Deficiency Diseases in India

Lack of essential nutrients in the body of an individual not only leads to weakening of the body but in addition may also lead to the birth of certain diseases commonly known as deficiency diseases.

Though these diseases can be found in all the individuals in general, but they are common in children especially among the poor because the poor people do not possess the proper knowledge of feeding their children. When the essential nutrients, proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, irons and iodine are less or nearly absent in an individual’s body deficiency disease’s occur. Deficiency diseases are marked by a number of symptoms namely fatigue, weakness, unnecessary vomit and sudden pain in any particular part of the body.

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Lack of Vitamin A can give birth to a disease called night blindness as a result of which the individual is unable to see in the dark. Similarly, lack of Vitamin B gives birth to the Beriberi disease which results in the disordering of the nerves of the body. Lack of Vitamin C makes people suffer from a disease called Scurvy where the victim suffers from swelling and severe bleeding of gums. Lack of Vitamin D and Calcium can make a person suffer from Rickets which makes the bones weak. Lack of iodine can make an individual suffer from Thyroid and Goitre. Lack of essential irons in the body can result in a disease called Anemia. Anemia means that a person is suffering from low haemoglobin levels.

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It is essential to educate certain sections of the society especially the illiterate and the poor. Nearly 40% of the Indian population is below the poverty line, when a person cannot even afford to feed oneself properly how can we expect them to have a meal full of essential vitamins and calciums.

The government of India has taken certain steps in this regard. The success of the “Polio campaign” is a major example. Every doctor should provide free treatment to the poor at least a day every week. It is the duty of every citizen to help the country to achieve the objective of a disease free environment for all. The minimum of what a responsible citizen can do is educating other so that they can understand the difference between junk foods and healthy foods. Consumption of alcohol is another important reason which results in a deficiency which in turn leads to the degeneration of the peripheral nerves; with permanent degeneration in most of the cases and beriberi heart disease. Consumption of alcohol should thus be decreased.

It is thus essential for every individual to be aware as to what proper diet he or she should follow to live a healthy and happy life. It is to be remembered that “health is wealth”.


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