consumer magazines, trade journals, technical journals, professional journals, directories and yearbooks. Image Source: introspectmarketing.files.wordpress.com Advantages of Newspapers Advertising: 1. In-depth coverage ADVERTISEMENTS: 2. Mobility3. Results assessable (coupons)4. Improved printing due to availability of better technology5. Cheapest in per capita viewing ADVERTISEMENTS: 6. Flexibility of immediate insertion Disadvantages of Newspapers: 1. Short shelf life, newspapers are read only once.2. Poorly print limits creativity3. Ad space may be expensive, Passive medium (people are not forced to see and read) ADVERTISEMENTS: 4. No audio-video element5. Less up to-date in news coverage6. A literacy (literate but finding an arduous activity)7. Your ad to compete against the clutter of other advertisers8. Targeting difficult 9. Competitors can immediately react to your ads.
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6 Important Objectives of Effective Distribution Channel

A distribution channel is a network of firms that are interconnected in their quest to provide sellers a means of infusing the marketplace with goods and buyers a means of purchasing those goods, doing all as efficiently and profitably as possible.The channels of distribution are designed to achieve following objectives: 1. Product Availability: ADVERTISEMENTS: The first objective is to make available the product to the consumer who wants to buy it. The availability has two aspects – the desired level of coverage in terms of appropriate retail outlets and secondly, the positioning of the product within the store. Product availability is important for consumer convenience goods, where customer does not wait to buy a particular brand. However, for unique and important products immediate availability is less critical. 2. Meeting Customers’…
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7 Effective Sales Promotion Tactics for Dealers and Distributors

7 Effective Sales Promotion Tactics for Dealers and Distributors are described below: 1. Trade Price Promotions: It includes Overrides (an overriding commission is agreed at the beginning of a year and is payable by supplier at the end of the year if the dealer has achieved the targets); Display and Advertising allowances (manufacturer paying dealer for media support, stack ends, leaflets, coupons, window bills, display and any other form of retail support); Volume and Cash Bonuses (A case bonus is an additional discount given per case purchased; a Volume Bonus is an additional discount given for buying a certain quantity; Count and Recount (manufacturer pays for the gap between count and recount, i.e., units sold) and credit offer (providing enhanced credit). 2. Merchandising allowances: ADVERTISEMENTS: Think of merchandising allowances as…
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Useful Notes on India and USA Relationship with Recent Developments

India’s foreign policy issues with USA in initial years were determined byi. Policy of non-alignment in the context of cold war. ADVERTISEMENTS: ii. It welcomed aid and support from both, eastern and western blocks, without being aligned with any one of them.iii. Ideal of Democracy that have been cherished by both the countries. Image Source: cdn.publishyourarticles.netiv. Frustrations due to debacle over Kashmir issues in U.N. where India expected US to support her.v. Stand taken by the two countries on Korean Crisis (1950). ADVERTISEMENTS: vi. Military alliances like SEATO and CENTO wherein Pakistan became a member. Compromise and Conflicts: While in the political field, there were serious differences between the two countries; United States continued to provide food grains, technical cooperation and aid to tide over mounting food-shortage. Under PL 480…
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Complete Information on “Fundamental Rights” in India (History, Characteristics and Classification)

Important Facts on Fundamental Rights are given below: 1. What are Fundamental Rights? The Constitution of India is committed to a fundamental change in the social order so as to ensure more human life of people. Perhaps no part other than on Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State policy testifies to this commitment of Indian Constitution. Image Source: pageresource.com ADVERTISEMENTS: Fundamental rights are the rights that have been incorporated in the Constitution and are justifiable in court of law.They have been modeled on the basis of U.S. Constitution and are hailed as “Cornerstone of the Indian Constitution.” It is to be noted that though all fundamental rights are human rights but not the vice-versa. Most of these rights are worded negative and directed against the state. Some of the…
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Essay on the David Apter's Contribution to the Theory of Political Modernization

David Apter, one of the outstanding scholars, examines the concept from the third world point of view. He locates a dilemma before the developing countries in their quest to adopt a model for modernization and development.He is of the opinion that while the liberal the liberal Capitalist solution poses the problem of inequity, the Marxian Socialist solution requires coercion. He identifies following stages in the political modernization. (I) Stage of Contact and Control: It started in the advanced countries of Europe in the seventeenth, the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries, particularly in the adventures of the British, French, German, Dutch, Portuguese and Italian colonialists. Image Source: transnationalarchitecturegroup.files.wordpress.com ADVERTISEMENTS: A few enterprising individuals with a particularly strong sense of mission, greed or real or desire for adventure led this trend. Wherein,…
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