List of 71 Reflective Essay Topics

Huge Collection of Reflective Essay Topics for School and College Students. Image Source: i.ytimg.com1. Reflective Essay on Your Writing Skills2. Reflective Essay on Writing ADVERTISEMENTS: 3. Reflective Essay on Violence4. Reflective Essay on Summer Vacation5. Reflective Essay on Domestic Violence ADVERTISEMENTS: 6. Reflective Essay on University7. Reflective Essay on Urinary Tract Infection8. Reflective Essay on Understanding the Learner9. Reflective Essay on Pressure Ulcers ADVERTISEMENTS: 10. Reflective Essay on the Holocaust11. Reflective Essay on Teenage Relationships12. Reflective Essay on the Great Debaters13. Reflective Essay on To Kill a Mockingbird14. Reflective Essay on Sociology 15. Reflective Essay on Service Learning16. Reflective Essay on Skills17. Reflective Essay on Socialisation18. Reflective Essay on Racism19. Reflective Essay on Poetry20. Reflective Essay on Psychology21. Reflective Essay on Personality22. Reflective Essay on Obesity23. Reflective Essay on Mice…
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Essay on Current Scenario of Electrical Power in India

Electrical power is the most vital energy input for the industry, the household and the national economy India with a bursting populace of 110 million power hungry individuals is the leading nation among the developing countries concentrating on cost-effective power generation, transmission and distribution for her ever growing needs. Image Source: upload.wikimedia.orgThe history of electrical power in India is more than a century old. The British rule brought the electrical power generating stations in the late nineteenth century in Maharashtra. ADVERTISEMENTS: The first Prime Minister of India, the late Jawaharlal Nehru inaugurated the Bhakra Nangal dam in the late 1950s and thus laid the foundation of a power-rich country.The railway routes between New Delhi-Bombay (Mumbai) and New Delhi- Chennai were electrified during the sixties and remain operational till date. The…
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Essay on Retail Revolution in India

A retail revolution is taking its roots in India. Though a new phenomena, yet it is making fast strides and is visible everywhere. In a very short span of two years, it has exploded on the Indian firmament as a huge business opportunity.This vast multicultural country India is transforming from a socialist economy to a consumption led creative economy. Retailing in India is poised for boom time due to unprecedented surge in domestic consumption. Organised modern retail today forms around 9 per cent of total retail in the country. ADVERTISEMENTS: Changing demographic profiles, increasing income levels, changing lifestyles, urbanisation, technological advancements and liberalisation and globalisation have brought about a dramatic change in consumers aspirations choices, preferences and tastes as well.In this scenario when the population is ageing that is 50…
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Essay on the Research and Development in Indian Industry

With the establishment of the Indian Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, which had Research and Development by Industry (RDI) as one of its first schemes, the Council’s undertaking numerous activities in the field of industrial research provided a strong technological infrastructure to industry in the country.The Council’s activities covered a chain of national laboratories, specialised centres, various R&D and academic institutions and training centres. A scheme for granting recognition to in-house R&D units in industry operated by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research was initiated.The incentives and support measures made available to recognised in-house R&D units in industry were: (i) Income Tax relief on R&D expenditure, (ii) Weighted Tax Deduction for sponsored research, (iii) Customs Duty exemption on goods imported for use in government-funded R&D projects, (iv) Duty…
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Short Essay on the Expectancy Theory of Motivation

Famous psychologist Victor H. Varoom was one of the leading exponents of this theory of motivation. Varoom was of the view that people are motivated to do things to reach a goal if they believe in the worth of the goal and if they believe that what they do helps in achieving that. Image Source: 435729.medialib.glogster.comIn other words, people’s motivation towards doing anything is determined by the value they place on the outcome of their effort and also by the confidence they have their efforts are going to help in the achievement of the goal. Varoom has indicated that: ADVERTISEMENTS: Where force is the strength of a person’s motivation, valence is the strength of an individual’s preference for an outcome, and expectancy is the probability that a particular action will…
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Essay on the AH Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory of Motivation

Maslow presented a hierarchy of needs ranging from the basic physical requirements to the complex need of self actualisation. According to Maslow, “Man is motivated in accordance with his needs, once his lower needs are satisfied; he strives to satisfy the higher ones”. Image Source: i.ytimg.comThe needs, propounded by Maslow, may be discussed as follows: Physiological Needs: ADVERTISEMENTS: These are the basic needs of food, shelter, clothing, rest and sex. Men cannot live without the satisfaction of these needs. However, when these needs are satisfied he will strive to satisfy next higher needs. Safety Needs: When physiological needs are satisfied man strives for the safety needs. These needs pertain to the man’s need to be free from any danger which is concerned with his present or future life.He wants his…
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A Short Speech on Public Sector in India

Since independence, the public sector in India has been guided by the Industrial Policy Resolution of 1956, which had as its objective the acceleration of the rate of economic growth and speeding up of the industrialisation as means of achieving the socialist pattern of society.The size of the public sector in India is indeed very large. It includes government departments and its companies whether in the Union or state sector, irrigation and power projects, railways, posts and telegraphs, ordnance factories and other departmental undertakings, banking, insurance, financial and other services. The focus here was on the Central public enterprises established as government companies or statutory corporations excluding banking units. ADVERTISEMENTS: The logic behind public sector undertakings was that private entrepreneurs were always in search of profit and this motive urged…
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Essay on the Power Resources of India (1493 Words)

The country’s coal resources are placed at about 112 billion tonnes. But these are unevenly distributed, mostly occurring in the eastern and central parts of the country.The present rate of coal raising which is about 1400 million tonnes per annum is required to go up to about 1700 million tonnes by the year 2010. Assuming 50 per cent recovery of the reserves in the ground, the depletion time will only be about 120 years. ADVERTISEMENTS: Moreover, the ash in Indian coal is highly abrasive and poses serious problems to power plant equipments. Coal prices over the last 15 years have been rising at a faster rate than general inflation and this trend is likely to continue in future. Coming to the environmental aspects of burning coal for power generation, it…
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Essay on Organization (310 Words)

Every organization carries on its objectives with the help of various persons engaged in fulfilling the different tasks of the organisation. The diversity of tasks in the organisation necessitates division of work in accordance with the principles of division of labour. Image Source: humcapinc.comA government organisation in every country is divided into a number of departments, services and agencies, which are further sub-divided into administrative units to facilitate work. ADVERTISEMENTS: In orders to see that these various units, agencies and departments work in harmony with each other co-ordination becomes necessary. Co-ordination is the first principle of organisation; it is also the first principle of management.It is thus, a very important problem in modern administration. In the words of White, “Co-ordination is the adjustment of the functions of the parts to…
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Essay on Communication (1129 Words)

Here is your 1129 words essay on communication for school and college students:Communication can be defined as a process whereby some message is defined and shared between living organisms. Communication requires a sender, a message, and an intended recipient, although the receiver need not be present or aware of the sender’s intent to communicate at the time of communication.Thus, communication can occur across vast distances in time and space. Communication requires that the communicating parties share an area of communicative commonality. The communication process is complete once the receiver has understood the sender. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Communication as an academic discipline, relates to all the ways we communicate, so it embraces a large body of study and knowledge.The communication discipline includes both verbal and non-verbal messages. A body of…
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