Quantitative and Qualitative Approach to Evaluate Success of an Event Implementation

We have discussed earlier that the impact an event has on its target audience is equivalent to the measure of reach and interaction that occur during the event. Whereas reach is tangible, interaction to a certain extent is intangible as well as not always quantifiable.Immediate and long-term benefits that accrue from an event are important when evaluating an event from the clients’ point of view.A cost-benefit analysis concerning the effectiveness of reach and interaction is a must as a pre-event activity. Post-event stock taking activity should be done to confirm whether the event has occurred as per plans. kamloopsthisweek.com ADVERTISEMENTS: This analysis should consider the actual cost of the event that includes the non-budgeted expenditure as well as the actual benefits that accrued to the client from the event. The…
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4 Phases that an organization should adopt for an effective Knowledge Management system

Decision Making
Phases that an organization should adopt for an effective Knowledge Management system are:1. Awakening phase (Pre-implementation phase)2. Actionable phase (Design & development phase) ADVERTISEMENTS: 3. Implementation phase (Deployment phase)4. Maintenance & ‘measurement phase (Post-implementation phase) brucerosenstein.com Awakening Phase (Pre-implementation phase): Review of organizational mission/vision statements for any KM initiatives to succeed, it has to be synchronized with the organizational vision. ADVERTISEMENTS: Hence, it is a recommended practice to flag off the KM initiative by reviewing the organizational mission/vision and understands how a KM initiative can help the organization realize its objectives. The associated implementation scope can also be gauged.In case an organization cannot establish a strong case for commencing a KM initiative, the plan should be outright abandoned.Organizational mission statement The Mission Statement declares “why” an organization exists, and is…
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4 Important Branches of Public Finance–Explained!

Public finance is broadly divided into four branches. These are Public Expenditure, Public Revenue, Public Debt and Financial Administration.Under Public Expenditure, we study the various principles, effects and problems of expenditure made by the public authorities.Under the branch of Public Revenue, we study the various ways of raising revenues by the public bodies. We also study the principles and effects of taxation and how the burden of taxation is distributed among the various classes in the society. previews.123rf.com ADVERTISEMENTS: Public Debt is the study of the various principles and methods of raising debts and their economic effects. It also deals with the methods of repayment and management of public debt.The branch of Financial Administration deals with the methods of budget preparation, various types of budgets, war finance, development finance, etc.Need…
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4 Qualitative Methods of Credit Control Used by the Reserve Bank

The qualitative or selective methods of credit control are adopted by the Reserve Bank in its pursuit of economic stabilization and as part of credit management.1. Margin Requirements: Changes in margin requirements are designed to influence the flow of credit against specific commodities. The commercial banks generally advance loans to their customers against some security or securities offered by the borrowers and acceptable to banks. ADVERTISEMENTS: More generally, the commercial banks do not lend upto the full amount of the security but lend an amount less than its value.The margin requirements against specific securities are determined by the Reserve Bank. A change in margin requirements will influence the flow of credit. A rise in the margin requirements results in a contraction in the borrowing value of the security and similarly,…
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9 Major Criticisms Against the International Monitoring Fund (IMF)

The IMF has been severely criticised by academics, politicians, and public-interest groups. Much of the criticism is serious and well intentioned.First, the IMF today is not as strong as it was a few years ago. “The US’ abandonment, in 1971, of the fixed exchange rate system managed by the IMF heralded an abrupt erosion of its authority.”Second, it has failed to strongly warn emerging market countries of the dangers of liberalizing their restrictions on domestic financial activities and international capital flows without prior actions to strengthen their financial institutions and establish appropriate frameworks. Image Source: static.independent.co.uk ADVERTISEMENTS: Third, the IMF attached austere conditions to its loans and did not pay more attention to growth and income distribution, i.e., poverty reduction.Fourth, the IMF is also criticised for relying on a highly…
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The Evolution and Development of Human Rights – Essay

The evolution of human rights dates back over a hundred of years. Many multilateral treaties on human rights arose out of war. In the wake of Second World War, before the creation of United Nation in 1945, significant progress in protecting human rights has been made.In the field of International Law-the oldest branch of human rights is protecting human rights in armed conflict and to relieve human sufferings. The birth of human rights is started with the Geneva Convention in 1864, in which the International Red Cross was officially recognized.Hague Convention in 1899 and 1907 and Second Geneva Convention in 1906, as it continued the law of warfare. In 1899, the permanent Court of International Justice was established in Hague. During the first half of 20th century League of Nations,…
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4 Main Challenges Encountered on the Implementation of Human Rights

Main challenges of implementation of human rights are given below:(a) The challenge of well being. The international Human rights has worked to ensure well being, understood rights of liberty life and security. This Human rights are basically related to welfare of citizen by combating torture slavery, arbitrary arrest, discrimination poverty et. And to provide basic amenities like right to food, clothing shelter, education etc. to fulfill the basic needs of people is one of challenge of well being. More people are affected by poverty and child dies of starvation is as much denial of Human rights.(b) The challenge is about ‘respect’. This is the starting and ending of Human rights. The Human rights are rights given to each and every individual without any discrimination on the bases of six, religion,…
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11 Main Features of the Foreign Trade Policy of India

The massive trade liberalisation measures adopted after 1991 mark a major departure from the relatively protectionist trade policies pursued in earlier years.The current trade policy reforms seem to have been guided mainly by the concerns over globalisation of the Indian economy, improving competitiveness of its industry, and adverse balance of payments situation. Main features of trade policies (trade reforms) since 1991 are as follows: ADVERTISEMENTS: 1. Free Imports and Exports: Substantial simplification and liberalisation has been carried out in the reform period. The tariff line wise import policy was first announced on March 31, 1996 and at that time itself 6,161 tariff lines were made free. newcenturypublications.comTill March 2000, this total had gone up to 8,066. The Exim Policy 2000-01 removed quantitative restrictions on 714 items and the Exim Policy…
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7 Main Features of the New Industrial Policy of India

The government announced a New Industrial Policy on July 24, 1991. This new policy deregulates the industrial economy in a substantial manner.The major objectives of the new policy are to build on the gains already made, correct the distortions or weaknesses that might have crept in, maintain a sustained growth in productivity and gainful employment, and attain international competitiveness. In pursuit of these objectives, the government announced a series of initiatives in the new industrial policy as outlined below: Image Source: historydiscussion.net 1. Abolition of Industrial Licensing: ADVERTISEMENTS: In a major move to liberalise the economy, the new industrial policy abolished all industrial licensing irrespective of the level of in vestment except for certain industries related to security and strategic concerns, and social reasons.Now there are only 6 industries for…
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Short Essay on Amitabh Bachchan

The popular Bollywood film star celebrated his 67th birthday in October, 2009, and received unprecedented accolades from not only the film industry but also from those not connected with the films. He has now emerged as one of highest paid film stars in the country. His income from the brand advertisements on the small screen is stupendous.His fortunes had dipped on account of successive flops and losses in business, but were lifted spectacularly by the popular TV show, “Kaun Banega Crorepati”. His wax figure has been displayed in Madam Tussaud’s museum in London. Politically, he has aligned himself with the Samajwadi Party of Mulayam Singh Yadav and Amar Singh in Jan 2010, he was getting closer to Narendra Modi the Gujarat Chief Minister. ADVERTISEMENTS: His wife Jaya Bachchan is now…
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