Essay on Water Conservation (459 Words)
Here is your Essay on the Water Conservation!Water occurs naturally in gaseous, solid and liquid phases ; man’s use of it is nearly all concerned with the last state and is also dominated by his demand for water relatively low in dissolved salts, i.e., freshwater. image source: ADVERTISEMENTS: Two Russian geographers and hydrologists, Kalinin and Bykov (1969) have estimated world’s total water resoÂurces. Of 1.46 ? 109 cubic kilometers of water in the world, 93 per cent is in the oceans, 4-1 per cent is in the earth’s crust, 2.0 per cent is in glaciers and polar ice caps, and only 0 052 per cent is in fresh-water lakes, rivers, and atmospheric moisture.The annual production of freshwater by evaporation and precipitation is estiÂmated to be 37,000 cubic kilometers. At…