Short Essay on Bureaucratic Theory of an Organisation

Bureaucracy as an organisational model was first developed by Max Weber (1864-1920), an eminent German Sociologist. He was one of the founders of modern sociology. Writing during the first part of 20th century, he was contemporary with the scientific management movement and the early phases of administrative management thought. Image Source: i.ytimg.comHis concepts are introduced at this point because, although many of his ideas belong to the classical” school, they seem to bridge the gap between the traditional concepts of organisation and management and on modern ideas in more respects. ADVERTISEMENTS: Weberian bureaucracy is based on mechanistic assumptions about human nature in the pre-1930’s tradition, whereas in other respects, his concepts match the modern scholar’s search for general theories and understanding and the idea of the ultimate predictability of organizational…
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Essay on the Specialization in an Organisation

Seldom is an organization composed of people who all do the same type of work. The typical pattern is for individuals and groups to specialize in one function or activity, leaving other functions to their colleagues in other departments or divisions. Image Source: 4.bp.blogspot.comIn fact, specialization has become so common in contemporary life that we tend to take it for granted; it has come to be the natural way of doing things.As a step-child of the classical economic theories and as an after thought of the “division of work principle,” specialization combines the best and the worst of the classical- management school. At best it reflects an optimistic view of human development and monolithic preparation throughout one’s career. ADVERTISEMENTS: At worst, it shows a total disregard of the vast complexity…
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Short Essay on the Fundamentals of Public Administration

Administration generally involves co-operative effort by a number of people to achieve some purpose. It is obvious that the efforts of different persons must be according to a preconceived plan if the purpose in hand is to be accomplished. Image Source:, there will be confusion and working at cross-purposes, and the individual efforts are likely to cancel out one another. Taking a simple example like the rolling of a heavy log of wood by a group of 8 or 10 people, it is necessary that»they should stand on one side of the log facing the direction in which it has to be moved and exert pressure simultaneously. ADVERTISEMENTS: If some stand on one side and others on the other and push in opposite directions their efforts will neutralize one…
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Alternative Punishment under Section 28 of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children)

Legal provisions regarding alternative punishment under Section 28 of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000.Section 28 of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 provides that where an act or omission constitute an offence punishable under this Act and also under any other Central or State Act, then, notwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time being in force, the offender found guilty of such offences shall be liable to punishment only under such Act as provides for punishment which is greater in degree. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: According to Rule 18 of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Rules, 2007, the procedure to be followed in respect of Sections 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26 of the Act…
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Short Essay on the Authority in House's Path-Goal Model

All of us have lived with the concept of authority since birth. First our parents were authority figures, then school teachers, principals and patrol boys and girls, later coaches, captains of athletic teams officers of social clubs and fraternal organization, campus police and finally employers (“bosses”) all remind us that we live in a society with distinct authority relationships. Image Source: sites.psu.eduAuthority conditions the actions and behaviour of every management member in an organization and is the common cord tying together the various organisation units, thus making possible the very existence of the organisation and the effective working together of all personnel. ADVERTISEMENTS: Organized executive action is impossible without authority. A superior is able directly to affect the behaviour of subordinate if he possesses authority with respect to that subordinate…
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Short Essay on the Supervision in an Organisation

In ordinary sense of the term, supervision means to oversee the subordinates at work with authority and with an aim, to give the employees, if he is doing wrong. The word supervision is concerned with directing and guiding non-management members of the organisation. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: According to Vitales, supervision refers to the direct and immediate guidance and control of subordinates in the performance of their task.Supervision is concerned with three main functions of management i.e., direction, immediate guidance and control with a view to see; they are working according to plans, policies programmes instructions and the time schedule.To give them directions to get the work done, if necessary. To guide them at the work if they are doing something inconsistent to directions given and need help so as…
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Essay on the Borstal System | India (556 Words)

Essay on Borstal System in India !Borstals have been established in India under the Borstal School and Reformatory Schools Act, 1897. These institutions provide for adequate educational and vocational training to young offenders who are committed by the juvenile courts. After release, (which may be either absolute or conditional), from a Borstal institution, the offender is placed under the supervision of an officer appointed by the court, if necessary. image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: The various State laws also provide for the release of juvenile offenders on a bond or security for good behaviour with or without sureties. At times, the parents or the guardians are ordered to pay fines if their child who was released on bond repeats the offence.There are at present a number of Borstals and reformatories functioning…
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Essay on Human Relations Theory of Motivation

The essence of human relations theory lies in its primary emphasis on human beings, psychological motivation, and informal group behaviour in contradiction to the traditionalist exclusive concern for principles of organisation. Image Source: images.flatworldknowledge.comThe human relations movement in industry began with the research of Elton Mayo and his associate in a series of studies carried out at the Hawthorne plant of the Western Electric Company between 1927 and 1932. The background of the Hawthorne experiments provides an interesting picture of the transition from scientific management to the early human relations movement. ADVERTISEMENTS: Mayo revealed that an organisation was more than a formal structure or arrangement of functions. He wrote that an organisation is a social system, a system of cliques, grapevines informal status systems rituals and a mixture of logical,…
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Essay on Douglas Mc Gregory’s X and Y Theory of Management

Douglas McGregor discussed the con­ventional view of management. He discussed three propositions of organisational require­ments. These are: Image Source: businessballs.comManagement is responsible for organizing the elements of productive enterprise money, materials, equipment and people in the interest of economic ends. ADVERTISEMENTS: With respect to people, this is a process of directing their efforts, motivating them, controlling their actions, modifying their behaviour to fit the heeds of the organization.Without the active intervention by management, people would be passive, even resistant to organisational needs. They must therefore be persuaded, rewarded, punished controlled and directed. He named this as theory X. Theory X explains traditional manager’s attitudes. According to this theory, McGregor assumes:(a) Men are indolent. They work as little as possible. ADVERTISEMENTS: (b) Men lack ambition, dislike responsibility and prefer to be…
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Essay on the Concept of Responsibility in an Organisation

The term responsibility is used in management literature in two different senses. Some writers have defined it as duty on task assigned to a subordinate by virtue of his position in the organisation. Image Source: images.tradingphrases.comAccording to M.E. Hurley, “Responsibility is the duty to which a person is bound by reason of his status or task. Such responsibility implies compliance with directives of the person making the initial delegation.” ADVERTISEMENTS: In a more comprehensive sense responsibility may be defined as the obligation of an individual to perform the duty assigned to him. According to Koontz and O Donnell, “Responsibility may be defined as the obligation of a subordinate, to whom duty has been assigned.”Responsibility is an obligation to perform certain functions and to achieve certain results. According to Davis, “Responsibility…
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