3 Most Important Function and Organisational Set-Up of World Tourism Organisation

WTO permanent activities include the collection and updating of available information on training needs and special activities include participation in technical cooperation projects for vocational training. Through its international centre for Advanced Tourism Studies (CIEST), it provides a comprehensive range of vocational training and permanent education programmes by correspondence and residential study circles.WTO functions through its various organs. The responsibilities of these organs are well defined within the framework of the organization. The three main organs through which the WTO functions are:(a) General Assembly ADVERTISEMENTS: (b) Executive Council(c) The Secretariat magnificentmaharashtra.files.wordpress.com (a) General Assembly: The General Assembly is the supreme organ of the organization. It is also the sovereign body of the WTO. The General Assembly is composed of delegates representing full members, associate members and representatives of Affiliate Members.…
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11 Sure-Fire Ways to Write Request Letters

Below you will discover 11 Sure-Fire Ways to Write amazing Request Letters: 1. Request for Replacement of Cheque on Pending Order 2. Request for Refund of Duplicate Payment 3. Request for Payment, Credit Line Exceeded 4. Request for Payment of Unearned Discounts 5. Request for New Employee Insurance Coverage 5. Request for New Employee Insurance Coverage 7. Request for Item Missing from Carton 8. Request for Instructions on Deferred Collections 9. Request for Instructions on Parts-Only Warranty Repair 10. Request for Instructions on Parts-Only Warranty Repair 11. Request for Listing of Employees to Be Tested. 1. Request for Replacement of Cheque on Pending Order Dear (Name),This to acknowledge that we receipt your cheque for your pending order. Thank you very much. ADVERTISEMENTS: Unfortunately, this cheque is not drawn in accordance…
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What is the Procedure for Attachment of Salary or Allowances of Private Employees in India?

The attachment shall be made by making an order that the amount shall, subject to the provisions of Section 60 of the Code (property not liable to attachment and sale in execution of a decree), be withheld from such salary or allowances either in one payment or by monthly instalments. The disbursing officer shall then withhold and remit to the court the amount due under the order or the monthly instalment, as the case may be. (O. 21, R. 48).Attachment of salary of private employees.—Order 21, R. 48-A of the Code of Civil Procedure provides that where the property to be attached is the salary or allowances of an employee to whom rule 48 applies, (viz., a servant of the Government, a railway company or local authority or a servant…
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30 Objective Type (MCQ) Questions with Answers on the Forest Society in India

1. Which one of the following is not a local name of shifting cultivation?(A) Dhya(B) Kumri ADVERTISEMENTS: (C) Podu(D) Rai2. Where was the Imperial Forest Research Institute set up in 1906?(A) Delhi ADVERTISEMENTS: (B) Bangalore(C) DehradunD) Bastar Image Source: slate.com ADVERTISEMENTS: 3. Which one of the following is the local name of shifting cultivation in Central America?(A) Lading(B) Milpa(C) Chena(D) Podu 4. The ‘Scorched earth’ policy in Java was followed by the:(A) Japanese(B) British(C) Dutch(D) French5. When was the Indian Forest Service set up by Brandish?(A) 1863(B) 1864(C) 1865(D) 18666. Who among the following was the first Inspector General of Forests in India?(A) Dietrich Brandis(B) John Dawson(C) Nagurunderi(D) None of the above7. How many percent of world forest area was cleared for industrial uses, cultivation, pastures and fuel wood between…
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4 Phases of Leadership as Suggested by Huber and West–Discussed!

Huber and West (2002) delineate the following phases of leadership: Phases (1) The first phase is the personality or trait theory of leadership, whereby successful leaders are seen as possessing particular qualities and characteristics typical of good leaders. The personality theory focuses on great men and women leaders in history, for example: Mahatma Gandhi, Mandela, Churchill and Thatcher.Leaders are expected to study the lives of these leaders and then attempt to emulate their behaviours and attitudes. Many of these great leaders vary tremendously and copying their behaviours is an almost impossible task. volleycall.files.wordpress.com ADVERTISEMENTS: (2) The second phase includes examining what good leaders actually do. In this phase, certain traits are believed to relate to successful leadership. However, empirical studies have not established a definite link between particular traits, or…
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4 Major Areas of Responsibility that Distinguish Each Dimension of Institutional Effectiveness

Since an educational institution is expected to perform a variety of functions, its effectiveness has to be measured using multiple dimensions. Institutions must not only attain the goals of teaching and learning but must do so efficiently and in a manner that keeps faculty morale high, order in the institution and peace in the community.Sergiovanni, Burlingame, Coombs and Thurstone (1987), have identified four major critical responsibility areas of an institution and their respective dimensions as follows: (A) Goal Attainment The dimensions of institutional effectiveness within this critical responsibility area include: st2.depositphotos.com ADVERTISEMENTS: (i) Productivity is measured in terms of the extent to which students, teachers and institutions accomplish outcomes or services intended.(ii) Quality refers to the level and quality of attainments, performance, outcomes and services of individuals and the institution.(iii)…
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500 Word Essay on the Comparative Between Two Types of Foreign Direct Investment

The term ‘foreign direct investment’ (FDI) covers some specific forms of inter-country capital transfers. Under FDI, capital moves from one country to another not in the form of loans but in the form of business investment.When capital is transferred in the form of loans, the creditor runs the risk of a partial or full default by the borrower. However, given this risk, the lender’s future income is certain or pre-determined. In contrast, in FDI, the investor faces market risks and uncertainties.Return on FDI depends, amongst others, upon the success of the enterprise in which investment has been made. Consequently, it can be nil or even negative. skbdevelopers.com ADVERTISEMENTS: It is conventional to make a distinction between two forms of foreign direct investment of which the term FDI is conventionally used…
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How to Write A Complain Letter to the Telephone Department? – Answered!

From (Company Name) (Address) (Date)To The General Manager, (Company Name) (Address) ADVERTISEMENTS: Dear Sir,I want to bring to your kind notice the unsatisfactory working of our (Telephone No.) ____________. We have lodged a number of complaints but to no avail. It has not been working properly for the last one month. Either the phone becomes dead or otherwise it works one way only. So, we are facing a number of problems resulting into major losses in business. Image Source: fonolo.comIn such circumstance, I request you to direct your staff to take a prompt action in the matter.Yours sincerely, (Your Name)
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India’s Two Most Important Nuclear Research Reactor Centers

India’s most important nuclear Research Reactor centers are given below: 1. Dhruva: India’s largest research reactor designed and developed by Mumbai’s Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, became critical in 1985 testifying to the capacity of our scientists to enrich tradition with their own talent. Work on the 100 MW (thermal) heavy water-cooled and moderated natural uranium metal reactors began in 1973. ADVERTISEMENTS: It was ready for commissioning by the middle of 1985 but a technical hitch and its creators’ insistence of “ensuring 100 per cent safety” delayed the announcement of their hour of triumph by over a year.This landmark in our atomic research is particularly exciting because it would give a fresh fillip to the production of isotopes like iodine 131, chromium 51 and molybdenum 99 providing better facilities for medical…
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10 Most Important Objectives of Accounting?

Accounting can be defined as the systematic recording, reporting of financial transactions of a business and a person who manages the accounts of any company or financial institution is called an accountant.The main purpose of accounting is to allow a company to analyze its statistical data’s and prepare its financial accounts.There are certain objectives of accounting. They are the following: I. To Maintain Systematic Records: ADVERTISEMENTS: Accounting keeps the systematic records of all the financial transactions of a company or any financial institution. Proper decision making and analysis of profits are impossible if records are not maintained systematically in a company. Even tracking previous transactions or remembering the minute detail of a transaction would be impossible without maintaining these records. II. Estimating Profit and Loss: It is impossible to estimate…
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