Essay on Scope and Area of Public Administration

Scope and area of public administration are given below:The concept of development administration is a widely recognized concept these days and it has significantly stimulated the interest of scholars, not only of public administration but also of other social sciences. Image Source: hilaryburrage.files.wordpress.comIt is, being attended too heavily in the developing countries with a view to orienting it to development aspects (programmes and projects related to socioĀ­economic progress) of administration. Development administration is concerned with the design and building of sound systems. ADVERTISEMENTS: It does not imply that development administration is subservient to public administration. Development administration is as much important as the public administration.The former refers to organized efforts to carry out development oriented goals, the latter to the general or regulatory administration of the government. To quote Shou-Sheng…
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Short Essay on the Major Aspects of Public Administration

Major aspects of public administration are given below:It may be emphasized that the concept of development administration has two major aspects. One aspect of it refers to ā€˜Development of Administrationā€™. This means to develop administration. It involves strengthening and improving administrative capabilities as a mean for achieving development goals. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: The other aspect of it is ā€˜Administration of Developmentā€™. According to this interpreĀ­tation, we expect development administration (administrative organization) to act as an instrument in the implementation of development programmes, projects and policies.This may involve raising the standards of education, transforming social systems, improving public health, raising national income, stabilizing political system, conserving national resources, improving communication system, constructing dams, power plants and undertaking many other developmental tasks of national importance.Thus it has two aspects. These are…
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Essay on the Importance of People's Participation in Public Administration

Important of peopleā€™s participation in public administration are given below:Public administration aims at the welfare of the people. In a modern state administration is run by the government which is elected by the people directly on democratic method. The representatives of the people control the administration. The political executives formulate the policy of the government and the administration of political executive implements these policies into practice. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: In the modern world, public administration is an integral part of the development process and has a significant role to play in the gigantic task of national development. It would be a mistake if the importance of public administration were not fully recognised by those involved in national development.More and more countries, especially developing countries and the United Nations (Public…
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Short Essay on the Concept and Meaning of Public Administration

Concept and meaning of public administration are given below:A number of scholars of public administration and allied disciplines have attempted to define the concept of development administration. Some have defined it from a strictly economic perspective. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: The public administration dictionary defines development administration as ā€œthe enhancement or improvement of techniques, processes, and systems organized to increase the administrative capacity of a nation, usually a newly emerging nationsā€.Martin Landau defines it as the ā€œengineering of social changeā€. He defines it ā€œas a directive and directional process which is intended to make things happen in a certain way over intervals of timeā€.To Edward W. Weidner, ā€œdevelopment administration is concerned with maximizing innovation for developmentā€. He defines innovation for development as ā€œthe process of planned oriented change in the…
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Essay on the Punjab and Kumaun Himalayas

This mountainous region lies between Jammu and Kashmir State to the north-west and Nepal to the south-east. It comprises the Punjab Himalayas (that part of the Himalayas which lies in Himachal Pradesh) and the Kumaun Himalayas that part of the Himalayas which lies in Uttarakhand. Image Source: Relief Features: This is a highly rugged region covered with snow and elevation of 4250 m. This part consists of three mountain ranges, the Great Himalayan Range in the north, the Siwalik Range along the plains in the south and the Lesser Himalaya which is locally known as Dhaolodhar in Himachal Pradesh and Nagtibha in Uttarakhand) in between them. ADVERTISEMENTS: The mountain ranges extending in the east-west direction are deeply dissected by the rivers flowing southwards or south-westwards. Intermontane basins and plateaus…
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The Chos, Water Logging and Thur of Northern India – Essay

This region is engrossed with the menace of water logging and excessive soil salinity or Thur. Image Source: are large numbers of seasonal hill torrents which leave the Siwalik Range and enter the level plain. These torrents are swollen with water soon after heavy showers in the neighbouring hills and carry with them a heavy load of coarse sand and silt. They are furious when rushing to the plains. They are called ā€˜chosā€™ in the plain where their beds are broad, braided, shallow and sandy. They are quite numerous and in some places every kilometre has a ā€˜chosā€™. ADVERTISEMENTS: The ā€˜chosā€™ have laid waste large area of the fertile plain. Land is rendered sterile by the triple action of ā€˜chosā€™, that is by:(i) The lateral corrosion near the hills,(ii)…
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Section 21 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872

Proof of admissions against persons making them, and by or on their behalf:Admissions are relevant and may be proved as against the person who makes them or his representative in interest; but they cannot be proved by or on behalf of the person who makes them or by his representative in interest, except in the following cases:ā€” Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: (1) An admission may be proved by or on behalf of the person making it, when it is of such a nature that, if the person making it were dead, it would be relevant as between third persons under section 32.(2) An admission may be proved by or on behalf of the person making it, when it consists of a statement of the existence of any state of mind…
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Short Speech on White Collar Crime (844 Words)

Here is Your Short Speech on White Collar Crime !The concept of ā€œwhite collar crimeā€ found its place in criminology for the first time in 1941 when Sutherland published his research paper on white collar criminality in the American Sociological Review. He defined white collar crime as a ā€œcrime committed by persons of respectability and high social status in course of their occupationā€. ADVERTISEMENTS: A white-collar criminal belongs to upper socio-economic class who violates the criminal law while conducting his professional qualities. For example, misrepresentation through fraudulent advertisements, infringement of patents, copyrights and trade-marks etc., are frequently resorted to by manufacturers, industrialists and other persons of repute in course of their occupation with a view to earning huge profits.Other illustrations of white collar criminality include publication of fabricated balance sheets…
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Essay on Hoarding, Black Marketing and Adulteration in India (580 Words)

Essay on Hoarding, Black Marketing and Adulteration in India !The white collar crimes which are common to Indian trade and business world are hoarding, profiteering and black marketing. Violation of foreign exchange regulations and import and export laws are frequently resorted to for the sake of huge profits. That apart, adulteration of foodstuffs, edibles and drugs which causes irreparable danger to public health is yet another white collar crime common in India. image ADVERTISEMENTS: The Law Commission of India has suggested drastic measures against such offenders. In the Commissionā€™s observation the tedious prosecution process involved in the trial of such cases frustrates the cause of justice and often results into unjustified acquittal due to defective report of the analyst or delay in examination of samples or lack of legal…
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Section 65 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872

Cases in which secondary evidence relating to documents may be given:Secondary evidence may be given of the existence, condition, or contents of a document in the following cases: Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: (a) When the original is shown or appears to be in the possession or power of the person against whom the document is sought to be proved, or of any person out of reach of, or not subject to, the process of the Court, or of any person legally bound to produce it, and when, after the notice mentioned in Section 66, such person does not produce it;(b) When the existence, condition or contents of the original have been proved to be admitted in writing by the person against whom it is proved or by his representative in…
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