Essay on the Managerial and Business Ethics (1930 Words)

Essay on the Managerial and Business Ethics (1930 Words)!Over the centuries, businessmen have been perceived as ruthless, profit oriented people, whose primary purpose was to make money with little respect for the welfare of the people whom these businesses served. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: This is especially true in underdeveloped countries where big businesses wield tremendous power over government and society. In India and Pakistan, for example, there are millions of people working as “bonded labour”, where workers have absolutely no freedom. They cannot change or leave their jobs.They are paid minimum and are exploited fully. Because of monopolized industries in some of the developing countries, materials of sub-standard quality are deliberately produced without proper regard to the interests of the community around. The hoarding of grain, cement and other…
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Essay on the Industrial Revolution in the United States of America

Essay on the Industrial Revolution in the United States of America!Somewhere in the middle of 1800s, the emphasis in America shifted from agrarian society to industrial society. The steam engine developed by James Watt in England and perfected around 1788, came to America soon after. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: It provided cheaper and more efficient power and it allowed factories to produce more goods at cheaper price, increasing the market for such goods. It replaced water power so that new factories could be located anywhere instead of only near rivers.At about the same time, the growth of transportation began with the railroad industry so that by 1860, there were over 30,000 miles of railroad track. By providing rapid movement of raw materials and finished goods, the railroads were responsible for…
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Essay on Product Quality Control! (492 Words)

Essay on Product Quality Control! (492 Words)!Product quality is the degree to which the product conforms to the design specifications. The closer the conformance, the higher the degree of quality. Conversely, if the product deviates significantly from design specifications, then the output is of poor quality. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: The quality must be designed and manufactured into the product. The company must monitor the quality of incoming materials, goods in process and finished items to ensure the quality of the product produced.The quality control system is a system of coordinated activities that ensures that the finished manufactured product will not deviate from the set standards and specifications that are based upon the expectation of a typical customer.Quality control can be defined as, “the systematic control of those variables which…
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Essay on the Quantitative Approach to Management (666 Words)

Decision Making
Essay on the Quantitative Approach to Management!This approach emphasizes the use of mathematical techniques and models in solving many complex management problems. These quantitative tools and methodologies, known as operations research techniques are designed to aid in decision making relating to operations and production. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: The basic contention of this approach is the premise that if managerial and organizational operations and decisions are based on a logical process, then these may be expressed in terms of mathematical symbols and relationships. According to Lindsay, these techniques assist the management for improving the quality of their decisions by:a) Increasing the number of alternatives that can be considered.b) Assisting in faster decision making based upon objective analysis of available information.c) Helping management in evaluating the risks and results of different…
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Essay on the Comparative Management (504 Words)

Essay on the Comparative Management (504 Words)!Comparative management is defined as the study and analysis of management in different environments and the reasons that enterprises show different results in different countries. It is the study of how organizational behaviour and management practices differ across cultures. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: The study looks for universal principles of management that can be successfully applied to all establishments as well as the differences that have considerable impact on management practices that are unique to a given country.There are some comparative management philosophers who believe that the world is becoming smaller and uniform because of education, technology and pragmatic thinking”. There are other scholars who are convinced that the world will remain diverse because of deep-rooted cultural inertia, strong religious code of conduct, different…
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Essay on the Duties of an International Manager

Decision Making
Essay on the duties of an International ManagerSince the world is becoming a “global village” and MNCs are becoming a way of business life in practically all countries, a manager must have proper orientation towards “foreign people, ideas and resources.” Three categories have been proposed for classifying managers according to their international orientation. These are ethnocentric, polycentric and geocentric. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: “Ethnocentric managers” are home country oriented and apply the organization’s domestic policies and practices to its overseas units. Decision making is centralized and the headquarters based in the home country provide direction for the entire organization regardless of the geographical location.Even though, it is simple in application, it is not workable in all types of environments. For example, in America, if a company is not doing well,…
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Essay on the Reinforcement Theory of Motivation (823 Words)

Decision Making
Essay on the Reinforcement Theory of Motivation (823 Words)!The reinforcement theory of motivation shifts the emphasis from employee’s underlying needs and thinking processes and focuses on the relationship between behaviour and consequences. The theory rests on two premises. First, that the environment is an important catalyst in determining or reinforcing behaviour. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: If the environment is complementary to established behaviour, then such behaviour is positively reinforced. On the other hand, if environment is hostile to the values and skills of the worker, then negative reactions take place. Second, human behaviour is subject to “cause and effect” phenomenon so that effects can be predicted on the basis of established causes and that behaviour can be changed by manipulating the consequences. Operant Conditioning: Based on the work of B.…
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Essay on the Communication Networks (586 Words)

Decision Making
Essay on the Communication Networks (586 Words)!The communication model discussed earlier identifies the process whereby a message is sent by a sender and is received by a receiver. However, organizational communication is not confined to one sender and one receiver only. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: In organizations, communication frequently takes place among many individuals and groups. Many tasks require a variety of inputs from a variety of people and hence managers must link up with these resources of inputs for the purpose of coordination of tasks.A “communication network” represents a pattern of information flow among group members. The importance of communication networks lies in their potential influences on effectiveness, task efficiency, group leadership, member satisfaction, and other variables that affect organizational effectiveness.In the literature on communication networks, five different types…
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Essay on the Conflict Management (1745 Words)

Essay on the Conflict Management (1745 Words)!Except in few situations where conflict can lead to competition and creativity so that in such situations, conflict can be encouraged, in all other cases where conflict is destructive in nature it should be prevented from occurring or resolved as soon after it has developed as possible. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: A manager must recognize potential sources of conflict analyze thoroughly the various causes of such conflict and devise strategies to manage it for organizational benefit. There are different strategies for managing behavioural causes of conflict and structural causes of conflict. These strategies are discussed as follows: Managing Behavioural Conflict: Various researchers have identified various techniques in dealing with conflict between two or more individuals. Some of the primary strategies for dealing with and…
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Essay on the Behavioural Approach to Management (1401 Words)

Essay on the Behavioural Approach to Management (1401 Words)The classical approach to management primarily viewed individuals as mechanisms of production. The emphasis was on productivity by moving the workers to produce by giving them incentives. Behavioural approach to management is based on the premise that those involved in the organization are the prime determinants of organizational and managerial effectiveness. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: It moves away from supervisory procedures and industrial engineering techniques such as time and motion study and focusses on increase in production and managerial efficiency through an understanding of the people. Central to this approach is an increased understanding of the individual worker with emphasis on motivation, needs, interpersonal relationships and group dynamics.Some of the major contributors to the behavioural aspects of management are:i. Mary Parker Follett….…
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