India's Population Growth from 1901 to 2011 – Complete Information

India has the second largest population in the world. In March 2011, the total population of India was 1,21,01,93,422 accounting for about 17.64 per cent of the world population.The growth trend of Indian population between 1901-2011 has been plotted below:- 1. Birth and Death Rates: Birth and death rates in India are high compared to most countries in the world. Birth rate refers to number of children born per 1,000 persons in a year. Death rate connotes the number of people dying per 1,000 persons in a year. Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: When it is said that birth rate in India is 23, it means every year 23 children are born per thousand persons, on an average. The percentage decadal growth during 2001-2011 has registered the sharpest decline since independence.…
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What is the importance of Western Ghats?

Western Ghats are chains of hills that run along western edge of peninsular India. They receive high rain fall due to their proximity to ocean and through orographic effect. Covering only 5% of India’s land surface, Ghats’s harbour more than 4000 (including 1800 endemic) plant species. Nilgiri langur, lion tailed macaque, Nilgiri tahr, Malabar grey hornbill and most amphibian species are endemic.It constitutes the Malabar province of Oriental realm. Nearly 77% of amphibians 0.2% of reptitles found here are not reported anywhere else (Biswas and Panwar, 2006) and biogeographically affinities to the Malaya region are evident. Sibynophis snakes, purple frog and Sri Lankan lizard, Nessia appears to be similar to Madagascar genus Acontias, Numerous floral links to Madagascar region also exist. Out of 49,219 recorded Indian plant species, 1600 endemic…
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6 Important Methods for Conservation of Wildlife in India

The important methods adopted for conservation of wildlife in India are described below: 1. Habitat management: This indicates ecological study of habits and habitats of wildlife species, protection, preservation and improvement of habitats, census and statistical data regarding species to be conserved, etc. Image Source: 2. Establishment of protected area: ADVERTISEMENTS: Establishment of national parks, wildlife reserves, sanctuaries, zoological garden etc. serves many purposes:(i) To conserve species in their wild state.(ii) To provide scientific, educational and recreational opportunities and(iii) To earn revenue by attracting tourists. In India, at present, there are 89 National parks and 496 sanctuaries constituted under Wildlife (Protection,) Act, 1972. These are now spread over 25 states and 3 Union Territories. Total area covered by these protected places is approximately 1, 83,000 sq. km. ADVERTISEMENTS: There…
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“In situ” and “Ex situ” Conservation in India

In situ Conservation in India: India encompasses at present 89 national parks and 496 sanctuaries (MoEF, 2001) covering an area of 1.83 lakhs sq km. Tura Range in Garo Hills of Meghalaya is a gene sanctuary for conserving rich native biodiversity. Image Source: apps.ifpindia.orgSanctuaries for rhododendrons and orchids have been established in Sikkim. The Ministry of Environment and Forests constituted National Afforestation and Eco- development Board (NAEB). ADVERTISEMENTS: NAEB has evolved schemes for promoting afforestation. Twelve biodiversity rich areas are designated as Biosphere Reserves (BR). Nilgiri BR has been recently added to International Network of Biosphere Reserves. Kaziranga NP, Keoladeo Ghana NP, Manas WLS, Nanda Devi NP and Sunderbans NP are World Heritage Sites. Project Tiger, initiated in 1973 presently cover 27 tiger reserves in 14 states with a total…
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9 Different Types of Business Reports

Reports are of various types. They could be big or small, individual or group, routine or special, formal or informal, interim or final. An illustrative list of various kinds of business reports is presented below:1. Routine reports such as monthly report, performance report, review report and press report2 Research reports, survey reports and special reports Image Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: 3. Enquiry reports and Investigation reports4. Confidential reports5. Information reports and Analytical reports ADVERTISEMENTS: 6. Technical reports7. Directors’ reports8. Annual reports9. Committee reports ADVERTISEMENTS: Viewed from another angle, reports can also be classified/as either individual reports or group/committee reports or interim and final reports. While individual reports may be drafted or written by the person concerned, other reports submitted by study groups, working groups and committees are written with the help…
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5 Distinct Characteristics of Business Communication

Business Communication
Business communication is distinct from personal communication as it has a different set of objectives. In order to understand the essentials of effective business communication, one has to have a fair idea of the world of business itself. In the following paragraphs, we shall be discussing various characteristics and features of business so that the needs of business communication become clear.Any business has certain distinct characteristics. These set it apart from other activities such as personal affairs, religion and charity. Characteristics 1. Profit Motive: Any business is known by its commercial character, i.e., the profit motive. At the end of the day, every business looks at its net earning. It looks for a healthy bottom line, i.e., reasonable profits and generally not exorbitant profits. Image Source: carta.fiu ADVERTISEMENTS: There may…
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The provisions of the Limitation Act for computation of the period of limitation in the case of persons under legal disability

A. Section 6 of the Limitation Act excuses an insane person, a minor and an idiot to’ file a suit or make an application for the execution of decree within the time prescribed by the Limita­tion Act and enable him to file the suit or make an application after the disability has ceased counting the prescribed period (period presented in the third column of– the schedule attached to the Limitation Act).It does not refer to any other period, prescribed or provided in any other Act from the date on which the disability ceased. If one disability supervenes on another disability one disability is followed by another without leaving a gap, the suit or application for execution may be filed after both disabilities have ceased to exist.If the disability or disabi­lities…
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7 Types of Business Correspondence that a Business Letter Writer should be well versed

Business Communication
Businesses are of numerous types. They may be big or small, old or new, local or national, public or private, proprietary or partnership, monopolistic or competitive and manufacturing or service units. Image Source: hwritenwrite.comNevertheless, by and large, all these businesses have certain common concerns and approaches within any given business environment. They deal with people internally as well as externally. They have their stakeholders in owners, employees, customers and the community. ADVERTISEMENTS: Businesses are also organized into various functional areas such as personnel, marketing, sales, purchase, accounts, and administration and secretarial. Business letters are of a wide variety and emanate from all these sources.Similarly, people who deal with these businesses also correspond with all these departments at some stage or other. To be able to correspond effectively with all these…
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8 Most Important Objectives of Business Communication

Business Communication
Objectives of Business Communication are as follows: Image Source: 1. Inform: The first and foremost objective of any communication is to inform. In today’s world, information is power. Communication brings power through information. The dissemination of information covers a wide range of areas, both internal and external. ADVERTISEMENTS: People within the organization have to be kept informed about the organizational goals, objectives, procedures, processes, systems, plans, priorities and strategies. Equally important is the objective of ensuring effective external communication—with customers, prospects, competitors, suppliers and the public, about products, services, plans, happenings, events and achievements.The information needs within the organization take on different nomenclatures—market-related information, product-related information, client-related information, employee information, executive information and management information. 2. Educate: Another objective of communication in an organization is to educate, i.e., to…
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Importance of Communication During the Changes in Business Organization

Case Study
Change, it is said, is the only constant in life. This is true as much for business organizations as it is for individuals. In the dynamic context in which every business operates, nothing remains static. Image Source: communicationtheory.orgBusinesses which do not prepare themselves for change do so at their own peril. That is why progressive business organizations not only adopt themselves to change, but in fact anticipate change and be in a state of preparedness to respond quickly and effectively. They are not merely reactive, but indeed proactive. ADVERTISEMENTS: The dynamics of change is a reality and certainty that every market player has to recognize and factor in their functioning. Business communicators should be well aware of this dimension.When we talk of change management here, we are referring to not…
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