Essay on the Systems Approach in Modern Organization

Modern organization are given below:Modern organisation theory and practice views organisation as a system. Webster defines a system as a set for arrangements of things so related or connected as to form a unity or organic whole. A system is thus, unified whole having a number of inter-dependent parts or sub systems and it has identifiable boundaries that distinguish it from its surrounding environment, with which it interacts. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Thus in systems approach equal consideration is given to viz., the whole organisation as well as its component parts. Moreover if it is to survive the organisation must adjust to changes in the environment.Therefore, an organisation should be studied, not merely as a formal arrangement of superiors and subordinates or as a social system in which people influence…
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Essay on the Classical Theory of Scientific Management

Classical theory of scientific management are given below:Scientific management is developed by Taylor and his followers, was concerned with optimising effort at the shop or operative level. In contrast there developed a body of knowledge during the first half of the 20th century whose primary emphasis was on the establishing broad administrative principles applicable to the higher organisational levels. March and Simon refer to this body of knowledge as “administrative management theory”. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Other writers call it the ‘traditional or classical theory’, ‘management or structural theory’. The foremost proponents of this theory have been Henry Fayol, Luther Gullick, Lyndall Urwick, J.D. Mooney, A.C. Railey, M.R Follet and R. Shelton. These early classical writers frequently used organisation and management principles interchangeably. This was partially due to the extreme…
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Essay on the Linking Pin Model Theory of Organisation

Linking Pin Model are given below:So far, the discussion of the behavioural approach to organisation has raised a lot of criticism of classical thinkers but has not supplied many constructive solutions. Furthermore, the ideas of Barnard, Simon, Bakke and Argyris are themselves becoming out dated. For the most part, they formulated their theories two or even three decades ago. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Are these theories still relevant to today’s organisations? Can the behavioural organisation theorists present a structural model suitable for implementation in practice? The answer to both these questions can be found in the work done by Rensis Likert of the University of Michigan.The linking pin idea, although conceptually very simple, represents an actual model for organisation structure. It is based on the concept of every man’s functioning…
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Essay on the Importance of Esprit De Corps Principle

Importance of esprit de corps principle are given below:This principle emphasized the need for team work and the maintenance of interpersonal relationships. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: In their enthusiasm for scientism Gulick and Urwick laid down seven principles of administration that came to be expressed as ‘POSDCORB’. Each letter of the word stand for a different technique such as planning, organising, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting and budgeting.Another major contributor to the development of management thought during this period was Mary Parker Follett. Although she was a contemporary of the other administrative management theorists and set forth certain general principle as guide lines for practice, her approach was significantly different. She was unique in emphasizing the psychological and sociological aspects of management.She viewed management as a social process and the organization…
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Essay on the Limitations of Classical Organisations Theory

Behaviorally oriented organisation theorists are generally dissatisfied with the bureaucracy classical approach. From a human standpoint, March and Simon summarized five basic limitations of classical organisations theory: Image Source: i.ytimg.com1. The motivational assumptions are incomplete and inaccurate.2. Intra-organisational conflict is generally ignored. ADVERTISEMENTS: 3. Constraints placed on the human as a complex information-processing system are given little consideration.4. Little attention is given to the role of cognition in task identification and decision.5. The phenomenon of programme elaboration receives little emphasis.In other words, the classical organisation theories are much too simplistic and too mechanistic to handle the complex human element properly. ADVERTISEMENTS: The classical theories, moreover, are no longer relevant to many modern organisation. For the most part, these theories were predicated on the environment of the industrial revolution today’s technological…
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Essay on the Difference between Line and Staff Organisation

Different between Line and Staff Organisation are given below:Line and staff agencies are essential for the executive head of an organization to enable him to properly perform his duties. Though an effort is made to distinguish between the two, yet that distinction is more of degree rather than that of kind. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: The staff is of different kind and much is expected out of efficient and capable staff. There are also auxiliary services which the staff agencies are required to perform.These are also called House-keeping services and thus very much essential. Today both-line and staff, agencies, are drawing more and more attention because on their proper organization depends successful working of an organization, both, in the public and private, sectors.Line agency is responsible for the execution of…
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Short Essay on the Limits of the Span of Control in an Organisation

Another argument which states that a given organisation is efficient despite apparent infraction of the span of control and hence the principle is unnecessary and incorrect. Image Source: limits of the span of control are real and important restrictions. As a result, a careful balancing of the inefficiencies of levels against those of spans is necessary. Reducing the number of levels is not a cure for all administrative ills. ADVERTISEMENTS: Fayol advocated cross-communication as a means of co-ordinating departmental managers. Urwick support the same by stating that lower level people must be encouraged to develop maximum cross relationships among them. The official channels need not be the only avenues of communication. Excessive ‘red tape’ is easily avoided if cross communication is fostered within an organisation.Span is not a fable.…
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Short Essay on the Managerial Grid

Managerial Grid are given below:Robert Blake and Jane Mouton described various managerial styles through what is known as managerial grid. These styles ranged from extern task orientation. Task orientation means “concern for production” which includes the attitudes of a supervisor towards work, efficiency quality of the goods produced etc. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Relationship orientation means “concern for people”, maintenance of self-esteem of workers, provision of good working conditions and development of satisfying inter-personal relations. The 1.1 Managerial Style: It has been referred as “impoverished management under this style, manager has little interest either in the task or in the people. He marks his time. He would send the communication from the superiors to the subordinates and vice-versa. He has little involvement in the job. He lacks initiative when anything…
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Short Essay on the Opposition Made to the Scientific Management

Opposition made to the scientific management are given below:It is little wonder that Taylor and his followers were not without opposition and critics because the new approach involved a complete overhauling of traditional managerial practices. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Many managers resisted Taylor’s approach because they opposed his substitution of the scientific method and techniques for their own judgment and discretion. “Taylor had questioned their good judgment and superior ability which had been the subject of public celebration for many years. Hence, many employers regarded his methods as an unwarranted interference with managerial prerogatives”.Taylor’s scientific management was not only opposed by managers but by workers also. Workers were opposed to time study procedures and standardization of all aspects of their performance, as they did not like to be treated as…
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Short Essay on Scientific Management

The first systematic theory of organisation was formulated in the early years of the present century under the driving force of Frederick W. Taylor (1856-1915). An engineer by profession, he is regarded as the father of the scientific management. Image Source: i.ytimg.comTaylor was stimulated in his early thinking by a number of predecessors, particularly the American industrialist and engineer Henery R. Towne. ADVERTISEMENTS: Around the turn of nineteenth century, when the industrial revolution had reached a stage of maturity, the working conditions in the factories were chaotic. The work procedures were neither standardized nor well planned.Choice of methods of work was mainly left to the workers resulting in considerable adhoc planning and inefficiency It was mainly to fulfill this need and find ways to raise industrial productivity that Taylor came…
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